Universal Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (by Blizzard)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Best75

    Best75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    Just got my first legendary form a pack
    I got king Mukla
    He seems pretty powerful for 3 mana
  2. Emos

    Emos Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    He is very underrated IMO. The 1/1 Bannana buffs your opponent receives can come back and bite ya though. He seems to see most work in a Druid ramp deck from what I've seen.
  3. big_stupid

    big_stupid Member

    Mar 12, 2014
    Uninstalled in frustration after having the snot kicked out of me 5 times in a row.

    What factors are taken into account during matchmaking? If the amount of legendary cards someone has isn't considered, it really should be. Someone playing a basic deck to try out a new class shouldn't be served up as dinner to someone playing their "all legendary" deck.

    Sorry, needed to vent. Cheese and whine, etc etc...

    But seriously, matchmaking for casual needs some improvements. Anyone else serve as the punching bag lately?
  4. Best75

    Best75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    As far as I know matchmaking in casual is determined by you win/lose record and against who
  5. tabs

    tabs Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Same thing happened to me way back october 2013, closed beta. What you should do is make all characters level 10 first to unlock the basic hero specific cards. Then read and research your preferred hero class. Do it with the practice mode. Sometimes casual mode is even harder than ranked! LOL.

    If you want a cheap deck, warlock ZOO is so cheap it beats decks with all the legendaries you can think of. No legendary card and brain required.

    Unfortunately, you need to grind for cards you need like winning 30 games to get 100 gold max per day and do quest of 40, 60 or 100g depending on the quest you are able to roll. Do arena also, 7 wins guarantees a free pack. GLHF.

    There's a matchmaking system in place. But in anyway, a guy with 4 legendaries doesn't always mean he is winning a lot. So it is really random.
  6. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    I'm wondering if there's something wrong with the ranking system right now... I used to be able to reach around 17 before having problems, but this new season I've barely been able to go beyond 20. I'm seeing a lot more legendaries as well. Or maybe I suddenly started sucking more?
  7. nfong

    nfong Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
    Near the beginning of the season alot of more experienced players are reset to lower ranks, which may be why you're seeing better players at lower ranks.
    What type of deck are you struggling with though? Cheap decks such as zoo can easily climb to legend when played correctly.
  8. Riotgirl

    Riotgirl Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
    #1048 Riotgirl, Jun 15, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
    Unlocked Mage (level 10) and tweaked my Mage Aggro deck: all commons using Bluegill Warriors and Wolfriders as staple minions [charge], with Raid Leader to increase the attack. No Legendaries or Rares here - basic garden-variety cards as I begin to learn the mechanics and get to know the cards.

    With the exception of the above chargers, I tend to avoid using minions with 1 Toughness because they are far too easy to remove (when playing against Hunter and Mage AI).

    Couple of taunts for defence including Mirror Image - Raid Leader helps to make sure that the Mirror Images can at least retailiate.

    I made the decision to use Gurubashi Berserker and Water Elemental for the big hitters for two main reasons:
    1. Mana Curve - only a couple of cards above 4 mana
    2. Card value - both cards were stronger when attacked

    I played my first Arena match for the Daily Quest (expert pack) and was matched against GrenzGanger playing an Hunter aggro deck. The match quickly became a war of attrition between throwing down minions and direct damage.

    Board control swept backwards and forwards with the Hunter aggro deck having the slight advantage in tempo. My chargers helped swing the tempo in my favour through using my chargers to attack the Hero at every opportunity. I generally ignored minions unless the minion was providing a buff - or dealing with taunt.

    The match swung back and forth, and it was looking like I was winning as I reduced my opponent's health to a single digit. At this time, I was struggling to maintain momentum because I was losing board control and the match due to having no cards in hand. However, I did have both a Gurubashi Berserker and a Water Elemental on the board, although I was down to 8 health and my opponent had a 4 Power creature, a taunt, as well as his Hero power (2 health attack).

    Whilst my deck was running out of steam, my decision play had been much better than my opponent's i.e. what card(s) to play when, and evaluating threats. My opponent was fixated on my minions rather than my Hero. This is where the Water Elemental, but especially Gurubashi Berserker came into their own: the Water Elemental buying me time (tempo) and my Gurubashi Berserker being ramped up by the failure of my opponent to kill it outright in an attack.

    The Water Elemental froze the taunt, which I destroyed with my Hero power, leaving my Gurubashi Berserker to deliver the coup de grace to my opponent.

    Victory and an expert pack was mine!

    Now back to trying out my Mage Aggro deck against the other Classes AIs, better understanding of what I'm trying to achieve with my newbie deck, re-evaluating deck construction, unlocking the other Classes to understand strengths and weaknesses, and deciding which Class suits my playing style.
  9. FateRiddle

    FateRiddle Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    Haven't get my hands on it yet. Notice some negative remarks about the pay to win aspect, is it true that you can't really enjoy the game without a shit load of dollar thrown in? P.S. Honestly way tooo many IAP Card games, if it's not for Blizzard, I won't even bother.
  10. nfong

    nfong Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
    I honestly don't think paying is necessary to win, but it may take a couple of weeks to grind out a decent collection of cards. Legendaries are nice to have but don't necessarily equate to winning games; one of the most prominent decks in play for the longest time has no legendaries and is quite easy to make
  11. FateRiddle

    FateRiddle Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    Thanks, nice to know that. Downloading. Is it "ZOO" you were talking about? Mentioned in several posts. Having no idea what that is. LOL
  12. nfong

    nfong Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
    Yeah, zoo is pretty good, and there are a few cheap hunter/warrior aggro decks that still fare decently. A new paladin aggro deck has also seen some more play recently, although it has a few rarer cards.
  13. J Cousteau

    J Cousteau Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    I haven't payed at all yet, and played strictly shaman, close to getting my 500 wins gold shaman character and I am pretty excited. I always play shamans/witchdoctors in whatever game I play that allows them, so it was a natural fit.

