Anyone else having difficulties unlocking the Plague Quarter? Trying to use gold to purchase it. I'm getting a message saying, "Purchase Failed. That product is not available right now. Please select a different product and try again."
Seems it's a known issue. Found more information here: Will just have to be patient while it gets resolved.
Yeah the problems should be resolved soon. For anyone on the fence about whether to spend cash on Naxx or unlock it with gold, the cash route is much more cost effective. 1 Wing = 7 USD or 700 gold, meaning 1 USD = 100 gold... Hence i paid 20 dollars (equivalent to 2000 gold) to unlock everything at once vs someone who pays 2800 gold to unlock one wing at a time (700 x 4 wings) week by week.
The gold-user's way of looking at it is you paid $20 to unlock all the wings, while he paid $0. Neither way is universally better. It's simply up to the player to determine which he or she values more.
True, didnt think of it that way. If i had 2800 gold saved up though, i'd probably just blow it on 28 boosters
Beat Noraml and class quests to get all new cards. I still have to beat heroic quests I didn't en best the other yet but whatever I stayed up all night and got the cards woo. Time to sleep so tired.
Love obtaining the new cards but the AI is just way too easy. There's little challenge unfortunately.
When I read transaction failed I assumed it wasn't taking gold. Then I got 'not enough gold'. 2800 saved for the wings all gone... I hope I get it back. The scary thing is... I'm still going to "grind" the gold back even if I don't!
I got a failed transaction, the game crashed and it made me log back in again. But when I got into it, the correct amount of money was gone from my bank and I had the quarter. Guess I got lucky...
The main page on Battlenet acknowledges the problems and says they're trying to sort it. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon. I quite fancy the Stoneskin Gargoyle.
Paid cash twice like a fool. Both times the purchase was successful the money was taken from my iTunes acct. but the Quarter still remains locked. Reported to iTunes.I guess I wait for a refund for both of my purchases. Hopefully doesn't take days.
Same here, tried to buy the complete story, said purchase complete in the little apple pop up box and then purchase failed in game. Did this twice, everything still locked. Better be getting a refund if it's taken it from my bank, that's like £28 for precisely bugger all!