Universal Grand Theft Auto III (by Rockstar Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by crex, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. Dirty Harry Hannahan

    Dirty Harry Hannahan Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Planet Earth
    I played Gangstar Rio for about a 30 minutes after downloading it yesterday and then returned to playing GTA 3.

    GTA blows away Gangstar. Sure controlling the vehicles is easier.....but that's about it. GTA is such the better game.
  2. HeliPilot

    HeliPilot Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    Originally Posted by Joemama25 View Post
    i cant freakin lose the cops when its at 3 stars, does anyone know how to?

    The save game trick doesn't work in GTA3.
    Only 2 ways to lower a wanted level, find a star power-up to reduce 1 star or find a pay-n-spray and get you car repainted.
  3. Taytay

    Taytay Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    lol gta3 definetly kills gangstar3 i dont even think a gangstar4 could be better if it was made
  4. Taytay

    Taytay Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    i forgot you could pick up more than one prostitute at a time lol ,it was so funny to see a prostitute on both sides of my truck then they jumped in together
  5. Paul202

    Paul202 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    MI, USA
    Wait,so are you able to raise your health level by picking up prostitutes? I heard you could do that in the console and PC versions of GTA 3, but I thought it was impossible to do that on the iOS version. If it is possible, how do you do it?

    @Joemama After you complete the vigilante missions in the cop cars, you will get 10 police bribes that reduce your wanted level at your hideout. You can also just go to a pay and spray.
  6. Taytay

    Taytay Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    #766 Taytay, Dec 31, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2011
    yes the protitutes raise your health just like the console and pc version they actually give your health a boost to 125 instead of just 100 ,but make sure when you pick them up your bring them to a grassy area or an alley ,but remember a prostitute doesnt give you full health they give about 30health a round but a good trick is she starts slow but when the car begins to shake faster push on the gas a little she will start over & give you more health ,you can also keep doing this trick until your health is completely full
  7. Snooper

    Snooper Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    So to pick prostitutes up you just stop next to them in a car? Im guessing they mightve taken it out of the australian version because it aint working for me.
  8. Taytay

    Taytay Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    #768 Taytay, Jan 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2012
    yeah it has to be a good car ,nothing old but in my game they tend to stop for me in most cars just not the old station wagon or the old caddy ,so they must have taken it out of yours ,lol i also see civilians picking them up in my game lol i wonder if i follow them will they do anything or just drive around

    next time i see a prostitute getting picked up im going to follow them just to see if something happens ,also i wonder what else has been taken out of your version

    question 1-do your civilians talk alot of junk & curse cause in mine they do 2-have you ever been carjacked yourself cause in mine you always have to worry about the guy in the blue shorts carjacking you he is also the same guy i see taking peoples wallets then getting chased in the streets 3-do you see gang shootouts breakout cause sometimes i find myself driving down a block just to see two rival gangs in a shootout where i can sit back and watch them go at it for a long time cause the ambulance keeps reviving them and more members keep showing up ,its hilarious sometimes until someone spots me then yanks me out my car
  9. Snooper

    Snooper Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    Yeah civilians say random stuff, once one guy said my sisters my mother, which was a bit worrying. And ive tried a few different cars, no prostitutes, civilians dont pick them up either, I wonder where they get their money? And yep, gangs have shootouts, ive only seen the mafia and triads go at it. Im on the second island now, so the mafia, triads and columbian cartel all try to kill me, they shoot at me if i drive by and try and carjack me.

    one other thing, i was doing one of the first missons on the second island, and the audio was different to the subtitles in the debrief cutscene. it was the yakuza girl talking, and i dont remember exactly what she was saying but the subtitles and audio didnt match. the weird part is they were both effectivley saying the same thing, just worder differently, this happened again with 1 mission for the yakuza guy who owns the casino. its only happened twice so far though.
  10. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    That people prefer GTA over Gangstar is not a newsworthy revelation ;) I am curious about why.

