Interface wise, this newer one is better. They added some better UI elements like grenade indicator, though i still wish they did the grenade activation differently.
Jesus, is it really that difficult for frickin Microsoft Game Studios to get movement controls right? This would be so good if they weren't so wonky
This is an awesome surprise! Spartan Assault is my favorite game on my windows tab and was waiting for Strike to come out. Had no idea they were planning on releasing it on iOS. Just bought the bundle!!
I mean, they're usable but horribly fidgety and oversensitive and the "hitboxes," for lack of a better term, are all wonky. Heard the controls were pitch perfect on the X1 for Assault, so I'm fairly certain that an MFi Controller would solve this issue. Since you've got one, don't hold back. Game is pretty great
The controls are really wonky and make it frustrating to play. Twin stick shooters on iOS are my favorite genre. So I have experience. I don't even want to play that's how wonky they are. Billy
Yeah the controls for Spartan assault were pretty wonky but by no means were they game breaking. You get used to them after awhile. The developer did acknowledge the problems and claimed that they were improving them drastically for Spartan Strike so we'll see. People are mentioning MFi controllers, is it confrmed that the games support them? Because that would be AMAZING.
I dunno about you guys but the movement was working pretty well for me. I only felt off for about a couple minutes now I don't notice a thing. I guess the sensitivity is higher than normal but you should adjust pretty easily if you play one level.
Yes I confirm it few pages earlier for both Assault and Strike that it's fully supported even for the game menu. Play just like any twin stick shooter on console when playing with MFi pad.
Also is there a survival mode? Not a mission that tasks for you to survive for X amount of time, but an actual Age Of Zombies type survival mode? Thanks a lot!
Many writers who primarily review desktop and console titles sometimes take issue with touch controls just because they are touch controls, no matter the implementation. But while I can't speak for the original Windows Mobile iteration, it seems the reports of control issues might have been right this time. Microsoft/343/Vanguard botched the movement controls. The movement stick is over-sensitive and inexact, and the Spartan moves and turns in jerks and twists. Another annoyance is that ranged attacks have a small autoaim compensation that can't be turned off, and that grenades auto-target the closest enemy in the direction the Spartan is facing. These are the "concessions" some developers believe the platform requires, but that only serve to dumb down gameplay and remove manual control from the player (and that fly in the face of all similar titles that allow full manual targeting to great effects). The jerky, inexact movement I'm actually hoping is a bug. With the vast number of dual stick shooters for the platform who have this control method down smooth and pat, it seems unlikely that Microsoft and their associated developers would settle for something so uncalibrated and clumsy. Until this potential bug is fixed, I can't recommend this over the Steam version (which sells at the same price, with the same bundled discount for this and the original). But even if it is, the auto-compensation and automatic grenade targeting is enough that I, at least, will probably purchase Spartan Strike for the PC (and return to my Steam copy of Spartan Assault as well).