Awesome game, although I suck at it. Still a very fun game that'll have me coming back to it over and over...
Hello! I'm Richard Åström, the other half of A Small Game. First I would like to thank everyone for your nice comments about the game, we're a small team and we have worked really hard on improving and adapting this game for the iPhone. I also want you to know that we have our first winner in the Hanger t-shirt contest! Now only two t-shirts remain!
Haha yep that's me. I'm sure others have already gotten 3 stars on all levels but haven't heard about the contest-I'm really surprised that I'm first.
Bah damn it hope I'm not to late. I didn't even know about the comp. and this is honest here but I had all 90 stars yesterday before the tennis final started. I've sent off my pic anyway. About the game though. The levels were cool (some were bloody hard) but its the endless modes that I'm really enjoying. Also love the random player character at the start of each game. Can't wait for more levels.
Sweet just replied to your email. I've never won anything before by playing video game! I'll wear it with pride. =)
Haha that's a good point, I might as well just accept my prize. P.S. once I won a free game of my choice-I chose a copy of Borderlands-for winning a match of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood multiplayer in an OnLive contest. Winning stuff by playing games is awesome!
Just to celebrate here but is there any chance of a "hanger" themed wallpaper for my iPod lockscreen?
Probably way too late for the shirt contest, but I also got all 90 stars. Can't wait for the new levels...
Yes sorry! I Just logged in to say that we now have three winners and the contest is over! Thanks for playing!
You guys should add a level editor to the game, that would give it even more replayability. Or some kind of multiplayer. There's a lot you could do with this neat title
Fun game, but it definitely errs on the easy side with the levels going by rather quickly once you get the momentum going. Finished them within 30 minutes tops. Worth the buck though, I'll just have to see how much I'll go back to endless in terms of replayability. Something needs to be added to spice things up a bit. I'm playing on the iPad 3 and it looks..ok.
I was just thinking, I could do with more stats. Something like total time played, Total distance traveled etc.
I'm really enjoying the endless, but still playing on an iPad. I have recommended this to many friends as well and they have bought and are digging on it as well. Please do your early supporters right and don't make separate HD and iPhone versions and update the current version to be Universal. I hope this is your plan please?
Not sure if this has been been noted, but sound effect / music on/off options would be nice. Although, hearing maiming sounds only would be a little much for some, but may make others lol. Just a simple thought as techno(?) isn't everyone's taste. Edit to add; I wonder, were the names derived from ex-girlfriends, grade school bullies, and bosses? I sure took my time and redid Level 6 on Hangover with Valerie...that bi#!!!
Haha, no the names for the levels were chosen kind of randomly, but the endless levels has some names of friends, family and current girlfriends/wifes that looses their limbs, hmmm thats kind of macabre when I think about it No bosses, bullies or exes though, wouldn't want to give them the credit. The music and sfx might not be everyones cup of tea, we'll consider an on/off feature. Thanks for your input.