    Messing around with different decks at the moment, experimenting; I might eventually buy some packs when I feel like I really want to try to get some legendaries I'm missing, but so far so good
  14. FateRiddle

    FateRiddle Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    so hunter and warrior, thanks, any other class can do well with cheap decks?
  15. wolpak

    wolpak Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
    A few things on hearthstone.

    First, get accustomed with all the classes. Get them all to level 10 to get your free basic cards. It will also help you learn the basics and card strengths.

    Second, never buy a pack. Play in the arena for 150 gold. It does a few things for you. Pit gets you a pack always and you can out perform your cost once you hit 3 wins as gold and dust are random prizes. But it also helps you determine what are the best cards and how to use them. It also levels the playing field against good players.

    Third, you will have a hard time in ranked and casual mode. Don't fret, it is mostly about experience. Warriors aren't good for beginners. Classes with good card draw are imperative. Warlock zoos are the best class for beginners. Fill your cards up with low cost cards and when you run low, your hero power gets you another.

    Hunters are good once you get release the hounds and use it with buzzards.

    Paladins are decent at low level play. So are shamans.

    Warriors, rogues and Druids need higher level cards to make a solid deck. Not impossible, and if you are doing daily quests you will likely need to play them.
  16. FateRiddle

    FateRiddle Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    #1056 FateRiddle, Jun 15, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
    Thanks for the advice. It's really helpful. I was climbing from 25 -22 with mage(seems to be a default start hero?), still haven't unlock warlock yet... And paladins are just broken... Can't beat them... Whenever I saw a glimpse of hope, they just always threw some unseen card at me and instantly change the game...
    BTW, what is aggro? And I goes by a deck focus on early game, with bunch of 1,2 cards, it brings me 5 wins, then I start losing again, is it a good or bad stretagy?

    And one more question, how do I get rare cards? You mentioned to level up hero till lvl 10, so there won't be any bonus beyond that level?
    Edit: how to unlock warlock?
  17. idaveharris

    idaveharris Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2013
    Anyone know if they're planning an iphone release?
  18. FateRiddle

    FateRiddle Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    I guess not, or they would have done that the first place.
  19. Riotgirl

    Riotgirl Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
    #1059 Riotgirl, Jun 15, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014

    Appreciate the advice. I came to the same conclusion re: spend gold on Arena (casual) entry rather than packs.

    Just completed the Daily Quest (x3 casual play) to earn an Expert Pack. Record so far:

    1-0 vs Hunter
    0-1 vs Warrior (Crowsfeast) - couldn't get past the defences. Warrior was never in any danger
    0-1 Warlock (DensAxis) - very tight game. Both down to low health and low cards, but DensAxis got the killing blow
    0-1 Mage (Deead) - extremely tight game. Both down to a single digit, and Deead got the killing blow. Hampered by a bad card-draw at the beginning (twiddled my thumbs for the initial turns) but pleased at my decision making

    Save Warrior, tight games that could have gone either way - all played in a well-spirited manner i.e. lots of 'Well Played' and 'Thanks'. Thank you to my opponents. Congratulations and a pleasure.

    Note: tweaked deck to remove:
    • Gurubashi Berserker
    • Water Elemental

    • Nightblade
    • Reckless Rocketeer

    Less defensive and more offensive. Nightblade causes direct damage to the opposing Hero as soon as it's played; Reckless Rocketeer for the smack-down (Charge - once any Taunts have been removed).

    Playing a newbie Mage Aggro deck means that the deck lacks fast aggro - hence games tend to be extended. My deck usually ran out of steam and was on vapours, hence I tweaked it and added a more evenly distributed mana curve - with a couple of 5s and 6s.

    Now the immediate Daily Quests are over, time to finish unlocking all the basic cards for the other Heros, and creating newbie decks to get a feel for how the Archetype works, and to learn the cards.
  20. Brrobotix

    Brrobotix Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Under your bed
    #1060 Brrobotix, Jun 15, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
    Sounds like you're off to a great start!

    Definitely use lots of enrage minions in a mage deck. The ability to ping your own guys for extra attack power is invaluable, especially with something like a raging wargen who gets +1 attack and windfury when enraged (if left unchecked, you can deal 8 damage to the face with him in one turn). Also look into other minions that will benefit if you ping them, like an acolyte of pain that can get you some extra card draw by pinging him.

    Last, water elemental is amazing. Against warrior decks that are very weapon heavy, you can completely shut down a warrior by keeping them frozen until they can deal with the water elemental.

    For the arena, most people make a mid-range/control deck because it's unlikely they will get the right cards to make anything more specialized. So card value is key. When drafting your deck, always make sure you prioritize board-wipes and other cards that can get you a 2-for-1. Arena wins hinge on tempo and card advantage.

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