I bought Magic for my iPad (and several booster packs) for the last two years but I just can't get interested in it this year. Especially with Naxx out now. The fact that I'm able to pay for it with gold is icing on the cake.
Same here and I realised I missed out on quite a few card backs. I have enough gold to buy the 3rd wing and am now contemplating whether to grind for the last 2 wings or buy the bundle. The price for the last 2 wings is the same price as the MtG DoTP chapter unlock too. Agreed!
Hey! Does anyone know if it's safe to buy bundle with ipad? 5 days ago it failed and I lost my money without unlocking the wing. Got my money back from Apple but I don't wanna risk again. Thanks!
The 3rd Wing's due to unlock today: The Military Quarter! Baron Rivendare looks to be one of the best, most game-changing cards in Naxxramas so far. Can't wait to try it out
How to get a cardback? I searched on internet on How to get a cardback but i didn't find anything. When i Player Hearthstone im seeing lots and lots of enemies with cool cardbacks. And i Should wants a cardback aswell so please could someone tell me?
Some are promotional for special events, but mostly you just get them by playing in ranked play and getting to level 20 by the time the season ends (end of the month). It's not very hard, since you don't move down if you lose below rank 20. (Disclaimer: I just found this out and don't have any backs yet, but I hit 20 pretty quickly)
Question before i buy the Naxx bundle... Should i buy it through the PC? or is it ok to buy it through the ipad? I've read some unlock problems occuring and i want to increase my chances of avoiding that same problem.
i bought it two days after the plague quarter was released. no issues for me. the accounts are linked. so if your worried, then get it on the computer. come on 3 am, this wing's cards look awesome. cant wait for 2x deathrattles!!
military quarter was super easy with a zoolock deck. haven't tried the heroic yet, but destroyed the others without even losing once.
3rd wing is by far the hardest for me due to the insane amount of rng (boss side) and luck with the cards you draw. But still fun nonetheless.
I killed baron rivendare with my mage by the 4th round...lol. Used that minion that destroys all minions (the 0/7 one) in the first round.
The heroic quarter of the 3rd wing is fairly difficult but I haven't read anything about how to beat it "right" yet. All in all I am freaking enjoying the hell out of these single player missions and unlocks. WORTH IT!!!
Something that DOES work is the Wild Pyromancer/Equality combo anywhere anytime Only cost 4 mana total. Drop Pyro then Equality and all things die...4 mana board wipe You're welcome in advance heehee