5* Selling Lord of Inferno Cool lv1 for $ or 20 SS Send me a PM with your $ offer. 4* selling Cerberus cool 3SS Selling AGI(III) stones PM offers, only $
Ramiel-cool-chaotic-chaotic-cool-cool-cool-fast Cerberus-cool- Kraken-brave-chaotic-brave Golem-int-powerful- Jormugandr-cool- Giant-chaotic- Hecatoncheir-fast-brave-chaotic Pazuzu-fast-cool-chaotic-cool-int Garuda-chaotic Pabilsag-powerful-chaotic Medusa-chaotic-powerful Vampire-Powerful-brave-intelligent Dullahan-intelligent Angel-cool-chaotic-inteliigent Fenrir-cool-chaotic cool types=5 SS the other types= 4 SS 5* card Lord of inferno= 20SS 5* available Intelligent Phoenix Intelligent Valkyrie Intelligent Dominion Chaotic Leviathan Chaotic Juggernaut Powerful Titan Cool Vampire Matron Chaotic Ifrit Note: trade for 5 star also...no SS Trade me ingame and attach what type and card you want ign: RebornR __________________
Want to trade for a 5* I have a lvl 43 brave angel and lvl 30 Brave Ramiel. Also have an Ace ramiel and SS Ign rarak
Trading away my 4*s Sexy Ramiel Brave Fenrir(lvl4) Have a bunch of SS also for trades. Looking for angel, vamp, other 4 stars. Will add many SS for a 5* card PM please, let's work it out
4* and SS for trade Looking to get rid of 2x Ramiel(Sexy, cool) Fenrir (brave) Kraken(chaos) Pazuzu (brave) Looking for: 5 star cards(non referral) Have a ton of slimes to combine with offers -looking for other 4stars as well. Angel and Vamp with good types. Private message me to work out a deal. IGN: Hylindar
(For the newbies here, SS = Silver Slime) ID is the same as here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SELLING: Take any 3 cards and receive a 1 SS discount! Pazuzu: Fast Lvl 1 - 1 SS[/size] Hecatoncheir : Int Lvl 31 - 8 SS Powerful Lvl 1 - 3 SS Sexy Lvl 1 - 2 SS Sexy Lvl 1 - 2 SS Ramiel: Powerful Lvl 1 - 1 SS Chaotic Lvl 1 - 1 SS Int Lvl 1 - 2 SS Brave Lvl 15 - 2 SS Jormungandyr: Sexy Lvl 1 - 2 SS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUYING: Fenrir Lvl 1 Byakko Lvl 1 Golem Lvl 1 Giant Lvl 1 Will trade any 2-5 of the cards I'm selling for these depending on type. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks!
5* Selling Lord of Inferno Cool lv1 for $ or 20 SS Send me a PM with your $ offer. 4* selling Cerberus cool 3SS Selling AGI(III) stones PM offers, only $
I'd trade you for the 20ss if you can prove you aren't a scammer. (I say this in the nicest way possible, I don't think you are, I just want to be safe.)
Qwestshun I'm looking to trade for a Vampire- have SS Also, I need an opinion, if you had to pick one to level from 1, which is the most beneficial in the long run Fast Byakko Intell Hecatoncheir Fast Ramiel Fast Angel. Thanks!
Someone posted that Hecan is a pretty good one. At high level, it can one shot everything except few cards. Well, anyone got a death type card that I can trade for? 3 stars? I can trade pretty much any 3 stars card that i have. ask me to list them.
Trading 4* sexy vamp 4 a 4* sexy angel (or brave angel and any 3*) (or ace angel and ill give u 2ss aswell)
Looking 4 angel, trading sexy 4* vamp Ace angel for sexy vamp and 2SS Sexy angle 4 sexy vamp Brave angel and SS 4 sexy vamp. Also have 4* powerfull razuzu 4 any other 4*
trading my 5* levi+ stones III for your other 5* except inferno/ levi http://www.guardiancrossforum.com/my-5-and-skill-stone-mutilation-4-phy-atk-a-for-other-5-t2724.html here for the more detailed.
Looking 4 angel, trading sexy 4* vamp Ace angel for sexy vamp and 2SS Sexy angle 4 sexy vamp Brave angel and SS 4 sexy vamp. Also have 4* powerfull razuzu 4 any other 4* Ign KingRatcus