Hunters are declining due to the uth nerf. If you ask me, 1 mana is huge. Back then, cone of cold is 3 mana only. And all mages uses 2 of it. After nerfing to 4 mana, the only time cone of cold is played is during arena. I main miracle, but i admit i am no master, that is why i also play around with tempo rogue, druid watcher and miracle token druid. Its fun to play, but you need to use your brain a lot hehe. No iphone news whatsoever since they are too busy with the upcoming expansion.
Well it's the Era of the OTK on hearthstone.. Every class is on the band wagon.. Btw this is a more advanced OTK warlock created by the great Kolento.. You might want to try it out..
Yup! 1 mana makes a difference, and it translates to 1 whole turn, it's not like the midrange hunter before. I still lack main pieces of the miracle, that's why I still can't use it in constructed yet, 2 preparation are a lot of dust to craft.
I saw that list on Hearthpwn this morning, and I have all the cards except thalnos and faceless manipulator, I want to try that list later today.
Another hard deck to play from the very talented Kolento. Deck can still work without bloodmage, use kobold instead. But its key is to combo with faceless so you really need to have it. These are the times where Im glad I run a lot of taunts.
Woah... That's almost exactly the Warlock deck i created before (back in april), but i was using the Worgen combo to OTK instead. I was having problems versus ramp before though (especially since the Worgen has summoning sickness), so i kinda abandoned the idea. Im sure Kolento's version isnt strong because it was new (i was a total noob back in april, but the decklist has a pretty standard build if you know a bit of control decks in MTG), but because it was well-timed in the right meta with lots of miracle decks popping everywhere after the UTH nerf. I think i'll get back to this deck and give it a spin later today... Afterthought: If this becomes a huge part of the meta, Divine Shield decks may seem to be the strong counter.
I sure have fun with this.. I've beaten 3 control warriors with that deck, Lol the irony.. Even with 30 life and 8 armor on very late turns.. That 32 damage in one turn was epic.. To operate the deck needs very good math calculations so practice first..
^Yeah, just played 1 game with it... 20 damage in a turn to close the game with Leeroy+2 POs + Soulfire + bluegill.
I was thinking that it had been a long time since I got a legendary and today I pulled Lord Jaraxxus. I love this game.
Congrats on the great pull. I also pulled of a Centaurus last night after a long legendary draught.. Gosh, Druid really seems to be my destiny.. Cheers!!
Can anyone help me build a sweet Warlock deck? I have all his basic cards, plus: Power Overwhelming Flame Imp x2 Demonfire Sense Demons Shadowflame (rare) Pit Lord (epic) Summoning Portal Siphon Soul (rare) Lord Jaraxxus (legendary) I also have most of the common neutrals, plus these rares: Bloodsail Corsair x2 Lightwarden x2 Murloc Tidecaller Secretkeeper Knife Juggler Wild Pyromancer Arcane Golem x2 Demolisher Emperor Cobra Imp Master x2 Defender of Argus Argent Commander And these epics: Faceless Manipulator Sea Giant And this legendary: The Beast So what can I make? I prefer control decks but I'm still a noob and would also like to learn other styles. Any help would be great!
So far, there are 4 viable warlock decks. Zoo, Murlocs, Handlock and the new Kolento Combo deck (no really name for it). Zoo is cheapest to make. It's an easy to play in your face aggro deck. Murloc would require you to own all murlocs, 2 piece each, and get the free Murloc legendary. Handlock would require Faceless manipulators, Twilight Drakes, Molten Giants and Mountain Giants, very expensive to make. The new Kolento deck is a combination of weird cards, but idea is, Charger + 2 Power Overwhelm + Faceless combo. Here's a list of good Warlock decks (see the right side under the Warlock link. Code:
+1 for zoo/zoolock. Just spam the board with those 1,2,3 mana cost minions for board control. Deck doesn't require much strategy to play though
Woohoo, just pulled my 4th legend (arena reward pack)..... Got Ysera!! pleased as hell with that! How do people open their packs? What I mean is, I always open them as soon as I get them, so 9 times out of 10 I open 1 pack after arena run. Does anyone save up though, say 10 or so? I'm not sure how the Legendaries are allocated so not sure if opening a certain amount of packs one after another increases chances of pulling epics/legends?
Grats! Back then, I just save 100 gold from quest and win rewards, then buy a pack and open it asap. Lately, I've been active in arena, after arena ends, i open the pack. I did try back then to save 15 packs before I open them and trust me, its not easy seeing all those packs there. I managed to earn 1500 gold in 2 weeks of questing. Now that I do arena, in average, i buy a pack for 50g.
Hey guys! Tempo Storm, the team Reynad created (the inventor of zoo deck among other things) just launched their website with some pretty good info. Some are premium which requires monthly subscription, but there are free stuff. You guys might be interested.