Okay, wtf is with these companies having security breaches and then not mentioning it for weeks? Shouldn't consumers have at least some kind of forewarning?
Your data wasn't stolen, ergo it's not exactly your business. Security breaches happen all of the time, they're not a rare occurrence at all. If every single one of them made headlines there wouldn't be room for everything else. Sounds like a relatively small scale attack on Nintendo... if they just fixed it and nothing important was stolen, who cares?
But back to the topic, I'm glad Wii users didn't have to endure what PS3 Users had to for over a month.
LulzSec, the people that hacked Sony Pictures, have claimed the breach as their own on their Twitter. They said they meant no harm though, and that they are big Nintendo fans. It's not like there's that much personal information on Nintendo's network to steal.