Gomi is awesome. There is LOTS of gameplay. These minigames (the first three anyway, I haven't unlocked the others) equal the content of simple pick up and play games. All in all, great. Turn that trash into flowers!
I second that. I bought Rolando 2 when it first came out, played it twice and got bored. Bought Gomi as soon as it came out and haven't stopped playing it since - there's just something about it that works! Jamie.
Having enjoyed Trace, and seeing all the comparisons to Rolando, I had to give Gomi a try. I'm generally enjoying it so far, but there are some "I wish..." thoughts that are nagging at me. - The Gomi seems just a tad too slow. I'd like it to move just little a bit faster (I appreciate the speed is probably an intentional "zen" pacing thing...). - As mentioned by someone else, I'd like some sort of indicator on your "size" and what you can or can't yet eat. - I'd like the ability to scroll through the level to see where your objects are (like the two-finger swipe in Rolando) and get a feel for the overall level. - The menus would benefit from status info. The world screens shows the level icons, but it would be nice to have the levels show stage status (e.g. make the green level dot a pie, with each stage representing a slice and the slice color showing completion of the level). That way from the world screen you'd easily be able to see what stages have been completed on what levels. The level menu screen stage icons could again show completion at a glance, then click on the actual stage to see the stage details. As it is now, within the level screen, you have to click each stage to determine whether it's been completed or not. All that said, I'm enjoying the game so far. While I've only completed a few stages, I like the different objectives for the stages. Nice work. I'm looking forward to the 2.2.1 compatible version (so I can play on my iPod and not just my wife's!), and was happy to see this game didn't take Apple months to approve!
I agree 100%. The only things I'd add are: 1. State saving. If someone calls you or you randomly quit the app, allow the player to continue where they left off. 2. Tap the power-up to activate it. I keep hitting the icon for the power up in the bottom left corner instead of on Gomi himself... it almost seems to make more sense to me to tap on the icon. 3. Tapping to jump sometimes isn't sensitive enough. Also, does anyone have any tips on how to beat world 2's boss (the fire one)?
The only thing I don't like about this game is how slow the Gomi moves. Maybe you could add some speed adjustment? I get impatient lol
agreed, but I never really liked rolando. This game is distracting me from my beta testing. I have put it on the back burner for now until my testings done but then I am right back to it
I wouldn't say it's better than Rolando 2, at all. R2 is a great game, period. Gomi is cool too though. He just has his on thing going on. The description says that one of the customizations is poo. Hopefully it's the shape and you can turd all over the place. That'll be great. Has anyone gotten that yet?
The game play in the video looks interesting but I'm not sure if it will hold my interest. I think a lite version is needed or a .99 price point to get this game kick started. What other things happen in this game besides rolling eating and poohing. The video doesn't show many of the power ups or bosses? I think the game has a cuteness factor but I need a nudge via a Great "Albie" TM. review, price drop, promo code or a video that can sell me on the game.
I think I'll take Gomi over Rolando 1 with the exception of the graphical aspects and a big studio backing.
No doubt the price will drop at some point, for at least a while but I think for the time being this'll sell pretty well at the price it's at. There's LOADS of content, wonderful design and humour, plenty of minigames and varied main levels. The bosses are fun and finally, the game has that elusive 'something' that keeps you playing and playing... Jamie.
Ok, I see what's going on here. The original post only has our old January trailer and not our recent one. Arono, could you edit your first post please? The new trailer's Youtube ID is IaLhglsfJyI. Here it is: [hqyoutube]IaLhglsfJyI[/hqyoutube] In regards to the pricing, this last piece of the description was left out of the OP as well: Gomi will be availiable at the introductory price of $1.99. We are aggressively pricing it on launch to get it attention in the rankings, so get it at 1.99 while you can!