Rarak, apparently i'm incompetent at searching, because I wasn't able to find you. Send the Trade offer to Kirefly and i'll do 4SS
Looking to trade a few 4S cards I'm looking for some different 4S cards or will trade multiple for 5S card, send me a message for offers in game same ID. Powerful Jormungandr Cool Jormungandr Cool Jormungandr Powerful Ramiel Chaotic Ramiel Cool Angel Sexy Angel Chaotic Hecantonchier Fast Hecantonchier Chaotic Kraken
Looking to trade for 5* cards, mainly looking for a Vampire Matron, but others will work depending on what it is. I have a ton of SS Also have: 5* Brave Leviathan 4* Intelligent Pabilsag 4* Brave Ramiel 4* Chaotic Byakko 4* Chaotic Kraken 4x Guardian Stone II 1x Bane Stone (Poison +3 Skill) Willing to trade any of these for SS as well. IGN: anex0909
Hey guys, just a tiny announcement for the posters in this thread: If you happen to get a post that doesn't show up immediately, or says it needs to be approved by a moderator, please don't make duplicate posts over and over. None of them will get approved automatically, but a moderator (me) will have to sort through the lot. I check the queue at least twice a day to approve posts, so it should never be too long a wait, but if there are lots of posts by the same few users, there's no way for me to know which ones to approve. Basically, don't make more than one post unless more than one is required. Thanks!
Looking for 5* cards. I have the following 4* cards to trade. 3 - Jormungandr (brave, power, power) 3 - Pazuzu (chaotic, sexy, sexy) 4 - Angel (frost, power, cool, chaotic) 2 - Vampire (fast, cool) 1 - Ramiel (chaotic) IGN: Landmax
5* Selling Lord of Inferno Cool lv1 for $ or 20 SS Send me a PM with your $ offer. 4* selling Cerberus cool 3SS Selling AGI(III) stones PM offers, only $
I will trade lvl 30 4* ACE + LORD of Inferno for Blaze stone Fire+3 rush...pm me here or trade me ign RebornR
11 SS, Agility 3 (agi +100) Stone, Sorcerer 2 (mp +30) x 4 and a Bane Stone (+poison +3 skill). The whole lot for a 5*.
I am currently selling: Offers: Ramiel Ace Ramiel Brave (lvl 30) Angel Brave (lvl 43) 4SS Angel, fast 3SS Dullahan, Brave Seiryu, Cool Kraken, Fast Angel, chaoticx3, Brave Vamp, chaotic x2, Brave Hecatonceir, Bravex3 Ramiel intelligent, Cool, Chaoticx2, Fastx2 Jormungandr, Sexy, Chaotic Wyvern, powerful, intelligent Medusa, Fast, Brave Pazuzu, coolx2 Some good deals there. I will trade several for 4* Aces or for LOI or Stones. search for rarak ingame to trade thanks
Cards to trade for ss, offer me WTT for ss below 4* cards 1. Fenrir - fast 2. Wyvern - sexy- taken by darksky 3. Pazuzu - chaotic / powerful 4. Medusa - chaotic- taken by Kirito 5. Giant - cool / brave lv15 6. Pabilsag - powerful 3* card 1. Hanuman - cool / powerful 2. Berserker - int / brave x 2 3. Unicorn - cool / brave x 2 4. Basilisk - chaotic 5. Cernunnos - cool / powerful 6. Wendigo - int x 2 / sexy / fast 7. Chimera - brave / int / fast 8. Diablos - chaotic lv8 9. Jin - chaotic lv6 10. Spinx - int lv6- taken by alfree 11. Furfur - brave lv8- taken by alfree 12. Hydra - int lv13- taken by alfree 13. Lindworm - fast lv10 14. Caith sith - powerful lv11- taken by alfree Give me ur offer for ss, post here/ pm me or send ur offer to�� Ign: Dark Crow��
really? i saw some thread say they will trade 4* for 1ss so i dont really know about the price. ok then, wyvern + fenrir + wendigo for 3ss and 2 lvl1 stones. you can choose the stones, that all i could offer. please consider it. ID: Darksky
4* Ace Kraken lvl15 Brave Vampire lvl21 Brave Hecantocheir lvl28 Chaotic Angel lvl12 3* Jinn x2 powerfullvl7 / cool Humbaba x2 powerful/cool Lindworm x2 powerful/brave Violet Dragonling x2 sexy/fast Mandarin Dragonling powerful Cool Hydra lvl 18 Powerful Furfur lvl 16 Naga lvl 5 powerful Sphinx lvl5 fast Team name: Breedlove Add me as friend or just propose trade via pm in forum or game. Looking for 5*
Hi all, im currently selling the following guardians below. All guardians are level 1 unless otherwise stated. 5* Level 52 Titan (Int) - has 50 - 60 +2 stones in it Level 60 Vamp Matron (Brave) Level 50 Leviathan (Cool) 4* Level 22 Ramiel (Chaotic) 5SS Jormungandr (Powerful) 3SS Jormungandr (Cool) 2SS Angel (Int)x4 3SS Angel (Cool) 4SS Hecatoncheir (Powerful) 4SS Cerberus (Cool) 2SS - SOLD OUT Kraken (Fast) 3SS Kraken (Powerful) 3SS Kraken (Chaotic) 2SS Pazuzu (Fast) 2SS Pabilsag (Powerful) 2SS Dragonlings Emerald Dragonling x2 Sepia Dragonling x2 Mandarin Dragonling x3 1SS Violet Dragonling x2 1SS Emerald and Sepia Dragonlings are 2 for 1SS PM me your offers or post them in this thread, prices can be negotiated