Yea as I posted on the very day the update came out, lots of problems I wasn't getting before. Only thing that was fixed as far as I can tell is the backs of the cards randomly staying on the board after a certain secret was played on it is not happening any more. See attached graphics corruption, for one. The invisible fuse (just spark). Not being able to connect to the game at all. Players freezing. Instant "hurry up" fuse on both our turns. There's more.
Connection problem has plague HS since closed beta. Are you from EU server? Because i believe they have more server issues than NA. I don't think the update would ruin the game, although playing on the iPad, the minion placement is bugging for me again. Ex. Minion 1, Minion 2, placing Argus in the middle, it would drop on the left or right side thus buffing only one minion.
Is it just me? Or is it no longer possible to craft legendaries? I can't see them in the crafting section now since the last patch
Read somewhere that beating every Expert AI grants a reward of 100 gold. So I am going to do that now. If the Shattered Sun cleric can be played on an empty board, I wonder why the the Dark iron dwarf can't. It's a dead card when you have no other minions in hand.
It does indeed. I enjoyed playing the expert AI. Even if they were right buggers sometimes! I thought you could play Dark Iron Dwarf with no other minions? You can certainly play it if your opponent has minions out.
Google hearthstone achievements, there are more rewards. I think 1000 wins including practices, grant 300 gold. As for Dark Iron Dwarf, target your opponents minion instead of yours. If no minions in play, you can still play it. Big difference between buffing friendly minions, or all minions.
Other than typing out every single card, is there any good way of sharing your entire collection with people? I think that could be helpful for getting deck building advice for noobs like me. I have most of my collection saved on but I can't find a way to share it...
I don't think there is an easy way. Best is to post your deck, then we can suggest cards to remove and replace, and from there, we can work on improving your deck.
No way! I play against expert ai sometimes when I think I might have to cut the game short. Now will have a goal when I'm doing that.
Must admit I had no idea about the expert AI reward either! Free 100 gold is always appreciated. I'm having terrible luck with legendaries, got 2 in a 15 pack pull. Got one duplicate Cenarius and a bloody Tinkmaster Overspark! Gives me a grand total of 3 legendaries, 2 of which are useable. And I have to say well done to Blizzard, I've probably spent more on this game than any other since Urban Rivals!
You may not have pulled the best legendaries here, but 2 legendaries out of 15 packs is quite lucky, as you normally get 1 legendary in around 20 packs!
Made an extremely aggro faceroll Mage just to beat my friend's Handlock which he used to defeat all my current decks - Warlock Zoo, Ramp Druid, Shaman, the other day. Extremely satisfying although I do know this deck won't last long in the Ladder. Hahaha. P
Has anyone received 100 gold from the expert AI's? I just beat the warrior on expert, and received exactly jack squat...
Is Leeroy worth it? Hello, I'd like to ask for your opinion on this, currently I have 450 dust and I'm really considering DE-ing my epics, rares and legendaries for Leeroy, below is the list of my considerations - King Mukla - King Krush - Captain Greenskin - Molten Giant (Golden) - Stampeding Kodo (Golden) - Injured Blademaster (Golden) - Ancient of Lore - Pyroblast - Doomsayer - Force of Nature 2x I'm really skeptical on DE-ing them (except captain greenskin) because I might pull a leeroy on a booster, should I proceed or should I rely on my pack pulls via Dailies?
I DE-d a couple of legendaries to pick up some specific cards early on and really regret doing so now; you get 1/4 of the dust cost of the cards which is really not cost-effective. One thing I always do though, is DE any Golden cards I get once I have 2 of the standard ones... so if you already have 2 Giants, Kodo's or Blademasters, I'd DE those gold ones... in fact I'd probably DE the Blademaster anyway ;-) Mind you, Greenskin DOES suck, so if I were just 400 dust away from the 1,600 needed, I'd DE him... Leeroy's a good card to be sure but if you don't have Ragnaros or the Black Knight yet, those two cards have been way more pivotal for me in winning games than Leeroy ever has... Since I now have most of the cards in the game aside from Legendaries (I have 18 Legendaries in total) so it's no longer worth me buying packs, so I'm just grinding Arena and the daily challenges for packs of cards, dusting what I get from those and working my way towards obtaining one of the few remaining Legendaries that I actually want (Loremaster Cho just because it's funny to play, Cenarius and Al Akir the Windlord).