The price is perfect, I think, especially since the wings are released on a weekly basis. There's no immediate need to get them all at once, you know? You can make 500 gold a week pretty easily, or more if you get lucky with quests. A good example where patience rewards the player
Can this be played against two players without automatch? Like if I want to play with my friend? Maybe the option is there but I am just missing it.
Yes. Open the friends panel (lower left) and click on the sword icon beside your friend's name. Of course you should first add your friend using the Battle Tag ID.
Tried it but: +1 avenging wrath +1 guardian of kings -1 lay of hands -1 tirion since I do not have those two, and went 5-1, only losing to a fourth turn sylvannas (druid ramp) that I wasnt able to recover from.
Decided to just craft Leeroy after accepting that I'll never get him from a pack, lol. RIP 1600 dust. Dusted Deathwing for the third time today. At least I'll have a real Miracle, Murloc, etc. deck now! Haven't posted on TA in forever.. not sure I'm too excited for the new cards from the Nax expansion. Guess we'll see.
Got Cenarius, he is really good. Suppose it's how often you play Druid to be honest, Alexstrasza is obviously neutral so could probably be shoehorned into most decks. Certainly Trump seems to use it to great effect in a Mage deck. Was really hoping Nax was going to drop this week.
Never mind Nax what is taking so long to make the iPhone version? Blizzard are suppose to be good at what they do but it's taking forever.
They are good at what they do, and it's because they take their time and do it well. Unfortunately this means they are notorious for taking longer than people expect, and often longer than even they themselves expect, to actually get something released. I think it was stated at some point that the adventure mode (with Naxx being its first adventure) was the priority and that the iPhone version was the next priority after that. So I imagine after a couple of weeks after Naxx has been out (for squashing unexpected bugs and whatnot) they will jump on the iPhone version and we'll hear something about it in a couple of months.
It delays miracle rogues by one turn, but i dont think it'd shut it down. It would seem, however, be a clutch card for fighting against control.
Quick question: did Blizzard announce or at least hinted at an iPhone version of Hearthstone coming at all? Thanks!