I saw that card for the first time yesterday. Luckily I turned it into a sheep Mr Sheepy is definitely one of the best commons in the game
Thx Blizzard for not mentioning that iPad1 isn't supported... No problem to DL it, no problem to install, no problem to run it until there comes a screen which tells you that iPad1 is not supported... THX!
Yeah, that kind of bumbed me out, too. My wife has an iPad 1 and I had her all psyched to play, and then that happened. That's all it took for her interest in this to tank. :/
I just downloaded this on Thursday due to springtime slowing down my gaming... I love it!!! Having a blast against AI and got butt kicked in casual duals. Only one class yet to unlock, priest, but my druid should make short work of that.
Lol, forgot to add my question, if you don't use your own deck does the game auto fit you with best available cards, including newly acquired? I've never played a deck builder so I'm not great at it, I get the concept but just a learning curve I guess with mana costs and having enough 6 and 7s to cause some damage
Just bought my first batch of cards (7) and got my first Legendary card Deathwing. It costs 10 so obviously I won't be playing it early on , but the 12/12 with the battlecry that destroy all minions and discard your hand makes for an interesting card. How does this legendary compare to others? Any suggestions on the best way to play it or with what class?
You lucked out. I had no legendaries at all when I bought my 7 pack batch. Only legendary I've had is al'akir the windlord, who is a shaman legendary. Given that he's underpowered for his cost, and I don't play with the shaman, I disenchanted him to buy some commons and rares for decks I actually use. Deathwing is a great finisher, and can turn a game around when played when the opponent has full board control. Just watch out for polymorphs and hexes. Typically, since he's a ten drop, you should be running low on cards anyway, unless you're playing as a warlock. So the discard shouldn't be a big issue. Play him in a control deck designed to win late-game.
the max hand size can definitely be used to your advantage as well. I have spent some time on the hearthstone reddit and heard about a play where someone dropped king mukla (who gives the opponent 2 banana cards at the start of their turn). The bananas filled their hand, and since they were playing a warlock and saving cards, a big game hunter was burned that could have killed mukla.
For whatever reason, I often find my matches wind up in a long drawn out deadlock. I don't follow any decks and construct my own half-baked mess. So that might be one reason. Discovered two "features" today, that might not be apparent to new players. So thought I would share. One is the little "x" on daily quests. For some reason I had assumed it would dismiss the quest altogether. Rather, it replaces it with a new one. The second thing I found was in deck construction mode. Even though it said 30/30 at the bottom, I could keep dragging and adding more cards to it. The game would just eliminate any random card to make space! I think it's a bug.
I think it actually replaces one on the row you drag any over 30 to, so wherever you let go over it will remove that one and add your new one. Could be wrong!
How much gold should i save for incoming expansion ? Only unlock base deck (level 10) for all character with few rares, hesitant to buy card pack or play in arena
This is correct. It will replace the one you dragged it into. If you drag it into an empty space in the decklist, it will not get added into your deck if you already have 30 cards.
Here's my wife's battle tag. She's also looking for some hearthstone friends and she plays waaaay more often than me lol Kryptonina#1982