all i ever say is dig for gold, and pray i keep seeing "Managed to see strange fiery letters, fading out at the horizon: 'You have done well my hero. Keep going and you shall be rewarded greatly'."
"A vile and filthy Charlie the Unicorn is robbing the golden brick caravan! I'd better run away..." I love how this app hits on all the best memes. Some subtly so. Have another diary entry: "Had a good time in some kind of a crummy joint 'Boatmurdered' - lost 123 coins." That made me chuckle.
Looks like my hero managed to level up and even complete his first quest while I was asleep. Good for him. Got to pick a motto for him, so naturally I chose "Semper Fiddles!" Looks like he upgraded some of his armor, too. Now my quest is to paint a mile of road green. (Presumably so John Coffey has something to walk down.) He's still frickin' poor though. Damn death really did a number on his wallet.
had one too While the Leeroy Jenkins was trying to recover from my masterful strike, I heroically retreated into the forest. Hid from the Leeroy Jenkins at the top of a mountain. finally almost done w/ my first quest to "make a secondary banding of a random nazgul" also my hero is kind so he gets healed often
That's where mine is right now too. Not sure if that imparts any advantages other than faster healing, but whatever.
So what are the commands we know so far? All I've heard are 'dig' and 'pray', and 'kick' whilst in battle.