A place for shout outs. Lets help TA Members feel special on their day If i happened to miss the day that you're most Awesome for all your new year, please let me know It would help greatly if you include your Special Birthday on your profile Have Fun You Cool TouchArcadians
Thankz So when does your Special Day arrive on? Those that have missed to visit TA on their Day juz post here. I'm pretty sure Members will still help send you belated wishes and thoughts for you.
It most certainly does!!!# i wish i would have thought about thiz earlier for my Daughter. Hers wuz on March 16. Eyedea pleaze: There are plenty of Birthday photos on the internet. Come on Everybody, lets make this colorful for Skylar# !!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKYLAR!!!!!!!
Advance Happy 70th birth day to my grand father ... i cant be with you on that day but i promise to send you gifts ^^ i just miss my grand father :'(
Happy birthday Italodance (maybe you can show us some sweet italian dance moves ) and jonhcereno's grandfather!
Not good. I know i have been missing alot of yallz Special Days. I do care, please forgive me. I will do my best to see the desktop more often. May a Moderator answer my ? on if this thread can be stickyd? Also if Birthdays can be shown through the TA App? Thank you in advance.