Universal Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (by Blizzard)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. tabs

    tabs Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    I really regret DEing my cards. Back thrn I do not know whats good or not. I DE alot including common just to craft leeroy too. My suggestion, if leeroy is going to be used in most of your decks, DE cards that are useless. On your list:

    - King Mukla - good for tempo, could backfire
    - King Krush - havent seen anyone use this, except arena
    - Captain Greenskin - tempo rogue and aggro war sometimes uses

    - Molten Giant (Golden) - handlock and mage uses this
    - Stampeding Kodo (Golden) - hunter and pally uses this
    - Injured Blademaster (Golden) - only priest uses this

    - Ancient of Lore - must have for any druid deck
    - Pyroblast - good to have one
    - Doomsayer - practically useless except for feeeze mages
    - Force of Nature 2x - one is good for token and ancient watcher druid

    Having listed my opinion, you can decide whether or not you should DE or not. What is/are your mains by the way?
  2. grenadedodger

    grenadedodger Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Manchester, UK
    Yeah I suppose that 15 pull was quite lucky. Trust me when I say though that this is in no way the norm and 1 in 20 is somewhat optimistic for my hit rate on legendries!
  3. pianistbygrace

    Apr 4, 2011
    Web Designer / Developer

    Yeah, me too, I DE'd a lot of rares back then, like 2x Gadgetzan Auctioneer, 1x Perdition Blade, 1x Sunfury, etc... Just so that I can craft my constructed deck (I am currently playing Zoo and Midrange Hunter) but now that I want to build a Miracle rogue I can't because I DE'd other pieces before, that's why I'm very skeptical DE'ing, most specially now that the new expansion will arrive in a couple of months, and new meta's will surely surface.


    Hi Tabs, currently my mains right now are Zoo and Midrange hunter. I really want to build Handlock that's why I'm considering crafting leeroy, I have a couple of rare pieces in handlock and 1 mountain giant, what do you think? should I proceed? or just hold onto my cards and just do dailies and arena and hope to crack a leeroy from a booster pack?
  4. pianistbygrace

    Apr 4, 2011
    Web Designer / Developer

    Yeah, me too, I DE'd a lot of rares back then, like 2x Gadgetzan Auctioneer, 1x Perdition Blade, 1x Sunfury, etc... Just so that I can craft my constructed deck (I am currently playing Zoo and Midrange Hunter) but now that I want to build a Miracle rogue I can't because I DE'd other pieces before, that's why I'm very skeptical DE'ing, most specially now that the new expansion will arrive in a couple of months, and new meta's will surely surface.
  5. pianistbygrace

    Apr 4, 2011
    Web Designer / Developer
    Hi Tabs, currently my mains right now are Zoo and Midrange hunter. I really want to build Handlock that's why I'm considering crafting leeroy, I have a couple of rare pieces in handlock and 1 mountain giant, what do you think? should I proceed? or just hold onto my cards and just do dailies and arena and hope to crack a leeroy from a booster pack?
  6. Alister

    Alister Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2012
    Well I'm not tabs but let me bring an opinion on the matter.. I have posted the tier rating of the legends and leeroy is certainly a tier one legend.. Right now most of the top decks use him as the main finisher, from the one turn kill handlock, to miracle rogue, ramp tokens and etc..

    He's the first legend I crafted, and I DE'd all my goldens,king krush plus a spare death wing to have him and I don't regret it.. Since your main decks are zoo and mid range hunter, he's a very welcome addition to both.. Specially with the UTH nerf, leeroy is very much needed on any variation of hunter decks nowadays.. It's good for beginners to craft him from the start, since he'll give you the wins in order to build up your arsenal.. Well those are my thoughts..
  7. tabs

    tabs Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Handlock is still very powerful. Good thing the new handlocks are no longer using jaraxxuss and alex, but they use 6 epics. 2 mountain, 2 molten, 2 faceless. Leeroy plus power overwhelm and faceless is 20 damage in 1 turn. But if you are missing the epics, leeroy = 4 epics (can make handlock without leeroy, but not without the giants). Leeroy is also the first leg i crafted since back then i use tempo rogue and trap hunter.

    As long as you are sure you are going to stick with hero that maximizes leeroy then DE away!
  8. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    +1 on Leeroy. Probably the most useful legend in the game. Ragnaros being the second.
  9. Savant

    Savant Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2010
    I still have nightmares from the Leeroy that got Shadowstepped 2 times, to attack me 3 times... to get to lethal. NERF! LOL...
  10. grenadedodger

    grenadedodger Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Manchester, UK
    You know what, I do like the small elements of luck in this game. But wow, sometimes it feels rngesus really hates you, I mean really, really hates you!

    I haven't got him but how come people think leeroy is a better legendary than rag? Ragnaros just seems a bigger threat to me. Nearly got enough dust to craft first legendary and tossing up between leeroy, rag, ysera or black knight.
  11. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    What deck are you running mainly? I would suggest getting leeroy for aggro and some select control decks, and rag for late game decks.

    Rag is good late game. But usually a lot more effective on a clear board. That suggests a control deck usually. Decks that trade cards effectively to make sure your opponent has a clear board.

