I'm not talking hard-core, ripped drunk drinking, but a buddy & i are going out for a few drinks tonight... Both of us are gamers, and i figure the Grolsch Game will get old quick. Any ideas what i can bring on my iPhone to keep us entertained? Also...any ideas about what's due out tomorrow? Hoping for Galactic Gunner & Syberia.
I think it'd be more entertaining to see who gets a higher score on Flight Control or Harbor Master while half drunk.
The Natasha Henstridge game that Trey Parker and Matt Stone describe in the South Park season 1 DVD commentary.
Nahh you probably need some multiplayer games to play together. Turn waiting do make drunk gamers piss! Haha!
10-pin shuffle http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=316227296&mt=8 is a great game to play while drinking. Awesome game!