Things I DON"T regret buying minigore Alive 4 Ever RETURNS Guerilla Bob Plants vs Zombies Caligo Chaser Inotia 2 Heavy Gunner 3d ZombieSmash and much much more
This months regrets: Rayman 2: does not work for 4.0 on my 2g gt moto racing acadamy: laggy on 4.0 (have really cut down on my spending)
Rayman works just fine on mine but GT racing does run like crap. I bought it when it first came out though So I can't say I regret buying it.
The only purchase I've regretted was Simcity... but mainly because I don't buy any games that I don't know it's good, except for my insta-buys which are still awesome
Iron Man 2 by Gameloft, and 2XL Trophylite Rally. I regret purchasing them very much. HUGE dissapointments
Assault Squadron. Absolutely worst controls out of all the shmups i've played on the iPhone (Buster Red, Icarus X, Roswell Fighter, Siberian Strike).