    Leeroy is a 6-range finisher, with combos that make him a monster. He is usually found in aggro decks that whittle enemy health as fast as possible, so that a leeroy+whatever finishers you have in the deck. That said, Leeroy can also be a finisher in control and combo decks. This makes Leeroy a lot more playable because he has a lot more synergy with more deck types, and usually very effective in cheaper decks as well. His flexibility makes him one of the best Legendaries, the most useful, and the most desired.

    Ysera wins games on her own, especially in control vs control matchups, but putting her down safely is a pain. Making her stick around for 3 turns is a very difficult feat, but if you pull it off you should win. She kinda sucks vs very aggro decks right now coz she's just very slow. She's still one of the better legendaries.

    TBK is fantastic in the right decks. His ability is conditional though, so even though he provides fantastic tempo, his playability is a bit limited.
  12. grenadedodger

    grenadedodger Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Manchester, UK
    Well I try and play a variety of decks to be honest, in fact being even more honest I just fit my decks around what cards I have. Mostly Druid, Mage and Priest. I know Rogue is good, I've been battered enough times by one, just not a fan, cannot get on with warriors ability, just seems too defensive for me. Love warlock too.

    So from your post science it would be a choice between rag and leeroy, depending on if I'm playing fast or slow.
  13. tabs

    tabs Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Leeroy simply can be combo'd and directed, while ragnaros is rng, cant be combo'd and the only good thing is it by pass taunts. You dont play leeroy to gain board pressence, only to go for the kill. You put down ragnaros as threat.

    Beleive it or not, rogue used to be my least favorite hero. During closed beta, theres this guy that started the tempo rogue (prior to shattered sun, argus and dark iron dwarf nerf). It was so successful and fun to play that eventually, my main is now a Rogue, both miracle and tempo. Its a good hero to play.

    Druid is very competitive: ancient watcher, ramp, token, and my latest enjoyment is miracle token druid. Bit expensive to make, since it requires a few legs and epics. Mage is bad right now, and the best is the cheap deck aggro burn. Priest is competitive vs contol decks, but is simply raped by aggro most od the time. Also a bit expensive to make.

    Between leeroy and rag:
    if you are using druid and priest (control), rag > leeroy
    If you are going for (aggro/tempo), leeroy > rag
  14. grenadedodger

    grenadedodger Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Manchester, UK
    Thanks Tabs. I think Rag, love the artwork and as I see it, at my level it's such a threat it will at least trade 2-3 for 1.
  15. pianistbygrace

    Apr 4, 2011
    Web Designer / Developer
    My first legendary craft, it was a leap of faith and was worth it.

    and my first run with Leeroy was winnable because of him...

    My opponent was at 11, and I've got board control but then he summoned a deathwing...

    I was about 12 by then, my hand was 1 Leeroy, 1 Timberwolf, 1 Kill Command...

    Looks like I'm going to use him more and more on my decks from now on :)

    Attached Files:

  16. Blackharon

    Blackharon Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2010
    Game Designer for Ludia
    As a testament to how accessible the game is; my 4 year old has taken to playing the game and, by basing his decisions on how much he likes the pictures on the cards and whether or not the green border is around the card, he can beat the practice AI 2 out of 3 times.

    Sadly, my last 3 arenas have all ended with a 2 - 3 record. I haven't changed much on my decision making processes but I'm now afraid my 'gut instinct' isn't good enough. Does Arena match making try to match you with people of equal skill?
  17. tabs

    tabs Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    You would be surprise how leeroys additional 2 damage (compared to arcane golem, or argent commander) can be the difference between lethal or losing.

    Haha. Couldnt imagine a 4 year old playing HS. That would be just soooo cute. Anyway, arena pairs you with the nearest to win lose record I believe. Starting a new run, first few games is the hardest, and when you reach the 2 loss bracket, it is usually easier because you play with others with 2 loses also.

    To improve on arena, the idea is to remember it is far different from constructed. You cant expect and predict what your opponent has. Crappy constructed cards becomes mvp in arena (venture co, mad bomber, etc) Try to use a draft list like arenavalue.com or antigravity draft tier list. The best hero are: mage, pally, druid, rogue. Last, and prolly the best advice I can give you, maintain a good draft curve, capable of dominating board early.

    Example. 4-6 2 cc minions, 4 3 cc minions, 4 4 cc minions, 4 5 and up cc minions. Ideally, turn 2 raptor, turn 3 shattered sun, turn 4 senjin shieldmasta, turn 5 removal and so on. I know thats kind of hard to pull of thats why drafting a good curve is crucial. You dont just draft all the good cards, you draft what your deck requires. GLHF. :D
  18. pianistbygrace

    Apr 4, 2011
    Web Designer / Developer
    #998 pianistbygrace, May 23, 2014
    Last edited: May 23, 2014
    I agree, also, Leeroy has synergy with unleash the hounds so thats more win for me :) But I want to build something different right now, I am considering miracle rogue this time :)
  19. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Haven't been reading here much as I can't play yet but any new on the iPhone version yet?
  20. christopherrocs

    christopherrocs Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2013
    Incredibly pointless, but 1000th comment ;)

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