Me too! It was actually easier as I went on, spider queen was a breeze. My priest deck handled it pretty well using pyromancer to get rid of those pesky 1 health minions and thoughtsteal to use their own cards against them. Pretty awesome update!!
So once you have gone thru the expansion wing and hopefully won all the cards, is there any reason to repeat it with other decks? I am dissapionted (sp?) that you cannot win gold or daily challenges in single player. I have no time to constantly keep up with the meta game of which decks are currently best, and defineatly not enough money to out buy the rich people. Obviously get my ass kicked online the great majority of the time but frequently get 4 or 5 wins in the arena, but even that is not enough to keep from having to put real money up regularly, whick i am loath to do. If there is not any replay in the expansion i am going to abandon this game
I've beat the normal mode and after kicking maexna's @$$ the damn game disconnected me. I still can't re-connect. I want to see my cards!! I used my hunter beast trapper deck. It was very well suited to finish the wing in no time. It was an @$$ whooping actually. Decklist 2 freezing trap 2 explosive trap 2 Flare 2 Unleash the hounds 1 Deadly shot 2 Hunter's Mark 2 Animal Companion 2 Kill Command 2 Eaglehorn bow 2 Starving Buzzard 2 River Crocolisk 2 Houndmaster 2 Oasis Snapjaw 1 Stranglehorn Tiger 2 Savanah Highmane 1 Leeroy Jenkins 1 King Mukla Btw I also use this on the ladder. It's a Pretty efficient deck.
Just got to the class challenges. I'm loving this so far. Several of the daily quests have nothing to do with winning (destroy 40 minions, play XX minions that cost less than XX, etc). I've spent $3 on the game total and have no problem getting gold from daily quests. I lose more than I win definitely but am still getting a new card pack every 2-3 days. Right now I'm hoarding my gold for the wings of the expansion.
Downloading NOW!! I'm 44 years old and I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. It's days like these that I feel sorry for non-gamers.
So even if I pay upfront to unlock all wings I won't get access beyond the first wing UNTIL Blizzard decides at some point to open the next wing?
I would also recommend new (and probably even more experienced players) go here: Tons of helpful info on mana curve, card advantage, why you should and shouldn't use certain cards, as well as plenty of deck builds and arena advice. It definitely helped my game. Sorry if its already been mentioned, but this thread is huge
I've finally beaten a heroic Anub Rakhan!! That damn SOB is a major pain in the @$$. His hero power is insane 2 mana summon 4/4 nerubian. He also got deathlords which is a wall which hides his nerubians. His exclusive hero spell is also a handful. His HP is 45. I used Amaz's ramp Druid to beat him. Here's a link to the decklist You need to keep the big taunts coming againts this MF'er. (Now to get some brief sleep)
Yes they follow the same path in WOW. Which wings where only unlocked at certain times. Well that what I've heard.
Naxx wing 1 cleared, spoiler below if anybody is interested. Can also post deck list. Spoiler Normal First Boss: Basic Tempo Mage with Antonidas, Blizzard Second Boss: Basic Zoo, 4cc and higher is only argus and doomguard Third Boss: Basic Zoo, 4cc and higher is only argus and doomguard Heroic First Boss: Pally with Humility, Aldor Peacekeeper, Wild Pyro, Lots of Heal and Sunwalker Second Boss: Ramp Druid (the only main deck, not tweaked in anyway that I used in the whole game) Third Boss: Custom Rogue with SI Agent, Farseer, Voodoo Doctor, Eleven Archer, Vanish, Headcrack, Fan of Knives, +SP Minions, Blade Flurries, Perdition Blades, pretty custom. Boss will keep on returning 2 minions every turn ignoring them. I basically delayed the game, continuously healing myself, head cracking, clearing boards with flurries and fan of knives. Class Challenge First Boss: Nothing to teach, just try and learn their cards. Second Boss: Same as first
So I have beaten the 3 bosses and the class quests. Now I'm trying to beat the heroic quests which is insane.