Great Trailers for low Prices from Munich Germany

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by [email protected], Jan 8, 2012.


    [email protected] New Member

    Jan 8, 2012
    Motion Designer, User Interface Artist
    Munich - Germany
    #1 [email protected], Jan 8, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2012


    my name is Jay from Munich / Germany. I own a small office for communication design and produce high quality online trailers for promotional purposes.

    Every Project gets started with a few easy steps.

    - Just send us examples of trailers and effects you would like to achieve. Images or Photos and your basic ideas (if there already are some) along with the video length, text and basic storyboard content.
    - Then we fix the price.

    As other producers we ask for half the money before work. After you have received your trailer, we ask for the other half.

    Check out some of our works on our vimeo profile here or on our Homepage (currently in German):

    Here are some of our works for different clients from online Startups to book publishers:

    GoLocal Company Service-Trailer [​IMG]

    Sonea Great Booktrailer

    Tania Carver A Trailer with strong content

    Dark Times High Quality Trailer Sketches

    Quelle Commercial for a big german online store

    Camilla Läckberg dark Booktrailer

    We are looking forward for all the great projects for your wonderfull games!

    Just contact us through [email protected]

    Best Regards


    Check out our
    Facebook Fan Page

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