Universal Gridrunner [Llamasoft]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by strivemind, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. studepaber007

    studepaber007 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
    Heh if you want hard mode (more like nightmare mode) play the game on casual and start on one of the level 30 grids (currently ranked #4 in casual with 336,473)
  2. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I don't want to jump ahead, I want to start from the beginning and have the game progress at a faster rate. That's more a pure high scoring challenge, IMHO. Start fresh each time. I just don't want it to take so long to complete.
  3. studepaber007

    studepaber007 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
    I see what you're saying, that option would be nice.
  4. studepaber007

    studepaber007 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
    Speaking of hard (and dang near impossible unless you get the right powerups) have any of you got past level 37 (on pure or casual)? I got to 38 once but I swear level 37 is brutal! :eek:
  5. Agas

    Agas Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011



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  6. I think this is the best iOS game from Jeff so far.

    It really hits the sweet spot between greed (trying to get every powerup) and danger (running into enemies and dying).

    So good for high score runs, although it does tend to take ages to play a full game once you get above a few hundred thousand
  7. CroRock

    CroRock Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    5th on Pure and 7th on Casual muahahaha :D
  8. Darth Ronfar

    Darth Ronfar Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Animal related
    So I gt this game because I like shooters and it was the game of the week etc..

    The problem is I don't know what the he'll I'm doing, the controls feel weird, I don't know what to shoot, what to avoid, what to collect. There's no tutorial and not even a main scrEen. I don't get the appeal of thisgame I guess because I don't understand what I'm doing, I guess if there was atleast a help menu or options then I could figure it out. I mean I know to dodge the lasers things on the side and shoot the worm gurys... Is that it? Why ar the controls all weird like that it's not responsive enough its like touch but on a rotator or something so when I move the ship like slides. I really can't get use to the controls Is this game only good on iCade?
  9. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    I've been playing on my iPad with the Expert control setup for the last week..

    and just now broke 200,000, and hit Grid 35 in Pure mode... DAMN IT'S CRAZY!!! Very impressed with it!

    it took me a while to get use to the controls, but here's some little... tips... I guess you could call them..

    Collect all those coin looking things that pop up then fly back down towards you... you'll notice they kind of follow you if you're close to them... those are power-ups.

    You'll get more points if you let the yellow mines turn into the white falling bombs and then destroy them... I think you get 30 points for a mine, and 100 for a bomb...

    Every now and again, you'll get a power-up that will make you big, and kind of transparent (and green) - this is the invincible power-up - go all over the screen smashing into everything you can - but watch your ship, it'll get smaller and smaller until the power-up goes away... don't want to keep smashing into things when you're not invincible. =oP

    Every time you die - you'll start your next life in this invincible mode... it's a good idea to quickly clear out as much as you can before reverting back to your original state, especially in the later levels.

    Other than that... I'd say just keep practicing... I can see how the controls might not click for ya... but I've found that, in the beginning, short swipes helped me get a grasp on the controls... oh yeah... and I started with the Novice control setting... and found that easier, especially on my iPod...

    On my iPad, Expert controls are pretty much the only way I can play unless I want to kill my thumb. =oP

    Good luck!
  10. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    #110 tops2, Mar 4, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2012
    - Basic Controls
    The controls (especially expert) is really really good, but it takes time to get used to it though. I recommend just start with expert controls and get used to it. Think of it as a floating trackball, if you've ever used a trackball. The slower you swipe ("rolling" the trackball), you'll move less. The faster you swipe, the faster and more distance you move. You actually want to not have your finger on the screen unless you need to move. Its easy to accidentally run into things.

    - Beginner Tips
    The biggest tip when you first play the game is to move as little as possible, and just do short swipes to avoid things. When you get better, then you can start moving around more if you want. Keep track of the lasers. The top one shoots a laser down the grid from time to time. The side laser shoots obstacles (and different enemies at later stages). As I said, keep track of the lasers! And after you die, you'll come back invincible for a short time, so do crazy swipes for a 2-3 seconds and ram into everything to clear them out. And shoot everything.

