Universal Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - (by Rockstar Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Yeah totally. I've got an iphone 4 (so not going to try) but i'm playing it on my ipod touch 5th gen. All good so far, on one of the initial intros the draw distance didnt seem great (suddenly stuff appeared in the far background) but i've played the first few missions and its been fine

    Really impressed by it, cant wait to play more later
  2. Ric92

    Ric92 Member

    Dec 12, 2013
    Student of Mechanical Engineering
    Macerata, Italy
    For frame rate drop I mean a frame rate lower that 30, when i think it becomes perceptible i think. Compared to a ps3 that reminds me GTA 4, when, because of a lot traffic, it started to lag, and if I am not wrong, in that game the frame rate started from 30. Here it is quite similar.
    From what I' ve read, it is an issue that affects A7 owners.
  3. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I have the same question as well. Perhaps related to density of traffic spawns?
  4. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    On my iPhone 5(A6) run smooth,a big improvement over Vice City..
  5. Leegames

    Leegames Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2010
    Ex. game journalist and EiC now PR
    #385 Leegames, Dec 13, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2013
    By accident? Does no one read the tutorials anymore? It clearly states it there. The youth today. When I was young we used to ... blah blah... :)

    A few questions I see popping up, that I think I can answer.

    No codes mkay.
    iCloud works with Rockstar Social Club (will have 2 saves for that in the bottom).
    No lag on iPad Mini and iPad Mini Retina (unless you count less than the mostly steady 30FPS as lag, then yes there are few times of framerate drops especially if you don't close other stuff,. Better than PS2 though).
    Buttons can be resized by double tapping when customizing.
    If you get a bug with joystick not working. Restart game load old save.
    Cowboy hats look cool.
  6. Pocketnova

    Pocketnova Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2012
    Yes. It didn't work in Vice city so I'm not to hopeful of it working here. Plus, I got past the point where I had saved before, so it doesn't really matter.
  7. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    #387 Rip73, Dec 13, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2013
    It didn't need that in Vice City because that one used Apples own iCloud servers.
    Maybe it did use social club cloud at the beginning, can't really remember but it did have proper iCloud last week.
    This one uses a cloud save of their own, same as Max Payne and saves to their own servers so strictly speaking, not iCloud but cloud.

    It has worked smoothly so far for me but the key point is that you do have to go back to the house and pick up the diskette and select one of the two cloud save slots at the bottom of the list.
    There are more save points through out the game signified by the diskettes so any time you're near one, pop in and do a save. It does advance time every time you save but that shouldn't matter too much.
    If you select any of the other save slots above the bottom two, it only saves the progress to the device itself and not the cloud.
    In that case, just exit the house and go back in and use the diskette again to select one of the bottom two.

    And when you go to a new device and start a game, be sure and go to the "load game" option.
    When you open the game, the first option is resume.
    Go right and you'll see start game.
    Select it and then you have a new game option first.
    Beside that is the load game option.
    Go in there to the load game option and select one of the very bottom two.
    Those are the cloud save slots on any device and they should have some title or other signifying where the game is at stage/mission wise in there.

    Oh and be sure and when you sign in to Social Club that you select the always remember option. Other wise you'll have to sign in each time.
    You can sign in/out and check you're sign in status by going to the gear icon that is two over from resume when you load up.
    Select it, scroll one to the right for "game".
    Select that and traffic mode, targeting mode is in there along with sign in or out of social club (depending on whether you're signed in or not).
    If you sign out and sign in again, you should be fine. Just be sure and tap the box for always remember on any of your own devices.
  8. Pocketnova

    Pocketnova Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2012
    Thank you! I completely ignored the load game option. It works fine now. Also, you're right about VC having iCloud, not RSC.
  9. CartmanKusanagi

    Dec 13, 2013
    Does this tutorial play during a mission? Because I've only been driving around the city.
  10. ridearoundsolo

    Dec 3, 2013
    If they did a port they wouldnt censor it, you guys are talkin manhunt 2, the original manhunt 1 was never censored
  11. Leegames

    Leegames Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2010
    Ex. game journalist and EiC now PR
    It does. You are excused then. :D
  12. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Can't believe how good this looks and how well it runs on an iPod 5G. Really suprised.
  13. Prhaber

    Prhaber Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Runs really well on mine. Hardly any slowdown, short loading times and I've only had one crash in 3 hours play, which was soon remedied with a hard reset.

    Just had an amazing few minutes play. Police were after me with a two star wanted level, drove back to Grove street and a load of the Grove Street gang started firing on the police. I jumped out of the car and hid by a wall to watch as a long and bloody firefight happened followed by most of the police cars chain-exploding. Classic GTA.
  14. FledgeFish

    FledgeFish Active Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    The game runs a looks great on my 5s but the battery drains like CRAZY and it makes the phone quite hot. I have an otterbox commuter so I'm not sure if the case is affecting the over heating or it's just the game it self.
  15. Bassman97

    Bassman97 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2012
    You dont need to know
    I'm having the same problem but I doesn't really bother me
  16. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    #396 Rip73, Dec 13, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2013
    I should have just put in go to "load game" option and it would have saved you a load of reading:) but good that its working properly for ya now.
    It's the game. Great to have the game of course but stuff like this has a heavy battery penalty and is making the phone innards work hard.
    Still though, great to have it. Might just have to get a Morphie Juice Pack (or even Plus one) though.
  17. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    Well,all The PS2 copy you find USED in retail Are all cut,when they kill her sister,it's cut,watch yourself,also on many country has been censored,my original copy in The cover report: UNCUT,it's import,why should they write Uncut?
    MANHUNT 2 it's another question,here in EUROPE it's coming out 1 year later from US release,and ROCKSTAR has been forced to cut,or The game will never exit on EUROPE,Thankfully with codebreaker,and action replay i have The PS2 uncensored
    version..but MUNHUNT has been censored,in lot of country,hope One day to' see porting to' iOS,cut or not..
  18. DannyTheElite

    DannyTheElite Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
    Forum poster
    Area 51
    The game is badly optimised for iOS 7. It is also badly optimised for A7 chips. You have both therefore the device has to work harder and over heats. This is the case with iPad air, retina mini and iPhone 5s.
    I wish I hadn't got this, it has frequent framerate drops. Anyone think Apple will refund?
  19. Wediafom24

    Wediafom24 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    Asmara, Eritrea
    Anybody have a suggestion/a strategy on how to beat the mission where you have to chase Fredy by a motorcycle? I keep crashing in to things and switch between analog and buttons doesn't make any difference. I am stuck!
  20. Prhaber

    Prhaber Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Playing this has reminded me why GTA San Andreas is so great...and for me there were three reasons why the game rocked....

    It was the first GTA where you could climb over fences / walls, which really added to the gameplay. Escaping from police on foot by hurtling over walls always feels great, and it means you can explore even more.

    It was the first GTA that had 'verticality', i.e environments that have hills, cliffs, and drops. I remember first playing the game and cycling around as CJ just marvelling at how much richer the environments felt because of this.

    It was the first GTA where it really felt like things were going on around you. I'll always remember first playing the game when I heard sirens coming round the corner and got ready to run thinking the police were after me - only to see the police chasing somebody else instead of me. It really moved the series forward to feeling like it was set in a real city...

    And I'm finding I'm enjoying all these features just as much playing the ios version...

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