Wow just pulled 2 legendaries in one pack. one of them is a golden version!! - Tirion Fordring - Al'Akir the Windlord (Golden) Its like winning the lotery
Both are great cards. Al Akir used to be one of the most underrated cards, until the pros started using it. Imagine it with Rockbiter weapon. Really powerful offensively and defensively. Tirion is another good hero specific card and is simply a must for pally control. Unfortunately, most of the viable pally decks are aggro and the highest cost is either truesilver champion or avenging wrath. It would be fun to play healdin though, not viable but more annoying than priests. Grats!
Anyone else having problems battling friends since the last patch? We were both in the main menu but yet the sword icon remained greyed out.
I can't believe my variation of warrior control is having much success as it is.. No Gromash, Alextraza or Baron geddon.. Substituted them for Leeroy Jenkins, Ysera and a faceless manipulator.. The key combo Leeroy,Frothing Berserker and And whirlwind.. It can have a six turn kill/winning condition.. Well my theory about the rares and epics really fueling the deck is true.. I'm on an 8 game win streak on ranked play.. I think people are surprised I can end the game at mid range unlike the traditional build which ends it at turn 10..
Wow, must have been the luckiest pack ever! I'd sell Al'Akir. You can buy literally whatever you want with the dust you'll get, Al'Akir is very weak without support cards to buff him up. Even with them, He's only a 3/5 for 8 once he gets silenced the following turn. He's the only legendary I've ever received in a pack and I sold him in a heartbeat.
Anyone find that they keep getting the unleash the hound card change message appear when you open the game on ipad?
I've pulled 2 le gendarmes in a pack as we'll. also I think there was a epic in there as well. I have very legendary card and now I'm starting to collect gold cards
I'm getting a ton of new and weird bugs in this updated version. A step backwards so far for stability :s
Hhmm, nice snarky quote there..... Well to explain what I meant there... People say control warrior is all about the legends.. If you don't have those "Those specific legends", don't bother making one (Like an iron clad mold)... The importance of the rares, epics and commons synergy is highly underrated... I didn't know sharing experiments and observations needs some snark around here... I guess contributions are frowned upon.. Tsk-tsk...
A new article on Polygon where they provide some interesting estimates about Free-to-play Hearthstone. Worth a read. For instance, if you were to play 45 minutes a day for 6 months, you should be able to craft the most expensive Warrior deck around. Also, on average, you get epics every 5th pack and Legendaries every 20th.
Finally!! 500 Ranked wins as a hunter.. My hero's finally golden, hurrah! I tested how much the UTH nerf will affect the performance/ win rate of the deck.. Well it didn't even on high levels of play... The thing though is you have to adjust and bring in more early drops since the combos can't be rushed like it used to.. So it's a mid game card now which is still very potent.. So fellow huntards out there (don't know why they call us that) the cheap beast synergy deck is still very strong.. If you watch the weekend mana grind Swiss tournaments, there's still a lot of hunter decks buzzing around..
I was deciding whether to save money for arena or just open a fresh pack before going to sleep tonight (actually it's 1:00 am)... I really had a long day and just decided to open a pack... Good thing I did
Yeah! I agree, adding +1 cost on UTH will not destroy the deck, basically it'll just delay 1 turn to combo out, So we players just need to be creative to maximize the 1 more turn wait btw, congrats on your 500th win
Yeah I saw you pull that earlier via announcements.. I was going to congratulate you, but you logged-out hehe.. 2 legends and 2 rares and a very useful common.. That's a great pack..
By the time Hearthstone was released on iPad i haven't played any other game. Well done Blizzard. Amazing game.