Universal Halo: Spartan Strike (By Microsoft Corporation)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. kleerkoat

    kleerkoat Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    thanks for the replies.

    why wouldn't devs use cloud saves. i would have purchased. especially games that are so large.

    you would think it would be so easy to implement.
  2. TheNoobOfTheCentury

    TheNoobOfTheCentury Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2014
    My final question: is there an arena-survival mode or anything to do after beating all the levels?
  3. Golden Boy

    Golden Boy Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Financial Manager
    There isn't a survival mode. However, some of the levels might as well be survival mode with the amount of enemies they throw at you.

    The mixture in almost every level will keep you coming back for more and more, seriously.
  4. ScotDamn

    ScotDamn Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 8, 2013
    Wireless Sales
    Happy Daddy
    This has got to be one of the very best games I've played on my iPad, across all genres. I'm amazed at not only the fantastic gameplay, but also the visuals and constant 60 FPS. Just wow. Put on some headphones for an even better experience! Microsoft should put more games out on iOS!
  5. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I just hope lots of people will buy this (like Implosion) so we can keep MS here for some new Halo stuff. I'm pretty sure if this somehow "fails" and they barely make money, they'll stop with this. I'm inclined to believe it's only on the appstore because they believe they would make more money by putting it there instead of a Windows / PC exclusive.

    And a side comment, the backgrounds / activities in the back on the levels are amazing. New Mombasa particularly. Your favorite vehicles flying by, soldiers running and shooting, fire fights. It really feels like a massive game and not some smaller levels that SA felt like (the level there seem bland in comparison).
  6. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    the bundle is currently 4th in paid apps (germany).That's the first time i saw a bundle that high in the charts.
  7. speetz

    speetz Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
    Would this games story fall flat without playing the first? Not that I am totally up to date on the halo universe anyway, but I am wanting to spend the last nine dollars on my iTunes, and I love dual stick shooters (and RPGs, but I am up to hair follicles in those ATM )
  8. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    No, I didn't even bother finishing the first. The stories are completely separate and in different time periods. They don't really connect unless you look at the big picture timeline but in general it's like two separate unrelated games.
  9. lukey89

    lukey89 Active Member

    Nov 6, 2012
    #109 lukey89, Apr 19, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2015
    Nope, the stories are basically separate and you will be able to understand strikes story without the playing assault. I believe though, this one gets you more into the story and objectives because theirs a person talking you through the level. Shes sort of like cortana in the actual halo games who talks tou you in the background. I never got into the story of the first one because they just gave you an objective and let you at it with little text before mission. Not only that but the levels in spartan strike are much longer and more diverse. Both are great games though.
  10. Freeway82

    Freeway82 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    I finished the game and now working on opening the classified chapter.

    All I have to say is, be prepared to die in the later chapters. It gets really difficult after chapter two so the earlier one gets accustomed to the control and how to pick up, swap and use the appropriate guns and grenades faster, the higher your survivability would be.

    Believe me, there is this sense of total frustration you get, when after holding back battalions of prometheans and get killed in the last moment.

    Worse of all, there are no checkpoints so you will have to restart the stage.

    Overall I am well satisfied with the game and the variety in game play.
  11. speetz

    speetz Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013

    Thanks for the response! Looks like I'll have to put this on my list of purchases.
  12. kopicha

    kopicha Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    wow that's fast :p thanks for the heads up. I am still playing Assault atm before spending full time in this one. did you attempt the challenges and the stars or just purely beating the mission? just curious.
  13. Freeway82

    Freeway82 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    I just did some of the challenges as they only award CR. I focussed on getting gold stars in all missions because without getting all gold in the first 4 chapters, the classified chapter won't open.

    You can invest your credits in score booster before every mission without which you you may find it really difficult to attain enough points for gold stars.

    Anyway I just gold starred all chapters now, including the classified one.

    I will repeat, be prepared to die in these later chapters. Use the appropriate skills to invade swarming enemies and go for the weapon that is easily found in that level rather than the one with bigger damages as they often have limited ammo and are difficult to come across.

    A little hint. Always equip the weapon that falls from the yellow promethean hounds as you are assured never to run out of ammo and whatever you do, never stand at a single spot for long. Keep moving and keep hiding when taking shots.

    I really enjoyed this game especially the driving parts. My favourite vehicle is the Kestrel. Very Agile.

    Now to uninstall and archive.
  14. Sekelani

    Sekelani Active Member

    Jan 3, 2012
    Pizza maker, crust
    How long is this game?
  15. JMan121314

    JMan121314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2014
    Should I start with one or just buy the bundle? I wanted to try this from the moment they brought it out on windows. This is a real surprise release on iOS, I am actually enjoying that Microsoft is starting to open up more to other platforms, they are gaining my respect again. I will be getting this as soon as I get more money which I don't have right now :)
  16. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    I'm already having a blast just with Spartan Assault,not even touched Strike yet.It keeps the Halo feeling really really well imo and it makes a lot of fun.So,if you like the Halo universe go for the bundle.But you can also just buy one (and check if it's your cup of tea) and complete the bundle later (so you have to pay just 4 bucks for the second game).
  17. kopicha

    kopicha Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    i am in the same shoe as you lol. having a blast with the first one and didnt want to touch this till i finish the first. I did play the first 2 mission of strike when i just got the bundle just to test out the game also to share some imp about it. but it is clear that strike does improve in a lot of aspect over assault which is why i wanted to finish up with assault first before fully experience strike to get the most out of it. not relating to the story since they have no link despite being sequel but its all about the improvements done to the game. since i guess playing this then assault might feel like taking a step backward.
  18. Mooro

    Mooro Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2010
    Are there different difficulty settings? I have read a few comments saying that the difficulty ramps up very quickly. I don't like difficult games :) :) :)
  19. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    You can always just buy one and buy the bundle later to get the other one at a cheaper price, right?
  20. Golden Boy

    Golden Boy Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Financial Manager
    Yes, you can purchase an app separately and complete the bundle later, if you so choose. You will not have to pay full price as if you bought them separately, only the cost that would amount to the bundle price.

    For example: Halo SS is $6, it would only cost you $4 to buy the other Halo app to complete the bundle.

    Here is an Apple support link to further explain:


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