Header Ball

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by Eh!stralia, Feb 26, 2019.

  1. Eh!stralia

    Eh!stralia New Member

    #1 Eh!stralia, Feb 26, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019

    Download Header Ball for Android on the Google Play Store. The game is simple: just keep the ball in the air! Chose from 15 countries, edit your character, and compare your score against players from around the world!

    Small file size, easy to start, and challenging as you keep going, it's the perfect game when you have a few minutes to kill and want to play something!

    screenshot2CA.png screenshot3.png screenshot4Au.png

    Download Link:
  2. Eh!stralia

    Eh!stralia New Member

    Header Ball has now been updated to version 1.5.

    New in this version:
    When selecting a country it will now change the entire theme! Along with that there are now custom ball designs for each country, and you can further customize your player with a headband, based off your country selection. The custom ball designs and headbands(more is upcoming also) will need to be unlocked by new players in future updates, but are available and unlocked right from the start for everyone downloading version 1.5!

    Header Ball is now also available in German! You can select your language in the options menu.

    Some graphics have also been improved, fixed, changed. You’ll notice the player’s head move a bit now before hitting the ball, a bit of colour changes on some backgrounds, and some small changes here and there just to tidy things up.

    Download link(also in first post): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ehstralia.headerball

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