I just downloaded BROGUE for ios on Saturday, and totally fell in love with it. Hack Slash Loot looks like it could be just as much fun... maybe I'll have to pick this up as well.
Hmmmm. I been spending lots of time with this game. I like the simplicity of it anyway. Why on earth do I always lose all my gear at random for no reason? I'll have that belt artifact and a guy with 94 Heath and etc etc in the mask of the boy King one. Then all of a sudden I'll have none of my gear. What in the heck is causing that? Why do I lose everything? I have a monster with tons of stats then suddenly wham all my hard work gone. I don think I will play this again till I find out. Maybe it's broken and a refund is in order heh. I've never got a refund before though. And I have this on android and ios
This is by far my favorite Rouge like game! I love the sound effects, all the drops that keep you thinking about how you want to level up your character. Some luck plays into it as I just got the ability to walk through walls now. That should make some battles a bit easier. I also have one revive as well. Great game devs!! Thanks
I considered to buy it too, and saw on steam so so reviews, so what your thoght guys? should i buy this one ?
Like I said, I am having lots of fun playing this game. Be warned! It is hard and you will die lots. If you die enough times the female Amazon gets unlocked. She has a nice bow that may heal you when you kill enemies. I just won my first quest , the Mask of the boy King. I was lucky I had a resurrection enchantment, as the last guy killed me. Look on the Internet for forums and hints on how to play.