I want to say, with Real Racing 3 raising the simulation category and at the same time lowering to an all time low with freemium, I'm quite relieved with what Gameloft has done. I can finally play an updated car simulation game that will push current devices without worrying about timers and repairs. Ryan give Gameloft developing team my thanks, for being competitive in the iOS gaming industry. Also is the rear view mirror in FPS mode suppose to look all jaggy and clay like? It looks really odd with the sharp graphics and seeing a 240p cars in the rear view mirror.
Thanks!Maybe a bit less sensitive control as well.I know theres a slider for this but could be a little more.
Any good car racer MUST have a bonnet cam, I hate bumper cam with no view of the car your driving, it completely kills the atmosphere of any game in that unrealistic view
After a few hours with the game I'm not sure my opinion is as favorable. The game seems to offer all the stuff you'd expect from a good racer: graphics, controls, physics, career, multiplayer, cars. But also seems to offer a very punishing grind that forces you into paying pretty early on. With rewards for wins being relatively small and car prices and mechanics prices being so high it seems to me you are going to hit a pay wall pretty early on. Or you are going to grind out races with the same two entry cars for weeks. After only 6 races with the Mito you are presented with an announcement that you should upgrade your car 5 times to proceed into the next event. Just to make all those upgrades I already need to start grinding the races I already completed. You can ignore these upgrades and race anyway but since I needed a couple upgrades just to finish the first 6 races I'm thinking I might not want to skip these upgrades for the next level of races. I found the career mode in Asphalt 8 to be far less restrictive and I was able to work my way deep into that career without grinding. This game seems far more restrictive in that regard and so I'm pretty close to writing this one off.
I disagree. I have it since soft launch and while there has been some balancing and additions in between that and launch, the actual payouts and rewards stayed the same or actually increased for certain tiers. I have 16 cars. I've earned 5561010 in game currency. Have all cars upgraded to at least level 3, some parts up to level 5. Won every event I've entered, 665 with 745 stars, even if that upgrade pop up comes in (which its worth noting can be still be won if you turn off assist for the most part and at least it doesn't force you to have those upgrades applied to enter the event, so it still can be raced and one can decide how far one needs to upgrade). Reached level 43 and 20% complete. Still have 2528 of the premium currency dollars that I can't decide what to use for. Have 3 mechanics on the go. One low level, one mid level and one high level. Plus have a friends list of some decent high ranks that can be hired in game to help out with boosts and instant upgrades. All with no iap. Of the 6 racing games on device at the moment (some premium, some RR3), this one is probably the easiest I have to earn in game and progress through it.
Same exact "Error code 9" issue when trying to access multiplayer. At first I thought it was blocking connections from outside Canada during the soft lauch, but the problem persists. Hope its not a ban. If it might help, it started happening after I reached 3000 multiplayer points. Updated to the last version, clean install didn't help also. On another hand, 2 important bugs I've just found: 1. Customer care is not working for me, that's why I'm telling you here. It pops up an alert with a message that there's no internet connection, although there is. Sometimes right away, sometimes after loading the FAQ and sometimes after loading the form past the FAQ/known issues page. 2. This one is very annoying: I'm at level 55, when I'm very close to 56, after the "turning" race, the bar, instead of filling up, it just goes down to an empty bar, so I'm at the beginning of level 55 again, obviously without its 56 coins reward. It's happend twice so I should have around 56+57=113 coins more than what I have now (plus two levels up). Unless level 55 is the maximum which I don't thing so. And one question: In the platinum series, if you already own the prize, what happens, you get another one ;-)? You get its value as you've already spent it? You get nothing so don't bother? My vote: you guess! Thanks and nice game BTW.
Hmmm, that is encouraging. Perhaps I do just need to give it more time. Maybe I won't delete it just yet.
Yes,grinding is necessary but at least i CAN grind/race when and how often i want and no dumb repair timers stop me from that (or eaten up my grind earnings) ;-) Btw,is there a way to deactivate the drivers profil pics in the race?I find them way too big,they really get into the way when i try to pass a car.And most of them look ugly as hell
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Thanks for the compliments and I will pass it along! In regards to the mirror though: Not 100% sure if the quality is meant to be like that. I'd hope not but I've made a note of it since I experienced it first-hand on my livestream as well. I'd imagine that's something that can be fixed in an update. Okay, I'm not sure what's going on with the "Error 9" message when trying to do multiplayer. I'll have to ask around to see what's happening there. Once I get an answer I'll post in the thread to let everyone know. It might have to do with transitioning our servers from the soft-launch version to the WW release client. Not sure though. Sometimes our support site is a little buggy on mobile devices. Have you tried accessing it through a desktop or laptop? For the other two requests, I'll have to get back to you on them. I don't think that 55 is the top level and that's weird that it's resetting your level progress. I also haven't personally done a time limited event where I already own the reward so I will work on finding out >.< Haha, I'm pretty sure those are all Gameloft employees! Sadly there isn't a way to deactivate them right now but it might be something we add in a patch if the Development team decides to input it.