    As I wrote in my original post, I've no doubt GTA's story, writing and setting is on another plane of existence in terms of depth and quality. But other than that, some early playthroughs seems to suggest there is little else speaking in GTA's favour (and since there are other iOS titles with narratives, settings and plots far more original, engaging, engrossing and immersive, solid storytelling is not enough to keep me playing GTA). I am guessing GTA has quite a lot going for it, but I cannot quite spot it myself so far. Hence my original question: "might there be reasons other than a faaaar more solid story/gaming world to play GTA III over Gangstar?"
  11. danozzy18

    danozzy18 Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2010
    seriously that mission was the hardest one ive had to do, apart from the last one :( which i am still stuck on,

    The way i did it, was to the right of where you have to throw a grenade is that alley right? you need to bring a selection of cars inside that little driveway - a bus is what i used - if you run to far away the cars will disappear.

    What i did find extremely hard was getting the grenade to go through the window, as there is no reticle to aim its gotta be done out of pure luck,

    Once the grenade goes through the windows, the garage will open, and keep tapping that grenade button, eventually it will be done :)
  12. danozzy18

    danozzy18 Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2010
    You need to try and memorize the Pay N Spray locations on all of the islands, it comes in handy especially with one mission you have a 4,5,6 star wanted level
  13. HeliPilot

    HeliPilot Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    #774 HeliPilot, Jan 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2012
    Easiest way to explain it is that the story is a small part of GTA. There is a true open world that was created for you to do as you please, when you please. Such as Vigilante, Paramedic, Firefighter missions. After these missions are complete you can return to them and the game will continue to track you stats. Then there are Rampages, timed goal based objectives. There are also street races that you can return to for a better lap time. And that is not everything, there is far more, making GTA literally playable forever. Not to mention that walking the streets gives you a feeling of being in a real place, the peds interact with you, the time cycles are smooth, the audio immerses you with city sounds, and the world just feels alive.
    Now after all that the physics are far more solid and organic feeling making for much smoother game play overall. GTA just feels right.

    I have played though all Gangstars and feel, while good, they are a shallow almost GTA LITE experience. JMHO.
  14. Monolith

    Monolith Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    omg, screw this. i keep tryimg to beat the ambulance missions, and invariably ill have to stop and pickup a patient near one of the many factions who shoot at me on sight. of course this means that when i stop, they also try to carjack me. i cant get through the ambulance missions without getting pulled out of the ambulance by one of these ####ers, which automatically ends the mission. :mad:
  15. Nausicaa

    Nausicaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
    The thing is you can't just write off the story/game world aspect of a game like this. Ultimately, most people want a little more depth than mindless driving around and shooting in a virtual world. They want that world to feel real, and Rockstar has always excelled at that - beginning with this game. The art and design that went into this game is simply far superior to something like Gangstar. And for those that play the story, which is kind of the point, the writing and gameplay are far better as well. Which is important because this is required to add depth and realism to an open world game like this. They become boring when there is nothing to do or what you can do it juvenile/lame, as is the case with Gangstar.
  16. Nausicaa

    Nausicaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
    Oh man, I havent gotten to the airport but I'm glad this is still part of the game. I remember perfecting this on the PS2 version. I could literally fly for 20-30 minutes at a time if I wanted to. I think my record was around 45 minutes. All about balancing your ascents and descents.

    I always liked landing in areas you werent supposed to go - areas used for cinematics and things. You could land in the casino pent house and walk around up there, although some of the floors were missing textures I remember a full zen garden and some interiors. There were similar locations all over the game world. Lots of fun at the time there was nothing else like it.
  17. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    When the context is my subjective enjoyment of a game, I really can ;)

    Very true, all of this. Still probably not enough to keep me interested in GTA. Ultimately, gangster/mob/crime settings do not appeal to me, regardless the quality of the writing and narrative. Open world games do, however (hence my initial questions on mechanics and gameplay aspects, and honest admittance that while I believe the story and setting to be far superior to Gangstar's, that is not enough to hold my interest), which is why HeliPilot's quote below made an impression :)

    This does sound good, and definitively has my interest in GTA piqued! Gangstar's world always felt flat and nearly as artificial as an artificial setting gets ;)
  18. beast_skillz_86

    beast_skillz_86 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012
    Atlanta, GA
    Just got this and i liked it so much that i got CTW. btw, why is gangstar 12 up and this 17 up? This actually seems milder than rio in some senses.
  19. Joemama25

    Joemama25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2011
    can anyone help me with the level big'n'veiny (hahaha nice name) i keep coming so close but its so hard to beat the part where you have to collect the tapes

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