That head is amazing! I've got a decent Paladin Mech deck and I'm considering crafting that one to go with it.
I was able to buy 17 packs with the gold that I had saved. I was starting to get bummed that I wasn't going to get any legendaries and then in one pack I got both Hemel Nesingwary and Dr Boom!
But you have to have that Voltron head and three other mechs alive at the start of your next turn. It will never happen. Your opponent will derail that combo every time. Even if you have a taunt and three other mechs out. I hope I'm wrong.
If you've made a Mech deck, like I did, then you won't have any problem having a ton of Mechs out there, especially with how cheap most are. I opened 24 packs and have enough Mechs to make a Paladin deck using only Mech minions (plus that one gnome that gets +1/+1 and spare parts if a Mech is present).
Keeping your mechs stick a turn may be tricky, but it does look possible. For Paladins: Divine shields (coghammers, maybe argent protectors), Noble Sacrifice, Redemption, Arcane Nullifier X-21 (taunt that can't be targetted), Harvest Golems. Having a Junkbot or even a Cult Master may also prevent your opponent from killing your mechs just yet. You may also be able to get some stealthing Spare Parts. Mages can use freezes to prevent combat while building up Voltron, forcing opponent to use only their limited spells to prevent Voltron from happening. Rogue can potentially use conceals as well. Better yet, you can use these mechs (including the Head) to bait out removal so that your other win conditions can be played safely.
I was using Annoy-o-Tron, Clockwork Gnome, Harvest Golem, Mechwarper, Micro Machine, Cobalt Guardian, Antique Healbot and Shielded Minibot, along with all the protection / healing / buffing stuff Paladin's have. It really isn't hard having 3 minions alive at any time. And since he counts as one of those three Mech's required - that's not hard to pull off.
On reddit, a guy opened voljin, golden gallowyx and juggernaught (?spelling on all hehe) in one freaking pack. Yes, average is 1 in 20. A guy on reddit also bought 128 packs and got 3 legendaries only. Shrinkmeister, shadow madness and cabal = no more dead cards in hand. And freaking voljin is pretty broken. I just want to complete my warrior deck which is easy since i have 10k dust available. Iron juggernaught and shieldmaiden for now.
I think Shieldmaidens are OP. Warriors dont have mid-late game minions that can be played anytime they want, and this one is the perfect minion because with the 5 shield bonus, you wont worry as much about an enemy minion or two when putting the maiden down. At 6 mana, maiden+shield slam looks like a huge tempo swing. I dont think Juggernauts are that necessary YET on control warriors. On the other hand, i think Troggzor is PERFECT for the deck. Troggzor played on an empty board will win games.
Has anyone else gotten tons of duplicates from about fifteen packs or less? This happenned to me last night. I'm thinking that I'm a victim of a bug. I was curious if anybody thinks this seems normal.
Well the pool of cards we could get from the packs are less then the classic packs so I think thus is normal
Question for pros out there, any clue HOW they match folk for Casual Play? I had long believed it was something as simple as giving your deck a score based on combined card rarities but then my friend told me last night he played a casual game with his deck containing 1 legendary and his opponent had at least 4 legendaries if not more.
It seems random to me, I don't even have a card back and I've been paired with gold heroes with piles of special and legendary cards
Juggernaught is fun, i replaced geddon for it. Will have to see. I love maiden especially so a late game shield slam can still have purpose. As well as additional armor which allows me to add gorehowl also and eat more hard to kill minions. Opened 40 packs and got tons of dups. Including 8 snowchugger and 6 flamecannons. I didnt hceck the rest but got 550 dust for the dups. Based on experience, its easier to play on rank, except rank 5 up. I do my quest in ranked mode since casual seems to be harder. Sadly i am unsure as to how thet match casual.
Yeah... Aggro will still be running rampant but i dont think Geddon is necessary, so his slot is better given to Juggernaut. One beauty of the Juggernaut that i just realized is that the bomb ignores Ice Block. I opened 30 packs today (2x15 packs, coz i got gifted $20 in my paypal account so i couldnt merge that with my $20, so i just went for it) and got 4 legends lol. Unfortunately, one of the 15-pack set i bought was from the core set. On the bright side, i got an Onyxia and a duplicate Ysera off it. Sorta like a consolation prize for buying the wrong set of packs since i intended to buy GvG. I guess im happy with the 15-Pack GvG coz i got Voljin and Gahzrilla off of those. And as for dupes, it's common. So far i have opened 25 GvG packs, and I already have 7 Warbots, 5 Druid of the Fangs, 5 Goblin Auto-Barbers, 4 Crackles, 4 Ogre Brutes, 4 Piloted Shredders, and a handful of 3-ofs. I wont disenchant any of them yet coz im not seeing a trend in the new meta yet, so im not sure which ones to craft.
Still waiting for this to be released on iPhone. I've been looking up the new cards on the wiki and I can't wait to play this game again.
In 2 separate games today, my Bouncing Blades killed a full life Ysera, and a voidcalled Jaraxxus. Loving this card right now that im thinking of taking a second copy in my control warrior.
A lot of people are making mistakes buying packs, and i think its because people are just too excited. When i bought mine, i retried for like 3 times ensuring i was correct. In anyway, dust can still craft gvg cards. You are also somewhat lucky with ratio of legendary with the packs you have. I crafted shieldmaiden and juggernaught for now, while trying to build a mech tempo rogue with Allister. Too early to tell right now, so wont be crafting anything else except voljin.
Yeah. Unstable Portal's pretty broken. It's that "-3 to cost" effect that made sure this card is broken as hell. I realized this potential when i was playing in the free arena pass where i played a turn 2 portal into a turn 3 Boulderfist Ogre who swung 3 times in the opponent's face before he conceded. Bouncing Blades is awesome in a way that it doesnt need an activator card/effect like Shield Slam, Execute or Crush do. All it needs is a condition that any single minion on the board will die to it, even if it has Divine Shield. Twas amazing to see it hit Ysera 12 times and Jaraxxus 15 times.