Its the EXACT same game on iPad .... if something happens on the PC version, it'll happen on the iPad version too.
When are the nerfs applied? Definitely dusting Leeroy... not sure exactly what I'll get instead but at least I'll have the option... worst case I can buy Leeroy back again if I decide I still want him! The only 'useful' legendaries I don't have now are: Archmage, Al'Akir, Harrison & Alexstrasza. The obvious choice would be Alexstrasxa but I'm actually thinking long and hard about Harrison Jones... Opinions?! Jamie
Maybe a silly question: Can I/Should I basically dust any card I have more than 2 of since you can't put more than 2 in a deck? Is there any reason why I'd want to keep/save 3 or more of a card? Thanks in advance.
I thought they were already applied to PC but I guess it's Sept 22. Leroy is still a viable card if you play it right, doesn't play the same role but still packs a punch.
If you only care about having enough for a deck, you can freely dust them. However when cards are nerfed, they can be dusted for the full amount required to craft them for a short time. So the reason to wait would be that if some of your extras get nerfed in the future, you'd get more dust. Personally I'd only keep extras when they're expensive and there is at least some chance they might be nerfed. If the card is useless or even fair then maybe it's not worth waiting for a nerf indefinitely if you could use the dust to craft something else you'd actually play.
I read a strategy about this. It made a lot of sense to me. It goes like this: The value of crafting dust that you have saved up will not go up or down. The value of crafting dust will stay constant. The value of un-dusted cards on the other hand, will never go down. But it has a very small chance of going up. When Blizzard nerfs a card you can disenchant it for the full cost of crafting it. So if you had saved up 7 copies of a card, and then the card gets nerfed, you could then DE the cards for much more dust than you would have gotten if you DE them as you received them. If you want to craft a card, all you have to do is go to the crafting mode and look in the lower right corner of the screen. There is a little icon there that will tell you how much your duplicates are worth. In my opinion, legendaries are the only cards worth crafting. That's because it's so rare to find them, and when you do it's even more rare to be a card that you want.
My free 30 days of war of warcraft I got form playing hearthstone ends in less then 12 hrs It was fun playing warrior so I think I go build a warrior deck when I get back to playing hearthstone
If anyone wants to play, my ID is Bromageddon I promise no zoolock or fireballs. I'm only skill lvl 18 I think. My name is Keith Mathewson. Luckily my best friend Plays, but no one else I know does... juSt moved from Los Angeles to portland OR in case anyone wants to start a fireside! I'd prob post this on a blizzard forum, but I'm more of an iOS gamer..
What's you guys' most hated class to get matched up against? I'd have to say mine is priest. Can't help but feeling like they "cheat" with all of the copying cards from your deck, healing, and set-up card draws. I hate them.
I hate them all when I'm playing against them! But in all seriousness, I hate Mage the most. Stupid magic... I have the hardest time against that class.
I have to say I feel the same way. A guy beat me with my legendary card. That always stings. No way he had it he stole it from me, right?
Yeah i hate priests the most. They arent the strongest class, but they sure can pull off something crazy pretty consistently.
Oh my it was a very good season opener for me indeed. Just beaten StrifeCro on the ladder.. Can't wait to watch his match this weekend.. He's the captain of my fantasy team.
Woh... Epic achievement man! I love watching esports tourneys and strifecro's definitely someone to watch in hearthstone.
Where do you see what tourneys are running and when? And how do you watch these? Is this all via Twitch?
Either twich or youtube take your pick. Here's the youtube channel I subscribed to This weekend is the north american regional qualifiers for the world championships.
Yup cloud9 is definitely my favorite team, those guys are very good to watch.. It was the battle of the nerfed decks LOL.. I was using miracle rogue and he was using the new trendy hunter-rattle.
I've wondered since Hearthstone was first released why they didn't add Deathknights and Monks as playable characters. I'm hoping that they add them in a future patch.
I've actually done that as priest before. I stole a legendary that I don't own and it helped me to win. I HATE playing against hunters. Priests are also annoying. I hate the snooty voice of the priest. I also hate playing against the same hero twice in a row. (Especially hunter) It even sometimes feels like I'm playing against the exact same deck even though it's a different opponent. (Especially hunter)