And don't forget to play the platinum series events when they are there. The current one gives a free car that earned me a lot in races and the in game currency for third and the Dollar currency for second are rewards well worth having. The current one is obviously tailored to new players to give a solid step up. Also, the platinum as it progresses becomes a very good payer. From the three I played in the soft launch, they were worth it for the second and third prizes alone, never mind the free car, that otherwise will cost to buy in game (unless its one of the classics that can only be win in there). If it follows the pattern of the soft launch for the platinum events, the next two are big earners, particularly the Dodge one. And you do get a discount on the car you buy to race the series so savings to be made all over the place and some very impressive rewards (in game currency for third and premium currency for second and quality car for first) when they get to the higher tiers. And if you complete it on time there is a small Dollar currency reward as well. So basically, be sure and play the platinum series events. They are more than worth it and will contribute a lot to building up in game currency's and you car numbers which will open up even more events to race in the campaign.
Alright so a few things now that I have heard back from the Dev team on a couple of these issues: -If you are experiencing the "Error 9" message, that's something related to your account that our support team needs to fix. Contact them with information regarding this issue and they will be in contact with the Dev team for a more technical solution than I can provide. -If you are having issues leveling up, like going from 55->56 which was mentioned earlier in the thread, that is also a bug and needs to be addressed. Submit information and logs to our support team so the Dev team can work on fixing this bug in an update ASAP. -In regards to the time limited events: If you currently own the car that is the highest tier reward, you will be able to win the value of the car in coins along with the other cash/coin rewards in the earlier tiers. Here is a link for the support team. Include as much information, SS's, logs, etc as you can to help us pinpoint these issues! Thanks folks for the help on this! Gameloft GTR2 Support Link
Been away for a few days but did gameloft really lock cars away behind cash or stars? what was wrong with the original method of having all cars available and you just need to earn the credits to buy it? That is one backwards update I do not like, it was bad enough when RR3 did that, streamlines the game way too much.
Question about the current platinum series. I need to spend the $110 on the Clio to enter it correct? And if I get all the stars I get the RS version of the car? If I spend $110 on the new car that will drain my $. Is that a good idea?
Well, I did that event during the soft launch. I can't really see any difference in it then and now but it was a couple of weeks ago but form playing it then, the cost of the car to enter it was irrelevant in relation to the prizes and well worth the price of admission basically. The race rewards seem a bit higher but its hard to remember exactly what they were a few weeks ago as there is a lot of events. I had already bought that entry level Renault before the event showed up anyway first time around. I remember a small discount when buying the car I needed to race in the other platinum events but I don't know if its still there or not as mine is marked as completed already and I have the car so I can't comment on that part. I can say, yes, do buy the Renault to race the platinum series as the rewards from the races themselves, combined with the top three prizes will easily outweigh the price of that car. And you will get a car at the end for winning all the races anyway. And the car is worth it. As a rule of thumb, the platinum series will always pay very well for winning it and the car you need to enter it will seem like a very small number when overall winnings from each race and the top three prizes are yours. I would advise entering them all basically no matter what the scenario. Its worth noting as well that it has a very long campaign so its more important to focus on getting the early low tier cars and completing events in the lower part of the campaign to build up the stars and driver level at this early stage. It is quite linear but if you aim to have a tier 6 at this stage, it would be a mistake and make it more difficult to earn. Focus on each tier as it unlocks through the star accumulation. You can skip this and buy a high tier car early but I bought an Aston and the Corvette too early myself. Nice though they are, what I should have done is bought four or five of the tier one cars instead and progress that way. It would have made things a lot easier. In saying that I'm still finding progression easy enough but choosing cars wisely and not aiming for the top end stuff just yet is still the best approach at the beginning. So far the best car I bought is the Audi RS5. Very neutral handling and a great little earner in the campaign but particularly a great earner in the multiplayer with the assists off because its handling is very good.
OK, I'll give it a whirl. I gotta say though. Overall I'm finding the races to be a bit of a challenge early on. I'm a racing fanatic so I've played tons of these types of games over the years and I almost never struggle to win in the early going. In RR3 I won with ease (before the 1.2 update - haven't played since), in 2K Drive I have no trouble winning, in Asphalt 8 I can easily win. But in this game I had to grab a few upgrades just to win some of the first 6 races. I usually don't need to go for upgrades at all until later in the games. I'm not complaining mind you, just surprised that I'm finding it such a challenge in a game genre I usually excel at both on iOS and my PC and Xbox. Is anyone else finding this to be the case or am I really just missing something here? Maybe I'm just not used to the physics model yet. I also have to just say one more thing. The Laguna Seca track in this game is the most unrealistic version of the track I've ever seen. It's WAY OFF and was clearly not designed by someone familiar with it.
Really?Playing it on my 4s and iPad4 and have a fluid experience on both.In fact i have a better framerate than i have in RR3 on both devices.