My user name is: whtcat Please add me and visit my Christmas Tree? I think something messed up and it hasn't refilled presents so I'm still at 1/2 of Mon Beau Pepin's quest...after a full month of it being active. I'd really like to finally move post 3/13 Really annoying! Anyway, please help!
I'm yellow Crystals Heyy! Add me: Game centre I.D; Copland_92 I'm yellow crystals and feel free to add me, I'm nice and friendly and don't mind helping people out Cya in the game
I have yellow crystals My Game center name is OdoMae Add me! I need more friends to visit because the newest update only lets you expand your village with coins. If you need yellow crystals, just ask
Add me! Please add me: Username: Jroreyes2 I play everyday. I have yellow crystals and always accept trades for it. Thank you!
Username - Troll.Doll I have blue crystals and I'm in need of both yellow and red to finish my last hotel upgrade. Thanks
Please add me too Please add me too. GameCenter ID: ArvinBoggs i've already added request for these users: Troll.Doll, Jroreyes2, Detecative, tareek00, Wicked_Annabella ladey87, neby100, innocentshine, littlekittymonster, hello.kuri , sydney87, Deaanny, karaan, samuelitas, ohthatbrenna, Draca, whtcat, Copland_92, Lesshuman, greg20eagles , OdoMae, TJ65, smmisimms, Death Weed , karaan Leepers10
edit (I'm not playing a lot I had an accident and I have to recover for 8-12 weeks so I'm asleep a lot and not online anymore for a while)
Looking for Friends Add me on GameCenter: Aquijad and I have Blue Crystals and Add my friend using Android: Puppito he has Red Crystals We both play daily!