Universal Grimvalor (by Direlight Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by redribbon, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    ok... so, this one is what i call a Metroidvania!!! and... what a wonderful one!!!!!!!
    a masterpiece in every aspect, playability, longevity, atmosphere, grafx, music...

    now we can easily use the sacred “Metroidvania” word , this outstanding beauty deserves it!
    Solarclipse and pathogen541 like this.
  2. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Im now in the middle of Act IV, gotta say this game gets better and better !

    The gameplay is so satisfying and fluid, exploration is fun but not too tedious, atmosphere is great...

    I recommend this 100%, we need more games like this on the App Store !
  3. redribbon

    redribbon Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    using the mfi controller help me much to passed the game. also i didn't do a 100% completed on some area(teasures). think im going to start a new save slots and try to finished whats left.
  4. FiloMJ

    FiloMJ Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2015

  5. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    I am training for a no-damage run now. Will see if I can do that.
    sebgo likes this.
  6. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I'm not very far in it ! - Act I Monastery Entrance

    If i go 'up' i face a guardian and die ! If i take the route 'down' (Shattered Rift) then i get 'hunted' and i keep getting killed. Any tips ?
  7. Laenor

    Laenor Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2013
    Paris, France
    Don't go to the Shattered Rift until you are level 8-10 with a powerful weapon - The creatures that hunt you are level 8 or so.
    Edit.: However, it's great XP if you farm them.
    houseofg likes this.
  8. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Thanks for the prompt reply. I'll take your advice and try the other route, just gone up a level so 'may' be a bit easier. Cheers
  9. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Wow really ? I mean im like 5 hours in and I am in Act IV already... i didnt 100% exploration but i try to be close to it....

    I do play with my MFi at all times, also i consider myself decent, im no pro but I am good at these type of games
  10. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Once im done with the game I think ill try a "no vigor/no armor/no flasks upgrade" playthrough, lets see how this goes lol
  11. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Screenshot or it didn’t happen :).
  12. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701

    why would you want to complete such masterpiece in the shortest time possible??? is like you're having great sex with your partner and can't wait to finish all the stuff!!! :D:D:D
    sorry, but i'll never understand that... or maybe there's a money prize from the devs and i'm not aware of it??? :D

    anyway, do you have any sector at 100% ???
    did you beat any Hunter, besides the bosses???
    have you crafted gloves, armors, and higher weapons???
  13. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    #93 Milotorou, Oct 15, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018

    I just checked : im at 5:28 minutes, act 4 in the guard tower. I got the first armor upgrade but not the second, i 100% about half of the areas, others are at 75% or higher, i got the highest gloves and sword (which is my kit i use), i didnt rush anything, im actually just playing at my pace. I never grinded anywhere because i want to keep it challenging, im level 20 and i got my flask maxed and all trinkets from the merchant...

    If you really want screenshots i will provide lol, no reason to lie.

    Edit : Ive also beaten all hunters ive encountered.

    I dunno if thats worth something as well but i died less than a dozen times so far, I guess if you struggle with a boss it will add to your playtime

    Edit 2 : No matter the playtime though im having a blast, this is the best iOS original ive played in like forever.
  14. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    #94 Vovin, Oct 15, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
    Yeah, I am just training each act over and over again as soon as I completed it, but I’m far from trying such a no-dam run, just thought it would be nice to try eventually. Of course no 100% run, just straight through it. Maybe I first try no flask, as you said. Act 3 is pretty mean and always shoves something nasty down my throat. But I am a long-time Dark Souls player and love to suffer. At least the enemies in Grimvalor have less patterns to learn and remember as in Dark Souls. Maybe I’ll come to the conclusion that such a run is still crazy, because I often get burned by the fire.
  15. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    Man you gotta record it if you manage that, I gotta see it hahaha
  16. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    has anyone got the act IV Depths of the mountain jumping-between-thorns secret and can you tell me what it is? The momentum when i hit the light switches almost always throwns me on the thorns. one time i randomly almost passed the first row, to plunge and die.
  17. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    I dont remember exactly whats up there (a sword or a moonlight trinket level, if my memory serves me right) but an easy way to pass this place is to not jump too much, but remember every tome you hit a light bulb you can jump again, most of the path though you should only be hitting the bulbs since jumping goes right in the spikes
    ramzarules likes this.
  18. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
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    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    I'm having trouble getting past a couple of bosses: the one in Shattered Rift and the SiegeBreaker in Highlands Keep, both in Act I. Which is the "weaker" one that I should focus on first?

    I'm currently level 12 with a couple of weapons over 375. Is this sufficient?
  19. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    Im not sure why everyone keeps comparing this to dark souls....sure, asethetically its a damn near rip off, but gameplay wise, I find it much closer to the likes of Dead Cells. From the way you move around, to the combat, it really does feel more like "dead cells" mobile vs dark souls mobile. I really am not seeing the comparison here beyond the aesthetic, which again, was obviously cribbed from dark souls but I digress.

    This game is, in a word, fantastic. I have not played a mobile game this solid in a LONG time, let alone one of this caliber and size. Im not sure how much time I have in the game, Im on act 2, but it does seem pretty decent in length. I do generally consider myself to be quite proficient at action games and this has proven to be no different, as I really haven't found the combat all that challenging. Once you get a hang of the dodge mechanic, it really starts to gel together, and after a while it almost felt like i was stringing together combos ala tony hawks pro skater, with that game having an undeniable "flow" you get into, I find much of the same here in the combat stringing together combos, it just has a "flow" that feels really good.

    I am not even close to the end, and this is a game I don't want to rush through. I love the atmosphere (even if it is cribbed from DS) and the music is top notch, but most importantly, its just damned fun to play!!!! If you are on the fence about this one, hop off the fence and buy it. Now. Like, today. You wont regret it. Promise.
  20. pathogen541

    pathogen541 Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    Im SOOOOO glad someone finally made that connection. Everyone has been comparing this to dark souls, and I really dont get why. The combat isn't even REMOTELY close to DS, the enemies are tough, sure, but I don't remember being able to dash, wall run, do charge combos etc in DS, I do remember unlocking all that cool shit in Metroid and Castlevania. It's more like Dead Cells than dark souls IMHO, From the way you move, to just how different the weapons feel....NOW if only they had all the traps and other goodies..... but I actually think all that other junk would just get in the way here, Grimvallor is spot on. Mobile GOTY.
    Gwarmaxx likes this.

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