Have these games been made yet?

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by JMDx10, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. JMDx10

    JMDx10 Member

    Mar 31, 2009
    Hey, I just want to know if these games have been made, are in the process of being developed, or if there's a similar game like these. Thanks.

    A game like Final Fantasy VII? Obviously not FF7 because I don't think you can do those graphis on an IPhone, but something more like Golden Sun I guess. Basically, an RPG with turn based fight sequences.


    Roller Coaster Tycoon

    Any hockey games? I'm not talking about air hockey either. An actual hockey game similar to Real Soccer or Baseball Superstars.

    Command and Conquer: Red Alert

    Family Feud

    (Also, I'm sorry if this has been posted before or if I posted it in the wrong forum. I'm new here so I don't know how things work in these forums yet. If it is in the wrong forum, a mod could move it in the right one. Thanks)
  2. ibelongintheforums

    ibelongintheforums Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    nope, nope, aircoaster 3D, nope, they are making it now maybe not red alert but it was announced, nope
  3. Hi JMDx10. Welcome to the forums.
    You have posted in the correct sub-forum so long as you are on about Touch/iPhone games and not iPod click-wheel games.
    FF7 is not out, but those graphics are definitely possible on these devices, so that won't be the reason why it's not been ported I assure you.
    As for Zelda, that is a Nintendo only franchise and so will never be on any other platform other than a Nintendo one.
  4. JMDx10

    JMDx10 Member

    Mar 31, 2009

    Thanks. As for Zelda, are there similar games to it?
  5. Someone else may be able to answer that- I've been too busy beavering away at my own game these last few weeks. Sorry. I know there are 1 or 2 fantasy RPG's out there, but their names escape me. Anyone care to interject?
  6. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    The "closest" to Zelda (and by closest I mean don't get your hopes up) are:

    Pocket Hero
    Opal's Quest
    Chronicles Of Inotia

    Pocket Hero might be worth trying because it at least is playable. Opal's Quest I only bought because it was 99 cents at the time, and I certainly wouldn't recommend it for a $2.99 price tag. Inotia might fit the bill, but I haven't tried it so I can't comment.

    Hopefully in May Zenonia will be out, and this might be more along the lines of what you're looking for.

    As for C&C: Red Alert, as mentioned they are making a C&C game, though I don't know if it's been specified where it will fit in the franchise. In the mean time, Warfare Incorporated might work for you.
  7. JMDx10

    JMDx10 Member

    Mar 31, 2009
    That game Zenonia is exactly what I am looking for. Thanks! I'll probably just wait for that one.
  8. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    No problem. Just tell them I sent you :)
  9. walsh06

    walsh06 Well-Known Member

    zenonia is one of the most anticipated games by me and a lot of others on here as it looks very promising. gamevil will make some money i think when it comes out.
  10. spiffyone

    spiffyone Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2008
    None of those games are really like LoZ. Chronicles of Inotia may look
    like an LoZ style game, but it's not. It's an RPG.

    Legend of Zelda is NOT an RPG, but an action/adventure game. RPGs, in the video game medium, are stat oriented, and damned near everything is geared toward player/character creation and/or customization. Go into battle, enemies have hit points, win, get the points, assign the points to different stats, customize your character. Same deal with quests.

    LoZ, on the other hand, is all about item hunting, environmental puzzle solving, exploration, mixed in with direct combat against enemy characters for which you are not given any points nor able to assign those points at your choosing.

    Actually, no...Opal's Quest is close to LoZ and only because there are some switches on the floor in the dungeons and it's not really stat based. But it's a really poorly done port, so I'd say avoid it for now.
  11. darksoul

    darksoul Active Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    #11 darksoul, Mar 31, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
    FFVII- well there is final fantasy vii for the iphone. you can get it through jailbreaking but i heard many people say it's laggy. Vay is very similar to FF.

    Zelda- yea, just as PointOfLight said, zenonia seems to be similar but i feel like it's more like Sword of Mana. can't wait for that though

    Any hockey games?- maybe Ice Stars

    Command and Conquer: Red Alert- yes there will be a C&C game but im not sure that it's the Red Alert one

    Family Feud- no
  12. spiffyone

    spiffyone Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2008
    BTW, LoZ itself will NEVER be developed for this platform. EVER. So get that out of your mind right now. Nintendo does not develop for non-Nintendo platforms.

    Zenonia is another game that looks like it might be LoZ like...but, again, looks are misleading. Judging from the description, and the video posted here on toucharcade, it's not an action/adventure but rather an action/RPG. While the two genres are pretty close, they are not one and the same. If you view the video you'll see the player assigning stats at a certain point; in LoZ you do not assign stats (because there are none in the game available to the player).

    Why is this such an important distinction?

    Because action/RPGs, focused on stats as they are, usually on not focused on that which action/adventure games are focused on: adventure gameplay in addition to action gameplay. Heavy emphasis is placed on adventure game elements such as exploration, item hunting and, in particular, environmental puzzles. That's not a big focus in most action/RPGs. And if you know LoZ you know that the best part of the games are the dungeons and that's because of the clever environmental puzzles Nintendo EAD puts in those areas (which, btw, they've been expanding into the overworld more and more since LttP).
    Put it to you this way:

    LoZ has a lot more in common with Metroid than it does Zenonia in terms of gameplay. Looks are another matter, but as stated, looks can be deceiving.

    Here's an upcoming game that seems to be more along the LoZ action/adventure lines:

    Dark Raider discussion thread

    If you look at the vids, you'll see heart containers and weapons, but no real assigning of stats or enemies having hit points. That's because the focus is on getting through the dungeons, and if you watch them all you'll see that there are little environmental puzzle elements strewn throughout.
  13. theone1007

    theone1007 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Another Zelda-like RPG is Dungeon & Hero if anyone hasn't mentioned that one yet.

    The graphics are really good, I like the feel to it. The controls are ok once you get used to them and the gameplay is somewhat entertaining. Something to look at if you're looking for an RPG.
  14. CDubby94

    CDubby94 Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2009
    Betty White
    I wouldn't call AirCoaster 3D Roller Coaster Tycoon...
  15. freedog

    freedog Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    There are no games exactly like Zelda but there is one somewhat comparible to it as far as the witty puzzle-solving involved in the game. Bobby Carrot Forever, if you haven't played it yet I recommend you check it out-it sounds like a childish game but its really not other than the characters and graphics.

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