Golfy Golf :: 1 v 1 Golf

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by TempleRacer, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. applicattura

    applicattura Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2015
    Temple I have just sent you a private message with the email, would be great to check your game ;-)
  2. Grist

    Grist Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    VP of Marketing
    Message to developer: Too much frustration, too little fun

    The most critical problem with this game is that the backswing control mechanism is highly imprecise and inconsistent -- and therefore it is very hard to judge how much power to apply to any given shot, or even to be able to hit in the desired direction. Related to this, it is hard to determine how far to pull back in order to hit very short putts, and success with longer shots relies too much on guesswork and luck. I found the introduction of the rabbid (sic) creatures to add more frustration to what was already a frustrating game. I appreciated being included in the beta program, but have already deleted the game. The concept is okay, but the execution needs a great deal more work. In addition, the game displays fine on my iPhone X, but is over-scoped on my iPad Pro and completely unplayable on that tablet device.
  3. TempleRacer

    TempleRacer Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010

    Please try out the update. I have essentially cut the sensitivity in half.

    I am strongly considering adding in a settings button which will allow you to set the sensitivity that you want. That said, once you know what you are doing, controls are very easy.

    Ok, so please try the update. See if that helps. I appreciate the feedback.

    Given your frustrations, if you have any suggestions to improve it, please pass it on.

    Thank you!
  4. Grist

    Grist Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    VP of Marketing
    #24 Grist, Nov 16, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2017
    Very impressive gameplay and fun factor improvements shown in today's update when playing on my iPad Pro -- I'm even learning to love the Rabbids (probably because it's a bit easier to avoid them when playing on the larger screen of the iPad Pro rather than my iPhone X). The over-scanning problem while using my iPad Pro that I mentioned in my previous post is now vastly improved, but there are still instances of this problem (for example, after finishing the 20 levels of Meadows in "solo medium", the screen that displays all twenty levels extended beyond the edges of my tablet, making it impossible to continue playing). Also, I encountered two freezes when playing levels 5 and 17, requiring me to restart those two levels. The backswing control mechanic is more reliable and usable now. My overall impression of the game is much more positive after today's update.
  5. TempleRacer

    TempleRacer Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010

    I am curious if you could send me screen shots of the moments of issue (if you are playing).

    I am unclear on what you mean in some points....

    What's the over scanning problem?

    The 20 levels (level selection scene?) the draggablw menu does not allow you to select the higher levels? It locks? If so, an easy fix.

    You enjoyed the controls more? Would you like to see a settings option where you can set your club sensitivity (via drag controls)?

    As far as the freezes, I will double check. Thebupdate today may have left out a few items causing the freeze. Was it a full program freeze or just prevention of game play?

    And thanks again!
  6. Grist

    Grist Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    VP of Marketing
    I'll try to respond to your questions: (1) "What's the over scanning problem?" -- Certain screens extended beyond the screen area of my iPad Pro tablet, which caused navigation buttons to be out of sight. (2) "The 20 levels (level selection scene?) the draggable menu does not allow you to select the higher levels? It locks?" -- Because of the over-scanning problem, I couldn't see any buttons that would allow me to navigate beyond the array of Meadows' twenty levels, after I completed them, in order to click on the Swamps levels. (3) "You enjoyed the controls more? Would you like to see a settings option where you can set your club sensitivity (via drag controls)?" -- I found the controls to be less jumpy (sometimes they jump around to face directions other than the direction where I wish to hit), and the backswing power is now easier to set (especially when trying to make a short putt). (4) "As far as the freezes, I will double check. The update today may have left out a few items causing the freeze. Was it a full program freeze or just prevention of game play?" -- the freezes affected the image, causing the level to freeze in an off-center position; I could hit the ball again but couldn't see the hole when these freezes occurred.
  7. TempleRacer

    TempleRacer Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010

    Ok, odd. Thanks for the feedback. Overall, are you enjoying the game?
  8. Grist

    Grist Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    VP of Marketing
    My enjoyment increased dramatically when you introduced today's update. I'm playing the Swamps levels now and having trouble stopping to eat dinner.
  9. TempleRacer

    TempleRacer Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010

    You mean real world dinner, because you can't stop playing???? Or the frogs dinner?
  10. Grist

    Grist Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    VP of Marketing
    One more observation

    As an old graphic designer and illustrator, I am extremely impressed with your design skills. They add a lot of amusement to what is evolving into a challenging and wonderful gaming experience.
  11. Grist

    Grist Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    VP of Marketing
    I do have a sudden craving for frog's legs tonight.
  12. TempleRacer

    TempleRacer Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010


    I figured out the issue when the game camera goes off screen a bit. It occurs if you are eaten while collecting an egg.

    Will adjust. In the meantime, you should be able to exit the scene via the return button.

    Mmmmmmm frogs legs.
  13. TempleRacer

    TempleRacer Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010

    Hi there,
    Thanks for the interest. For some reason, the internet is not allowing me to log into the page I need to add you. If you are not added to a Test Flight build in the next 48 hours, please remind me.

    Also, the game *Lite Version, should be playable online at IndieDB and Game Jolt in the next 24 hours. I will post to confirm.

  14. TempleRacer

    TempleRacer Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010
  15. TempleRacer

    TempleRacer Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010
  16. saddykark

    saddykark Member

    Nov 21, 2017
    doesnt seem very intuitive, just graphics are good.
  17. TempleRacer

    TempleRacer Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010

    What do you mean "intuitive"?
  18. Grist

    Grist Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    VP of Marketing
    Hi TempleRacer: I suspect that what saddvkak meant by writing that your game "doesn't seem very intuitive" is that it's not apparent to the player how the small black square "dots" that are generated when the golf club is pulled back relate to the distance that the golfball cube will travel. It would be helpful if you included a statement about how the dots serve as a gauge for setting the power of shots. I know that would have been helpful to me when I participated in your Testflight beta program. I have been enjoying the beta a lot, but this important aspect of the game mechanics has been hard for me to fathom.
  19. TempleRacer

    TempleRacer Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010
    #39 TempleRacer, Nov 25, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2017
    Are you having difficulty aiming? Getting a feel for where yourbshot will land?

    If so, I did make a few adjustments which are not in the last Trst Flight. Essentially I tightened up the controls.

    You can try them here. Please let me know if this is helpful. Thanks
  20. Grist

    Grist Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    VP of Marketing
    #40 Grist, Nov 25, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2017
    The tightened controls in the recent Testflight release are helpful, but what I was trying to explain is that it's not clear what the correlation is between the number of dots that appear during the backswing of the club and how far the golfball will go when it's hit. I assume you designed this so that the dots might serve as a gauge to display how much power will be applied depending on how far back the club is raised, but I'm not finding this to be very helpful in judging how far back to raise the club for any given shot.

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