Quick gameplay video for anyone who wants to see what it is about. Think it is a really fun game but may just need a few tweaks before it is perfect. video
Right after the first splash screen, the screen goes black and there's no way to play! Any help appreciated! iPhone 5SE 64GB iOS 10.2.1
I totally meant to mention that. It truly does cut down on the tapping that some are finding annoying.
I played it for about an hour. It was good for a laugh. Running out of cheese sucks. Maybe I'm playing it wrong. Damn fine art and presentation. I lost interest in making it to Canada. Deleted.
Same thing here, first splash screen visible for half a second than the screen goes black. iPhone 6S 64GB iOS 10.2.1, System language=Italian.
I reached a point that I have to pay to progress ie to open up the map. They should have mention that I'm the game. Nonetheless I bought them since it is only a buck. Now I feel like a moron for looking properly #
The game is pay to win because of the tickets. Please remove them, as it cheapens the game. Anyone with tons of money to spare can just buy their way to the top of the leaderboard. Lame.
Whenever I go somewhere to sell tacos and the truck runs over a skeleton, the game fades to black and freezes.
Yeah, that memorization game doesn't really match up with an action game... There's a menu to check the recipes during that part, but time is still going (customers get impatient and leave). --- By the way, dying (in the shooting stages) means starting over from the beginning of the game.
Can you give me some more info on this? We haven't had this reported before, so any info you can provide would be appreciated! Sorry this happened to you.
How about the game freezing? That's happened to me twice now, after the truck runs over a skeleton. Also, I don't think it's fair that you can just pay to beat this game. It makes the leaderboard pointless. Is it possible to have a separate leaderboard for people who don't resort to buying tickets to win?
Paid to unlock the full game, sort of wish I didn't. I'm pretty much always in the situation where I run out of one major ingredient and the next couple stops don't even sell it or I'm stuck going to garages. I can make it further than what's offered in the free version but it doesn't take long for things to take a turn for the worse. The random factor really kills you here since so much relies on some main ingredients.
Drucifer, the major missing ingredient issue was addressed in our last update (1.1.10). You will always get to the next Shop and find the ingredient you need. Thus, if you're missing cheese, the next Shop will have it. Missing salsa? Next Shop has it. Bug-wise, we've been fixing any found for the past month or so. Hopefully people are experiencing few to none of those.