I don't know about everyone else, but after watching this trailer, I haven't been so excited about a console game in a long time. The graphics, the animation, the characters, the detail, the variety, it all looks incredible to me. Thoughts? Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Can wait for the iOS port in 10 years! Lol in all seriousness it looks amazing. Graphically no current gen console could stably push an open world looking that crazy good, I'm assuming this is a next gen console title?
"five" on top of "V". I guess they figure their customers are going to be confused by just "V". Perhaps true.
Releasing a huge game only for consoles that isn't specifically xbox or ps3 exclusive is rare to unheard of. Besides a current gen console could not run a game looking that good fully open world without some serious issues.
GTA IV was released on PC 6 months after consoles ,RDR haven't been released on PC at all! please stop embarrassing yourself
Please stop trying to pick a fight. if I wanted to nitpick you I would inform you of numerous grammatical errors in your above comment. My point was that I have a hard seeing a huge, huge blockbuster title like this with a massive, cult like following not be for both console and PC. R* would ultimately lose money by not releasing for PC, and we all know that businesses are in business to make money or they leave the scene quickly.
well, nobody knows for a fact if its coming on PC or not either way i think the trailer was current gen consoles footage since it looks too jaggy!
That's the first video game trailer I've ever seen that had the same feel as a movie trailer. That said, that was awesome and I'm going to be pre-ordering that game
That is how Rockstar tend to roll though. I don't recall PC versions of GTA ever being discussed before the console releases. But that's not to say the trailers can't be running on something more powerful than a console... Anyway, yeah. I'm getting more excited about this after recent news. It looks like they're going back to a more SA vibe than GTA IV was, so hopefully the fun will resurface too.