Is there a way to have more than 9 custom decks saved on the ios version? So far that's all I can keep saved. Have I just not hit the right achievement yet? Or is that all you get on ios. I'm pretty sure that you can have more than that on the PC.
Dang i feel like Warriors are really outclassed right now in the new meta. The current meta is all about getting your minions as sticky as possible, which is why "durable" minions are currently kings. Sure control decks are still annoying, but current aggro/midrange decks just have a lot of sticky minion options now, and more ways to keep them even stickier. Having to use board clears only to easily be recovered in the next turn just hurts control too much. That said, i am having a decent (not so good, but has more wins than losses so far) success with midrange warrior, but my control warrior was just struggling to even maintain a 3:2 win-lose ratio.
Interesting... Will keep an eye on this. Thanks. Meta is how popular a deck is though, and not really a direct reflection of how well it performs. With the addition of Sludge Belchers, Ghouls and Death's Bites, which are all free to own through the Naxx expansion, together with a new set of also relatively free Naxx Legends, this may just be a phase where people want to try control warrior decks, which was almost never seen everywhere coz of how expensive the deck can get. From what i understand, the meta report is based on how often each class is encountered when playing the ladder.
This is one thing I find really irritating about this game. Nine is definitely not enough if you want to play every class.
LOL yeah. I currently have 5 decks that i like rotating through. 4 of them are Warrior decks, one is Hunter I deleted my Warlock and Mage decks since i never really played them since about 2 splits ago. The other decks i had were one-time decks made for specific Naxx heroics, so they didnt last long either.
Is anyone even able to play? I keep getting a message that I can't log in because of the ddos attacks.
I wasnt able to earlier, but i was able to play a couple games just a few minutes ago. Im really liking Hunter right now. Im playing a Scientist version with 6 traps and no webspinners or houndmasters, and i prefer having almost all spells
Blizzard is reporting that the first free wing unlock ends on 30 September instead of this month. I wonder if they got it wrong because most of us thought it will be the end of August. Anyway, more time for more players to unlock is always good!
Damn... Right when i decided to switch out the Spellbreaker for a Tazdingo i played against a Paladin control deck on a stalemate til Tirion showed up, and i dont have a silence for him. Back in goes the Spellbreaker.
Hey, Fellow Hearthstoian's! I created this group for sharing your Hearthstone experiences, screenshots and whatnot. It'd be really Nice, If you join this group. Have Fun and Ladder.
This game is pretty good, but I can't play it as I can't create an account, when I have filled in all my details CORRECTLY, trust me I've done this about 20 times. Then it sends me to the login screen, then I put in my details again and it has a login error. Then if I try to reset my password it says my account does not exist. Can I get a fix for this.
Were you able to complete the registration through email confirmation? Blizzard's pretty strict with these things. I even have the authenticator active in which you cant login without this password that changes everytime after a few seconds. EDIT: Wait... How are you able to judge if this was a pretty good game (your first 5 words) if you arent able to actually play it?
We'll I've played the tutorial, which you get to play before registering. And no I never got an email from Blizzard, and I think I should've after I only recently reinstalled it today, I did have it a few months ago, but the same things were happening. I am also in NZ which might mean something.