Just pulled of a Grommash Hellscream and a King Krush on my recent 2 packs.. Woohooo!! Control warrior fully operational..
Blizzard did it again. They took a genre they liked, put their own spin and polish on it and raised the bar an insane amount! Hearthstone is awesome
Finally have enough dust to make a legendary. Now I have Ysera I'm thinking Leeeerrooooy Jenkins would be a good shout, because, Leeeeerooy Jenkins! also be nice having it shout it for me rather than against me for once!
Well in the recent polls, he's been declared as the number one legend beating ragnaros and cairne. He's the first one I've crafted and he gave me the wins.. "At least he has his chickens".
Hot damn. That zoolock is no joke. Based on advice I got here, I looked up a card list for that deck and made a pretty close approximation of it (I didn't have every card, but close). Went from rank 17 (my previous best) to rank 14 with almost no losses. What are some other cheap, super effective decks?
The Zoolock can take people to the legendary ranks. It's the most consistent deck on HS and a big reason for the most expensive deck (control warrior) to decline.. I highly recommend a hunter deck which is quite cheap and easy to build but it's also an aggro deck.. If you want to try control, shaman is the only affordable control type of deck and highly efficient too.. In fact a lot of pros uses it and it's quite popular on ranked play nowadays..
Glad the Zoo deck worked for you. Make sure to read up the guide about modern zoo by reynad of team tempo storm, after all, he created the Zoo deck, see link above. Sadly, i doubt there is any other cheap deck like zoo. Hunters used to be the cheapest, but the nerf to UTH is no joke. Shaman is pretty cheap to make but is a control/mid range type of hero. Edit: lol Alister, we have the same comment/suggestion, im late by 1 minute
Not sure if this is the right thread to do this but, if anyone wants to have pratice games and test decks out I'm always up for that. Would prefer to pratice with people on my friends list then on casual and rank lol. My battle.net ID is xfinn#1348.
Pretty new to the game here and I been mainly using a priest deck so far but I heard its the weakest class in the game. Is the priest weak?
My friend is a hardcore priest player from World of Warcraft. No brainer he chose priest on Hearthstone. After a few weeks, he gave up. Priest are fun to play, but they have a few problems. You're anti aggro is turn 5, holy nova, and you can't deal with 4 attack minions since pain is 3 attack and lower, while death is 5 attacks and higher. Priest can excel against control decks since they are also slow, but are weak to aggro in which the current meta is full of. Why? Aggro decks are cheap to make, and can win/lose quickly. Control decks like priest are expensive to make, and takes time to win. Search Amaz on Twitch.tv, probably one of the most popular priest player.
I recenty gotten a golden Ancient Watcher I I am thinking about DE him but hes been use in my ramp druid deck
If you don't immediately need the dust I would just use the gold watcher. I dusted a few gold cards I kind of wish I had now...
Very satisfying, I've just beaten in ranked, with a very basic Hunter deck that had only a few rares, a Mage who played 6 legendaries cards lol He played two ice blocks at 1 health and then Alextrasza to go back to 15, Antonidas, two Yseras (one with the alarm o bot), Malygos, Lorewalker cho Kinda crazy, I had never seen a guy pull so many legendaries in a single game.
So does anyone know anything about the iphone release besides 2nd quarter ? It should be anytime now right ?
Finnaly,something i've been waiting for a very long time.Now i can continue to kill my social life outside of home.
Goddamn you sons of bitches! Downloaded Hearthstone but yet to log on (at girlfriend's family for dinner and it's Brazil vs Croatia in an hour). Am familiar with archetypes and MTG concepts i.e. mana curve, threats, board control, yada yada yada, but lack playing experience. I liked MTG 2013 but never got around to unlocking; liked MTG 2014, but felt decks lacked variety and interest compared to 2013. Always hated the clunkiness of MTG rules with constant introduction of new card abilities that do similar but slightly different things. Artwork is on a different level entirely and has got better and better. Sounds like Hearthstone is a slightly simplified version, but with added fun. I'll never get into competitive play - requires much money AND time - but arena sounds perfect. Don't mind dropping coin if I enjoy the game - but mainly to craft specific cards. Damn. Girlfriend's family demanding my attention. No time to play. Maybe the weekend. Addendum: played tutorial for a little while. Tutorial doesn't explain the basic mechanics how I would expect. Fortunately I'm used to MTG, but I feel the tutorial should provide basic explanation - unless I've inadvertently skipped the tutorial? First difference: no land to generate mana. Accumulates automatically every turn. Much prefer this simplified mechanic because I feel that land leads to too much mana screw / flood. Second difference: only play cards on your turn i.e. no instants or interrupts. Third difference: no blocking - attack hero or minions. Whilst I've only played (and beat) the first three opponents in the tutorial, games in Hearthstone appear much faster than MTG. There is also appears a greater emphasis on when cards should be played. Need to get out of the MTG mindset to properly appreciate Hearthstone. The four San Miguels during dinner and Brazil vs Croatia are not helping!