If hounds were changed to simple minion type and not beast that would ruin the whole buzzard draw half of deck combo and even up the odds for other decks.
UTH on its own, I can take. Clear my taunts and minions with hounds, wolf and hunters mark. No problem. At the very least, even trade if you ask me. 3 hunter cards for 3 of my minions let say. The problem is starving buzzard. To clear 3 of my minions, and get to draw 3 more is just broken. We all know, card advantage is huge in HS, something other classes can't take advantage much. Locks can tap every turn, hunters can combo. I'm biased with Rogue, and need 7 mana (sprint) to draw 4, in which either I'm already dead or my opponent's already dead. It is actually called Unleash the Skill. Combo with Skill Buzzard and Timberskillz. Not enough? Throw in a free Hunters Skill to kill your 5/10 taunt with your 1/1 hound. Throw in a couple of Skill Command too. And to finish you off, Steady Skill for the last 2 damage.
Somehow I agree on the Buzzard. Sure it isnt much on its own (it's still pretty darn good at 2-cost), but it's an engine in a combo with just one card (with the addition to possibly clearing the board, is broken). On that note, I hope Hunter's Mark was at least 1-cost instead of zero. The fact that you can trade a 1/1 hound for a 1000/1000, because of a card you can play for free which you drew because of the hounds coming into play, is... Well, i guess the whole Hunter deck right now has a lot of synergy, more effectively so than other classes.
I wouldn't call that synergy , hunter cards are way too cheap. It baffles me how Hunter's mark costs zero and unleash costs only 2.
The problem is, for budget deck there are only 2 options available now that can somehow compete with epic+legend deck, Zoo Warlock and UTH Hunter.
For everyone who is struggeling with the Arena. I found this website very helpfull. http://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone-arena-priest-card-rankings-spreadsheet It helps you to choose the best card out of the three choices you have. For every hero there is a tier card list.
Need some advice here. The other day I opened a gold Lord Jaraxxus (replaces Warlock with 3/15 hero with hero power to summon 6/6 guy every turn) which seems pretty powerful on paper. In practice, however, it tends to go either way. When it works out it's pretty badass, but often my 15 health is pretty easily extinguished so late in the game when they can afford high attack minions/spells. My question is, is it worth keeping the card and trying to get better with Warlock, or should I scrap it and build something like Ragnaros which is extremely powerful and can be used with ANY hero?
If you have less than 15 health when you cast Jaraxxus, you instantly get healed back to 15. Also, Jaraxxus's ability is to cast 6/6 minions. Plus, he has 3 attack. I actually want a Jaraxxus, he's pretty good in warrior control decks.
Jaraxxus is probably one of the best Hero specific legendary, and can only really be maximized by the Handlock deck. If you are running a different warlock build, then it is useless. I would suggest to keep it since warlocks have always been top 3 most powerful hero/decks. Do take note you die to sacrificial pact (warlock specific card that destroy demon and gain 5 life) if target as Jaraxxus. Mirror entity can also copy Jaraxxus and puts down a 3/15 minion for the mage user LOL. Believe it or not, during the closed beta period, hunters are really weak due to lack of synergy. UTH used to be give beast charge this turn and +2 attack if I am not mistaken, and the only viable hunter deck is the one turn kill OTK in which they use wolves, young dragonhawk and uth for a deadly 20+ damage one turn. Blizzard then decided to change the whole UTH card. Unlike Murlocs, beast have bad synergy, and buzzard UTH is the only really good thing working for them.
hey everyone wow great game would like to add some more friends on battlenet my battleid is Ozes I can use some advice i have been playing for about 2 weeks and I took the slow approach unlocking all my classes brining them to Level 10 doing the basic quests and accumilating like 1400 Gold before entering the arena. played 4 times 2-3 3-3 4-3 3-0 and now im with a hunter class at 4-0 and can use some advice. Can you check out my arena deck below? Thanks
problem attaching file sorry for double post hey everyone wow great game would like to add some more friends on battlenet my battleid is Ozes I can use some advice i have been playing for about 2 weeks and I took the slow approach unlocking all my classes brining them to Level 10 doing the basic quests and accumilating like 1400 Gold before entering the arena. played 3 times 3-3 4-3 3-0 and now im with a hunter class at 4-0 and can use some advice. Can you check out my arena deck below? Thanks https://www.dropbox.com/s/m7n738tvhg2ezfe/2014-05-07%2019.40.09.png add me: ozes#1619
how do you play buzzards i hear a good deal about them but everytime i try to use them they die to quick for any payoff
The more I play this the more I love it even though I haven't managed to get beyond rank 19 (mainly playing as a Rogue). I enjoy the class based quests as it makes me experiment with new builds. Went back to the Mage for the first time in ages today. Did well in casual so thought I'd give ranked a go. Managed to win three on the trot including two against hunters using UTH. Very satisfying!
They're excellent as a combo piece with unleash the hounds. Wait till opponent has 4 or so minions out, then play buzzard followed by uth. Instant 4 draw + a field full of minions.
I just won 4 games in a row ranked play and was at the pirate rank and when I won the fourth game it glitches me back down to rank 20 what's up with that?