You're like an unofficial game guide I swear the wings were different. It was the first day I played, I think the guys name was crafter, he was wearing a ninja headscarf. The only thing I could possibly think of, is back then the ninja clothes had effect on the wings, because I wear a ninja mask and it has effect on my body.. I'm like see throughish. I don't wear top or pants because I like to save room in my inventory, (still wish equipped clothes didn't take up space :/) so maybe back then it was some bug when you wear ninja clothes + wings. Agree with the praises to the devs wholeheartedly. Wrote a novel of a review in the AppStore a few days ago, but ill say it again, growtopia is easily the best multiplayer game on iOS, I'm not usually into the genre, but as snoz said, there's something for everyone, and it sure hooked me Devs are innovators. They should be proud PROUD (in the voice of Tom green, via freedy got fingered)
I dunno. I feel pretty sure I saw someone with fairy wings and ninja back when the promo codes were released when I started, but I can't be certain. It's certainly possible I guess. I wear a ninja mask, vest and tights, asbestos boots, shades, fairy wings and a pickaxe haha.
Nice outfit I'm waiting on my fairy stuff to be ready.. I plan on wearing all fairy stuff, but ill alternate between rainbow wig and fairy crown. I wish the fairy crown hairstyle had longer hair. It looks like a flamboyant boy fairy.. (Which is still cute) It'd be cool if you could pick a gender when you make your grow id and some clothes slightly adjust to your gender, mainly headgear. I want a unicorn horn.
I can't seem to pick up some of the items I left locked between a cage of dirt. The noise is made, but the items aren't going in my inventory. Trying not to panic. Deep breaths, calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean.
Ah, HOTELMEWOKO links to your SEEDIARY and I direct people there whenever they ask "how do I build 'X'?" Let me know if I can help you with your stuff in some way--I am starting to get a lot of extra seeds. And anyone, feel free to ask me if you need help with knowing how to set up your own hotel or come to my server for ideas.
Hey guys check out a couple of worlds I made! First world is SUPERFARM, I'm constantly adding new seeds and removing old seeds so the tree selection is quite different on a daily basis. I also l let friends build houses in their own locked sections and some people get their own farming space, mainly so I keep the world alive. There is also a scammer wall there so if you want to know who NOT to trust go there. Already some one returne stolen goods because the wall had made them famous for the wrong reasons LOL! Second world: CASTLEMANIA Me and a few others who I trusted With he world lock have basically made a not impossible to complete but highly frustrating maze which we sometimes put prizes at the end of.... I reckon it's the hardest. Obstacle course any one has made as it gets difficult right from the GET-GO. Lol. I'm making a house At world BRECHNOR too, it's pretty big but you can only see part of it because I don't have a third world lock, sadly.
All tier 9 items have been added to SEEDIARY. This includes Lollipop and Cloudstone Block(two of the 10 new items from a few days ago). I've also finally decided to add the tier 4 "dirty" items, Mud Glob, Tan Shirt and Stinky Socks. And since the new Lava Rock is only rarity 2 and thus an entry level item most new players will immediately discover, I went ahead and added it today too.
I may not have ended up noticing my guide was in the announcements popup if it hadn't been pointed out haha, awesome! And I like my custom title, it's pretty cool =p
You're famous seil ^_^ congrats! You deserve to be recognised for all the hard work you've put in being the unofficial guide to growtopia Hotelmewoko I noticed your yerfdog posters seamed together to make a big poster, sadly mine don't do that /: Edit- damn I just went to your world, they don't seam, you only have 1 poster, thought you had 4 but I just realised my browser must have just been really zoomed in when I saw it.. Damn. Posters should seem together when you have 4 to make a big poster. Still experiencing the item bug.. What basically happens, is if my inventory is full when I walk over a bunch of dropped seeds, and I only have 2 spaces open, 2 seeds get picked up, but the rest don't, so then I drop a few seeds and walk over the other seeds I hadn't picked up and you still can't pick them up. I think red pawning seems to fix it though. Or reconnecting. I picked up those old seeds I was talking about but had the problem again with other stuff. It's be cool if when you walked past dropped items it showed you what they are, maybe you can press a button called file name mode and it shows the text of each dropped item or something.
Hmm, earlier today we had an issue where if a dropped item was just a little too low (random, so rarish but could happen), the server would refuse to pick it up. A patch went in though so if that was it, all your items should be pick-up-able now. PS: Yeah, Seil is great, we made him our first mod in fact.. Still working on writing the mod system...
