Oh I might start to implement this as a remote only 0.99 IAP option lol.-nah no way Then again let's just hope Apple will upgrade the Siri remote with more sensors and everyone can have more fine control over the return of the ball.
lol I didn't mean as an IAP.. but allowing players to activate the advanced controls if they were all using iPhones? Or a super secret cheat mode for TA readers?
you know the problem with using our own method of connecting the iPhones with local wifi has more latency than with the Siri remote. you would still want faster response with the Siri remote. Really hope Apple sees this and allow multiple Siri remotes to connect to the same Apple TV
Is the game support Game Center ( for the achievements and at least my friends know we are playing it while looking at Game Center from their Mac / iPad ) Is it too late to ask for a promo code now . I just can't wait ! Bought beat sport and dying for some more party games in the tvOS ( it's a shame that that game only have one more for multiplayer )
Currently it does not support Game Center. There is some problem with promo codes not able to download the game for unavailable regions. On 11th Feb, game will be released worldwide for 1.99USD until 22nd, where the price will be reverted back to 4.99 as a initial launch discount. PM me again when the app is live!
Hi, I've just bought the game and i can't play with the remote, the motion is not working! I reinstalled the app and no change.... I used the iPhone app and it works with it! Help please!
hm... is it possible the accelerometer is not working? did you try beat sports? you might be able to get a replacement remote (under warranty)
I think they used the gravity component of the accelerometer, our game used acceleration. no matter how hard you swing or flick the remote the character doesn't swing?