My hero found "Invitation to Godville" is there anything to do with that? Edit: And in diary: "By the way, invitation to Godville is a very useful household item. I'm so proud of myself." EDIT2: Ha well I haven't quoted in the diary: "A dying Knight asked me to deliver an invitation to Godville to his Order. Yep, I will do my best." So I suppose I have just to let the hero do the job. EDIT3: Lol I screw up all by using the order Examine "Invitation to Godville", it transformed into a monster that escaped and rumble something about 'at least freedom'.
I did the same but didn't waste the opportunity, check Friends you should have an invite available here. Mmm and if you had spelled well "Invitation to Godville" I would not have made the same error. I also seen a friend added. And he is also high level, 2 month old level 19.
Well I hope you didn't trust too many invite, anyway if I succeed spell your name you'll be my first (unfortunate) invite.
awww sweet, i have 2 invites again, i guess throwing it up adds an invite too, i used the copy function on the ipod so it was spelled correctly
Awesome! Although I have no idea what your name is because I've been added by like 3 people in the last 2 days. I have no idea who these people are
aw poop, your invite count goes up if you have an invitation to godville, but when he sells it, it goes back down hard to tell when my hero isn't doing anything so i can tell him to examine it
Yeah, I found that too -- didn't realize what was going on 'til he'd sold 4 that I found over a period of 3 days. I asked in the forums if there's a way to keep them but no useful response yet.
I blinded Rector Yoda with a shiny golden brick and quickly retreated. Hero is trying to cast “monstrus annihilatus“ spell at Dr. Chaos...
Has anyone here experienced a battle with another player (PvP) yet? I heard it's possible when you reach level 10 and is a random event (I think).
i haven't pvped yet, weird i examined the invitation to godville, it gave me coins, but then "Made the trader an offer he could not refuse; earned 2683 coins for an invitation to Godville. " :? i'm lost now i'm stuck at 2 invites again
The idiot spent 1202 gold coins for that. 05:58 I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.