Thanks to the kind generosity of the three co-founders of Videa—Howard Delman, Ed Rotberg, and Roger Hector—the original ROM images from the only existing Gridlee machine have been made available for free, non-commercial use. Gridlee is a game that was never released. It was developed by Videa, Inc. in 1982, on hardware designed by Howard Delman. Videa was eventually acquired by Pizza Time Theater and formed the core of their new Sente Technologies division. The hardware that Gridlee ran on evolved into the Bally/Sente SAC I system, which provided a cartridge-based arcade gaming platform that supported such games as Snake Pit, Stocker, and Hat Trick. Emulation Technology: MAME 0.139u1. Note: Gridlee is not officially endorsed by Nicola Salmoria or the MAME Team. Gridlee is based on the MAME4iOS Reloaded Project by Seleuco. "Gridlee was developed, and the copyright owned, by Videa, Inc. When Videa was dissolved, its remaining assets were distributed among Ed Rotberg, Roger Hector, and I. We currently own the rights to Gridlee. As one of the owners of the rights to Gridlee, I hereby declare that the Gridlee ROM images may be freely duplicated and used by MAME users for non-commercial use. I also declare that the marquee art may be duplicated for non-commercial purposes" Howard Delman April 24, 2001 Gridlee Thanks to the kind generosity of the three co-founders of Videa—Howard Delman, Ed Rotberg, and Roger Hector—the original… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsThanks to the kind generosity of the three co-founders of Videa—Howard Delman, Ed Rotberg, and Roger Hector—the original ROM images from the only existing Gridlee machine have been made available for free, non-commercial use.Gridlee is a game that was never released. It was developed by Videa, Inc. in 1982, on hardware designed by Howard Delman. Videa was eventually acquired by Pizza Time Theater and formed the core of their new Sente Technologies division. The hardware that Gridlee ran on evolved into the Bally/Sente SAC I system, which provided a cartridge-based arcade gaming platform that supported such games as Snake Pit, Stocker, and Hat Trick.Emulation Technology: MAME 0.139u1.Source code at: Gridlee is not officially endorsed by Nicola Salmoria or the MAME Team. Gridlee is based on the MAME4iOS Reloaded Project by Seleuco."Gridlee was developed, and the copyright owned, by Videa, Inc. When Videa was dissolved, its remaining assets were distributed among Ed Rotberg, Roger Hector, and I. We currently own the rights to Gridlee. As one of the owners of the rights to Gridlee, I hereby declare that the Gridlee ROM images may be freely duplicated and used by MAME users for non-commercial use. I also declare that the marquee art may be duplicated for non-commercial purposes"Howard DelmanApril 24, 2001 Information Seller: Genre:Action, Arcade Release:Jan 25, 2013 Updated:Nov 30, -0001 Version: Size:0.0 TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (34) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Seleuco Well-Known Member Jun 27, 2010 223 0 0 Madrid #2 Seleuco, Jan 26, 2013 Greyskull Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2009 5,587 1 38 Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l Fort Lauderdale #3 Greyskull, Jan 26, 2013 Has anyone poked around to see if a funcional MAME client is in the .ipa somewhere? I'm quickly dl'ing this to all my devices, just in case. Speaking of emuaktion, I read an article from Pocket Gamer I think about a new, free android program that emulates nearly every major 8-32 bit system. God damn you Apple. Greyskull Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2009 5,587 1 38 Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l Fort Lauderdale #4 Greyskull, Jan 26, 2013 Erm, I take that video to mean that this app might not last long in the store...:installs EVERYWHERE: devensega Well-Known Member Feb 28, 2011 621 0 0 #5 devensega, Jan 26, 2013 Yeh, it's called RetroArch and its very good. I played about with it on my GS3 earlier, the touch controls could do with tweaking but the range of options/emulators is astonishing. I would be interested if we could get MAME running through this though, for my big screen trystero Well-Known Member Aug 11, 2009 717 3 18 #6 trystero, Jan 26, 2013 Awesome. Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #7 Gwarmaxx, Jan 26, 2013 hey guys, i'm testing it, it's a full MAME, i'm playing D&D Tower of Doom right now!