I must admit, this game is very moreish. But it's not good for you, arena, oh god the rage, the undying rage.
I enjoyed arena because for 50 more than a card pack you get a card pack and a chance to win extra coins and dust, but once i got into it more i realized how much of a punching bag i was.
Arena is a lot of fun. Having good luck with the Rogue. Still havent gone over 6 wins though. It can be brutal
Just opened this pack on my lunch break at work. I swear, I feel like a kid again! Can't wait to get home and play with some new deck builds.
Nice pack! I really (x100) want a Ragnaros. Did you get the pack from the arena, gold or real $$$? I went 4-3 in arena yesterday with a Druid where I drew a Ragnaros. Coincidentally I won all the games where I was able to play Ragnaros and lost all the games (close ones for that matter) where I didn't get to play him.
Check out AntiGrav1ty's Arena Tier List (I believe he updates it) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AifXEOqTcGcLdFVvWk1GRjVJTHJUaTVLcGViR1RRTFE&gid=21 I try to make an effort to get 4 1-2mana minions, 4 3's, 4 4's, 2-3 5's, 1-2 6's and 1-2 7+'s, mix the rest w spells. I try to beat the other player early on and have only had average success (best is 5-3). Also know Mage, Paladin, Rogue might be considered the best for arena (am I wrong here?) I'd like to hear of some tips as well.
Good point. Im not really looking to go into legend rank (although it'd be cool to get there someday), so this can be my motivation to keep playing ranked
Legend Rank is a hell of a pain to reach, and even then, it's worse of a pain to keep. I play PC, and let me tell you, you really gotta know your shit inwards, outwards, forwards, backwards, two-dimensionally, and three-dimensionally. Tough choices need to be made. And lots. It's that much of a pain. That's like three truckloads of thinking you have to do each game.
That was a basic 100 gold pack. I was super pumped, needless to say. I had been hoarding dust to craft Ragnaros eventually. My only other legendary (King Mukla) came in a real money pack. Are there any legendaries that work particularly well alongside Ragnaros?
Alexstraza works well with Rag, but they would work better in a control deck. Aggro wont usually use Alexstraza offensively coz they may have dealt over 15 dmg to the enemy already. Other legend that works well with Rag is Baron Geddon. The Baron clears the smaller guys out so Rag will send 8 points to your opponents face each turn. Rag is pretty useful in most decks, so you're lucky to have him already.
Nothing make me happier than Ragnaros hitting a 1/1 on his first time out and me destroying him with a single card on my second. I've done it a few times and man, is that satisfying. That dude ain't all that. (I'm joking of course. The game is balanced so very well that even an amazing card like this can be destroyed with a common card, and I just love it.)
Yeah, I really appreciate that there are no insta-win cards. With solid strategy and a little luck of the draw anything can be handled before it singlehandedly wrecks you. That being said, I'm still super happy that I opened Rag, haha.
Mhmm. OK, for your original question, what has worked against me is anything to clear my side. So the various mind control cards, the large AOE attacks, things like that. And here's a thing - if you silence him, he can attack. He loses the power but gets the ability to attack. So, if your opponent lays down a full spread of little guys, silence Rag and you can attack directly.
That's one thing I really love about Hearthstone. A person can play an amazing, rare card but it can be slapped down by basic cards. They announced another card:
Yeah, I just logged in to see if I had the card-back, but don't see anything. I figured it was just a time zone thing (Midnight for Blizz is two hours behind my time zone), but now I see some already have it, so I don't know.