Universal Grimvalor (by Direlight Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by redribbon, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. jpgold

    jpgold Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    #201 jpgold, Apr 27, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2020
    YES!!! I’ve been waiting for the “Arachnophobia Update” and can finally play this game.

    Looks so good and been so pissed that I couldn’t join in on the fun.

    Edit: WOW, not that I'm saying anything new here, but what a game. Absolutely loving everything and confirms that I knew I was missing out.
    ColeDaddy likes this.
  2. abazigal

    abazigal Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
    Still managed to get past the 1st act of new game+ and now I am stuck at the part where I am supposed to fight Arminel. Except now a whole bunch of guards spawn before him and one of them wields an axe that can potentially one-shot me. But I don’t want to backtrack. Gotta hang in there...
  3. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    I forgot just how great this was until playing the new update. I left off on act 3. Finished 3 last night and can’t wait to get back into it after work. This is definitely one of the best of its kind on the App Store.
  4. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
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  5. AlexWild

    AlexWild Active Member

    Aug 9, 2018
    Wow! I didn't know about the update.. it's time to try again!
  6. abazigal

    abazigal Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
    After a few days of grinding, I am now in act 5, and here are some of my thoughts for NG+.

    The game is much harder. Sometimes in a fun way, sometimes in a frustrating “oh crap, one hit and I am dead” kinda way. I found myself having to rely on stun effects more and more often. Was stuck at the Valarian champion for a very long time.

    In case you are wondering - the master key for Act3 is found in Act4, so don’t waste your time trying to look for it.

    While I get that removing many of the shrines (effectively save points) is meant to challenge the player in finishing an entire segment of the game in one go, it again gets frustrating having to slog through an entire area after dying. I just find certain points tedious.

    The cerulean amulet, I have a love-hit relationship with. On one hand, it keeps me alive, yet one hit basically drains my entire energy bar, leaving me unable to use my special moves to stun the enemies (and you will need to stun them often as a form of crowd control because they hit so hard).

    Did the hammer and halberd get a revision? It now seems to sport a faster recovery time, and is less risky to use.

    Since armour makes up for so much of your hit points, it doesn’t quite feel worth it to invest in vitality, making your character into a glass cannon of sorts. Hits hard, but has to be very agile and focus on evading hits rather than trying to tank them. Weapons just deal more damage, so they haven’t really been changed. Wish there was an upgraded form of the slayer’s weapon. Loved the aesthetics, and it’s a bummer that it basically became useless after act 1.

    In all, I think it’s a welcome upgrade (and you can’t really complain, given that it’s free on top of a very affordable price). Though more casual players may want to give it a miss because if not for me having the time due to the current lockdown situation, I would find it too punishing to want to slog through under normal circumstances.

    Regardless, thank you to the developers for making this possible.
    CrayonWarrior likes this.
  7. abazigal

    abazigal Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
    So I guess this thread is all but dead, but having replayed the game a couple of times during this whole pandemic situation, I noticed a few more parts of the game that I overlooked earlier. So I am wondering if anyone can answer them here.

    1) The ring of the north peak has flavour text which mentions a second princess. Is she the dragon slayer you fight numerous times in the game? Are the pages in the journal narrated by her? Did she slay Neelag to prevent others from accessing his blood?

    2) In act 2, you come across a note which mentions a treasure hidden beneath a crystal arch. I never did figure out what or where that was. Any ideas?

    3) I more or less get the gist of the whole plot, but am not sure of what the “poison” in the king actually was. Was it literal poison or some sort of spell or curse meant to make him to crazy? What actually did the dragon blood do to him?

    4) Who or what exactly are those monsters that toss those purple orbs? They will attack the other soldiers in the game, so it’s clear they are not allies. What their backstory? Did they use to be human?

    Your input would be much appreciated here.
  8. JasonStonier

    JasonStonier New Member

    Sep 9, 2021
    Firstly, love this game. A worthy successor to Swordigo, and my current most-played game on any format.

    But...I have a problem, that might be a bug - but I’d be so surprised if I found a bug that nobody else saw in testing.

    So, in Act 2, the Tower Of Despair level - to open the door at the top of the tower (looking at some YouTube walkthroughs) you have to light the two signal fires - but on my run through I lit both fires but this didn’t open the door - I also didn’t get a cutscene showing the door opening. At the top of the tower I get the ‘you are being hunted’ message, but with the door locked I can’t progress.

    In getting to this point, at first I missed the second signal fire and cleared the whole level including the hidden floor at the top of the tower, and then went back to find the second signal fire. I wonder if I have accidentally stumbled on a path through the code which introduces a bug...or whether I am just dumb as a box of rocks and have missed something.

  9. JasonStonier

    JasonStonier New Member

    Sep 9, 2021
    Ignore the above comment - the answer is "dumb as a box of rocks". There are two doors at the top of that level: the signal fires open the first one, and the second is by an action in a hidden area through a jump to the ceiling. My bad!
    Boardumb likes this.
  10. agreen437

    agreen437 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    Even though this hasn’t had an update since 2020 still enjoying this gem on my M1 iPad Pro apparently it still works on iOS 16 from what I’ve experienced if you have this gem in your purchase history go ahead and download idk when it will be updated again if ever I did ask the developer but haven’t heard anything back so yeah with newer iOS versions this might be unsupported but time will tell as far as I know the game still works with iPad os 16 and am on the latest version
    CrayonWarrior and Skall like this.
  11. agreen437

    agreen437 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    Guys just got an email back from the devs the game Grimvalor has a brand new update on the way it will support newer devices
    decript, raravan and ColeDaddy like this.
  12. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Great news. This is a very nice castlevania type clone. Some of the bosses are quite tricky though !
    ColeDaddy likes this.
  13. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
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    Mar 20, 2010
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    Did the dev state a timetable for the update?
  14. agreen437

    agreen437 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    #214 agreen437, Aug 7, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2023
    The developer said in the coming weeks and just got another email from the developer saying there in the final stages of testing the update it could be dropping later this month according to the second email that I got so great news
    ColeDaddy likes this.
  15. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Just had another blast with this game. Bloody hard ! I’m not even off the first act yet !
  16. agreen437

    agreen437 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    I’m on act 4 actually just have to beat the slayer it’s weird because I didn’t know he would get powerful with a fire sword so anyway I’m going to the nearest regular enemy place to refill my charge attack hopefully it helps
  17. agreen437

    agreen437 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    Anyone know how to beat slayer boss in act 4 ? Also is there a more powerful weapon that I might have missed?
  18. agreen437

    agreen437 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    Just beat act 4 slayer yesterday also got an achievement for beating him also can’t wait for the new update hopefully by next month when I emailed the developer they said they were finishing up the update and it supports all new devices as I stated before
  19. agreen437

    agreen437 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    New update out now and hopefully they included 120 FPS support for M1 and M2 iPad Pro models
  20. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
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    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    From the update notes:

    Seems like you got your wish :).

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