Thanks for the compliments haha. SEEDIARY has been updated with Tier 10 now. It's probably going to take some time to get all the source seeds I need for tier 11, so not sure when that will be ready.
Hey all! I have made a server called SCAMMERS, which lists anyone who has stolen items in a manipulative fashion (and a couple extreme, manipulative griefers). Please send me an email at [email protected] with your username, their username, what they did, and anyone who can back up your situation (anyone who was nearby at the time, etc.) Some of you have been sending me screenshots as proof too, because apparently many scammers gloat afterwards ("I stole your stuff hahahaha", etc. Those are also very useful if possible. Also, PSA to everyone: pirate and rubber appear to be the worst scammers in all of the game. I have gotten more than ten reports for both of them. Be careful when trading or giving people lock permissions! Use a trustworthy third party when possible, too.
Glad to hear about mods coming! So many tossers ruin it for everyone else.. Hopefully super trusted people like seil could remove locks placed by griefers.. It'd be hard though because then they could potentially take anyone's lock down.seil is clearly trustworthy but I worry about other mods. Maybe mods can only take down locks that are placed in a world where the lock placer was not the world creator. Loving all these item updates, this is going to be like, the new modern day minecraft, for casual players, on iOS. Mewoko, your hotel is very nice and all, it's really well designed, but I'm seriously stumped and confused as to why people pay seeds and a lock for a tiny area of land in someone else's world, when they could just use that lock to lock their own world and have complete control over their stuff. I couldn't imagine ever building in someone else's world where you can't remove your stuff, it confuses me to my core as to why people are lining up to get a "room". I won't lie, I was fascinated too, and almost considered buying a room, but why?? Why is it so fascinating where technically, and realistically it's not very productive. And the craziest thing of all, is meowsgarden, why on earth would someone pay to grow there trees in someone else's world in a little grubby dirt row, that's cray cray to me. I absolutely don't understand the benefits at all. It must simply be to be social, so you're building in a world with other people instead of building like a loner like myself? That's the only possible explanation I could think of. Sorry I'm not trying to be narky or anything, just genuinely confused but fascinated by the popularity if hotels when it's much more productive and safe to build on your own land. Alot of other hotels seem to lock their doors too, so if the owner isn't online no one can get in to their stuff, that'd truly suck, and again I don't understand it! Your hotel is gorgeous though, and clearly it's a hit with the growtopia community, so please don't think Im being negative, just confused. ^_^ Edit- I did some tests to see how world locks interact with small locks, and giving access to someone, and I see now. I always thought if you built stuff on a world lock that you couldn't ever remove anything, I see now that's not the case, so now it's more understandable. I thought if I built stuff I couldn't remove it, and only the owner could. Makes sense now.
I helped a little with meowgarden haha. I'm pretty sure the reason it's popular is the social aspect. It's a sub community. Makes it feel like you're part of something besides just the game. A lot of people that rent rooms in places also have their own worlds - it's just something they find interesting.
If Seth ever makes a feature to the game where he can highlight worlds to people, this needs a permanent spot alongside Seediary...great idea that a lot more people need to know of
Dander139 is asking people to pay $3 to his PayPal to be admin. Is that even legal? Or is it just frowned upon like masturbating on an aeroplane? Yeah I agree the hotel is beautiful, so is the seediary, hopefully one day there will be featured worlds and whatnot. And friendlists, it's really annoying not having friends lists.. And especially a mailbox feature to send msgs to people offline. Yeah I thought the hotel would be a social thing, that I understand, but the garden I don't, simply because trees aren't permanent, nor do you spend hours making them pretty, you just throw two seeds down and it's done, there's no hanging around or anything, and not much customisation. With the hotel people do spend time making there room beautiful. Seeds are different to me, seeds are like something you want all in one place, I don't want to go around to different worlds harvesting my seeds, I want them all in one safe place, but each to their own I guess.
Everything in the game is the property of the developers. So selling anything for outside money is almost definitely illegal. Taking legal action would likely cost more than it's worth though haha. But anyone caught doing it is probably guaranteed a ban. If you have screenshots I would recommend sending something to [email protected] - rather I would recommend doing so regardless, chat is logged after all. Even if it's just a grouping of farming plots, it acts as a hub for people to meet and talk and hang out. Maybe share seeds or recipes =p It's not my thing, but it's still an interesting concept and some people do like it, so whatever haha. So long as people enjoy it, it's awesome. Offline messaging and a friends list are both suggestions I highly support lol.