    - Misc Tips (enemies and power ups)
    Follow what syntheticvoid said. Basically, each segment of the "centipede" enemies will leave an obstacle which will get in your way and other "centipede's" way, and over a short time, become a bomb that drops on you. You can use the obstacles to funnel other centipedes though if your good enough. From time to time, enemies will drop power ups (coins or "donut" things). Each power up has its own timer, but if you pick up another power up before the previous timer runs out, that timer resets and the power up stacks. It gets crazy if you manage to stack all the power ups (I did it a few times) and the ipod slows down like crazy like the old shmup games. ;)

    Basically, shoot everything except for the power ups and the 2 side lasers.

    Sorry for the wall of text..hopefully the tips will help. I've only gone up to ~stage 34-35 so I don't know what other surprises is in store later on. =D

    We're having a Gridrunner friendly competition if anyone wants to join. Just join our group and submit your score for the modes you want to participate in. Its on the honor system as the competition is just for fun and there's no prizes or anything. =)

    @CroRock: I think I know who may win in for our Pure competition. =P lol..
  11. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    Don't know how I missed this one last week.

    All that it took to sell me on it was, "Yep, the font and colors for the scoring is like it should be." 99 cents spent, without even looking below the top 10% of the screenshot. :)
  12. CroRock

    CroRock Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    @tops2 hehe.. I thought I'll never get that high in Vic mode like you, BUT... Just look on leaderboard ;)

    I just can't believe how much I like this game it's so challenging and addicting... Can't stop playing it!

    Also if you are liking this one, I would recommend you to try every other game from Llamasoft expecially GoatUp, Minotron and Mino Rescue!
  13. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011

    lol.. I'll try again.. =P

    Yeah, the weekend Gridrunner came out, ended up getting GoatUp and Minotron. Gonna give these games some more time before picking up Minotaur Rescue. They're all fun..but I like Gridrunner the best. =D
    Then got Caverns of Minos. Deflex is the only one I'm not sure of...
  14. smes3817

    smes3817 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Massachusetts, USA
    I have Gridrunner, GoatUp and Minotaur Rescue. Should I get Caverns or Minotron next?

    Minters games and Midway Arcade are really filling my need of retro arcade games at the moment :)
  15. CroRock

    CroRock Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    I would say both.. Hard to decide since they are way different in playstile.
    If you aiming for high scores and surviving over bizare enemies go for minotron.
    In Caverns you'll get "more content" but slower gameplay.

    You can't go wrong.. You will buy both of them sooner or later anyway ;)
  16. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    Ditto to what CroRock says.. If it was me, I'd probably get Caverns of Minos 1st. Minotron is fun, but not as fun as I had hoped (I'm still adapting to the movement controls).. Its still hard for me to move slowly in this game. Especially in the later stages you'll sometimes die in a second not knowing what hit you, which really takes the fun out of it.
  17. smes3817

    smes3817 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Massachusetts, USA
    Well you guys sold me on both of them ;) Now the only Llamasoft game I don't have is Deflex.
  18. CroRock

    CroRock Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    Same here.. All but Deflex. Maybe I'll buy it one day just to support dev.

    Anyway... Jeff Minters wrote on his blog today:

    Meanwhile I’m already halfway through the next game, which is coming along rather nicely and has developed quite a particular style that surprised even me …
  19. eev

    eev Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2009
    is there actually some info about all powerups and how the leveling up works? this game is like a freeware, just minimum efforts to make gameplay working and that's all. i mean some tutorial or info would be really useful. but it's the same like in other games from this this studio on ios. and to avoid some stupid suggestion like to get skills i just say that i am in top 20 at gc without actually knowing how the level and powerup systems work.
  20. CroRock

    CroRock Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    There is no leveling up systems in the mean of leveling your ship.. And all powerups are temporary. Every powerup ring has unique color and it represents its powerup. Also, powerups are stackable. Every level you finish, you got 1 life. Thats it.

    Sorry, but this game with 3 modes to play looks like everything but freeware.. At least to me..

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