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!! trystero Well-Known Member Aug 11, 2009 717 3 18 #8 trystero, Jan 26, 2013 CONFIRMED!!! Tower of Doom!!!! Seleuco you, sir, are a hero. Rixx Well-Known Member May 29, 2009 451 0 0 College Instructor Longview, Texas #9 Rixx, Jan 26, 2013 As with iMame, iDos, Nescaline, and others that have appeared on the App store: Download this then back up the .ipa to a safe location. Then you can always install it manually. Rixx Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member Feb 2, 2010 4,446 376 83 NCC 1701 #10 Gwarmaxx, Jan 26, 2013 HE'S NOT A HERO... HE'S A GOD!!! i'm playing Alien vs. Predator!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brujo5 Well-Known Member Dec 21, 2012 106 0 0 #11 brujo5, Jan 26, 2013 playing all kof street fighters 3 third strike jojo vizarre adventure snk vs capcom brujo5 Well-Known Member Dec 21, 2012 106 0 0 #12 brujo5, Jan 26, 2013 emulated cps1,cps2,cps3,atary,neogeo,and more. DotComCTO Well-Known Member Feb 17, 2009 477 0 16 Chief Technology Officer Westchester County, NY #13 DotComCTO, Jan 26, 2013 Get it while you can. Once this thread starts to explode with all the, "I got game x to run", word will get back to Apple and then this will get pulled. --DotComCTO Xeyad Well-Known Member Jan 31, 2012 303 3 18 #14 Xeyad, Jan 26, 2013 Last edited: Jan 26, 2013 well everyone, this works amazingly well! but the important thing is to keep it low, so the developer can keep updating the app and add more features in the future. anyways, go grab this immediately! Edit: I couldn't get TMNT or The Simpsons to work. And they used to work fine with the old iMAME app. Anyone know what's wrong? doctorded Well-Known Member Jan 7, 2009 106 0 0 IT Engineer Plantsville, CT #15 doctorded, Jan 26, 2013 Last edited: Jan 26, 2013 How? Toucharkung New Member Jan 26, 2013 4 0 0 #16 Toucharkung, Jan 26, 2013 Is this universal app? Does it play snes or nes? Please explain method how to play it step by step. Thx very much AnarKitty Well-Known Member Oct 10, 2010 3,654 0 0 Minneapolis, USA #17 AnarKitty, Jan 26, 2013 Well, this is a nice surprise. Thanks, Seleuco. bckrupps Well-Known Member Nov 28, 2009 127 0 0 #18 bckrupps, Jan 26, 2013 wrestlefest works!!!!!! ibruno84 Well-Known Member Dec 14, 2010 151 0 0 #19 ibruno84, Jan 26, 2013 Last edited: Jan 26, 2013 ---------------------------------------------- AnarKitty Well-Known Member Oct 10, 2010 3,654 0 0 Minneapolis, USA #20 AnarKitty, Jan 26, 2013 For the record: when iMAME came out and survived in the App Store briefly, posts that gave information on where to download ROMs got the thread edited and nearly removed here. People who have such information should probably leave a message here telling people to PM them, rather than posting it here. Just sayin'. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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Has anyone poked around to see if a funcional MAME client is in the .ipa somewhere? I'm quickly dl'ing this to all my devices, just in case. Speaking of emuaktion, I read an article from Pocket Gamer I think about a new, free android program that emulates nearly every major 8-32 bit system. God damn you Apple.
Erm, I take that video to mean that this app might not last long in the store...:installs EVERYWHERE:
Yeh, it's called RetroArch and its very good. I played about with it on my GS3 earlier, the touch controls could do with tweaking but the range of options/emulators is astonishing. I would be interested if we could get MAME running through this though, for my big screen
hey guys, i'm testing it, it's a full MAME, i'm playing D&D Tower of Doom right now!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!
As with iMame, iDos, Nescaline, and others that have appeared on the App store: Download this then back up the .ipa to a safe location. Then you can always install it manually. Rixx
Get it while you can. Once this thread starts to explode with all the, "I got game x to run", word will get back to Apple and then this will get pulled. --DotComCTO
well everyone, this works amazingly well! but the important thing is to keep it low, so the developer can keep updating the app and add more features in the future. anyways, go grab this immediately! Edit: I couldn't get TMNT or The Simpsons to work. And they used to work fine with the old iMAME app. Anyone know what's wrong?
Is this universal app? Does it play snes or nes? Please explain method how to play it step by step. Thx very much
For the record: when iMAME came out and survived in the App Store briefly, posts that gave information on where to download ROMs got the thread edited and nearly removed here. People who have such information should probably leave a message here telling people to PM them, rather than posting it here. Just sayin'.