I was having a hard time with that mission as well, but was able to finish it with analog control option.
Are in this game all missions because Like K rememmber there were more missions and this here has been cut no?? So it is not a full game
The game actually looks good on my iPod. I think it has something to do with the me in the air, cause there are air graphics that makes the ground/buildings look blury.
If you have trouble following him, you don't actually have to follow him directly. It's enough to stay close to his marker, so you can stay on the streets etc. Also, don't try shooting at him while following. Keep a healthy distance so he doesn't shoot at you too much. Eventually he stops and gets off. It'll be a little ambush with a handful of his friends waiting for you, so be careful at the end when he follows the railroad tracks for a bit. It's after that part.
I really need to get through the side missions and get to the story missions so I can unlock stuff like that
Unlock? Just find a TransFender shop. Though there is a specialist shop for Street Racers in San Fierro with 2F2F style body kits and paint jobs. Wheel Arch Angels or something. Been a long time since I played right the way through.
No, i thought mods like Hot Coffee. LOL BTW, I haven't played this game to the fullest yet cause i don't want to finish it early.
Is there anyway I can turn on a line towards the waypoint/destination in the map instead of just having to follow a dot? I liked the checkpoint system, but it has failed me, I was doing the OG Loc mission and he was killed, then I was asked if I wanted to go back my last checkpoint, I clicked yes, it didn't take me very far back, when the checkpoint loaded the mission failed OG Loc has been killed screen appeared. That happened about 4 times before I decided to close the game. With the way things are going, I doubt I'll be getting far in this game, I'll probably delete it soon. I'll just wait for an update before that happens.
Oh...I just thought since you had to unlock the food shops, you had to unlock buildings like that Man, I felt like an idiot when I got the first hunger pop-up and I couldn't get into restaurants...only to learn that I could have just gone to a vending machine... My god, I'm such a noob
After nine years on the Playstation 2, it was time to go to the iPhone. What? I don't understand. Your post is missing too many words and grammar. What are the "more missions" you're referring to? A different game? I know "too many grammar" isn't correct grammar. But it's understandable grammar. Err, no offense, sorry.
I had trouble with that mission too, you should not get too close to him, when chasing him down, and after a while he gets down from the bike, then you should get down too at a particular distance and just shoot him, advisable not to use free aim. You dont get much time, if you are practised enough then you should do it.
I posted quite a few pages back on how the iCloud support works - looks like you sign up for the rockstar service and all it does is unlock the regular iCloud slots you normally see already in the Vice City port. Weird they make you jump a hoop for something they had implemented in previous iOS ports, but I had a rockstar membership already from back in the day when I created one for LA Noire. I'd like to know what options people are creating to make the perfect touch control setup for iOS? I went analog but I'm not seeing a big difference on the analog sensitive slider, are you? Did any go with the other steering options, or anyone have what they feel is the ultimate control scheme for the iPhone?