Universal Godus (by Mobage)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 16, 2014.

  1. Terpentine Cat

    Terpentine Cat Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2011
    Salzburg, Austria
    My app still keeps crashing right at the facebook login page. Unfortunately, the latest update did little to resolve this. How come some are able to play? Isn't everybody forced to either create an account within the game, or to log in with facebook?
  2. Bluangl27

    Bluangl27 Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    I just deleted it.
    It just got boring. There is literally nothing to do. You sculpt for about two minutes until you run out of belief and keep tapping to get the little guys to build. Then you run into swamps which you have to use beautify to fix which sucks out all your belief. Just snoozearama.
  3. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Yeah, that and the fact that after a while you can't get anywhere because you can't get enough stickers to get any further without spending money and not even guaranteeing you get the ones you want!
  4. Bluangl27

    Bluangl27 Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    Don't even get me started on those effin stickers.
  5. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    I had deleted it because of the stability issues, re-downloaded the new update, found that even with the log-in it still made me start over from scratch and, better, the stability issues were just as bad as ever. Sometimes it would let me in no problem, other times as soon as it got to the "authorizing" part of the log-in process, hello springboard!

    Deleted again. I really want to give this game the benefit of the doubt - I have more patience for the "nothing to do" builders than many it seems :p - but not when I have to play reverse Russian roulette just to launch the damn game.
  6. Rawk GWJ

    Rawk GWJ Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2014
    When I was a kid I really liked playing Populous. When I was I kid I also really liked stickers. Thanks for ruining stickers, PM.
  7. stooney

    stooney Well-Known Member

    OK, so I held back with the first farming settlement until I had lots of abodes first to produce believe.

    Now I made the first farming settlement and its kinda strange. In my settlement I have 54 breeders and only 5 farmers with no way to change this. Or at least I can' find one. In the former version it was possible to assign people as breeders or farmers.
    Anybody know what to do about this?

    Also, when the farming settlement was done, a sliver of land that was formerly grey became accessible. It has some fields on it on high ground. What Am I supposed to do with those? I dont't want to raise the whole ground around it to make a settlement?
  8. TheRulingGun

    TheRulingGun Guest

    Game Impressions

    I'm still playing godus and I have now too much wheat. I have over 500 wheat :)
    I also don't understand what I have to do with the ores. there is nothing you can do with it, except use a bit te built the beacons.

    I like the game, but they should change the stickersystem. I have already 3300 people in my population and when i find a sticker and i use it on a card, then it adds sometimes only 2 or 3 % to my card. the stickersystem is way out of ballans. Peter Molyneux, please change that!!!
  9. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Use the wheat to speed up your larger construction jobs. Tap the builders, wheat them. Ores isn't really a resource as its a counter. Pretty much ore behaves just like the ore field counter with different results. The ore resource counter is simply 'you need this much ore inorder to begin working on this bonfire' sort of thing. The ore isn't consumed either. First bonfire to require ore is the one on the north end of the first island. From there out each bonfire requires increasing quantities of Ore.
  10. AcidicUK

    AcidicUK New Member

    Dec 22, 2012
    Been laying since launch. I have 2500 followers and over 2000 coal and wheat and the astari people have all converted to my people! Having a great time with this! After reading all the comments its like people are playing a different game to me ha
  11. sivad

    sivad Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2013
    Sounds like a paid review to me :)
  12. Sylvansky

    Sylvansky New Member

    Nov 26, 2013
    Well I was myself "goding" along aswell, and very nicely actually. All the way until I came across a buried beacon south of the Astari village... The next time I log back in all my villages are destroyed and my followers are gone. I rage quit, restart the app and boom, back to starting screen with two followers drowning.
    I left them there hoping one of then was called "Peter Molyneux"...
  13. cobriendubs

    cobriendubs Member

    Nov 10, 2012
    I have been playing this, but now seem to have run out of beacons... I can't go anywhere basically... I don't mind the timers and whatnot - after a few days you are earning enough belief to make it pretty perpetually playable, but I do mind that you can't progress onto other land after a few days... wtf??

    Also - the whole "treasure temple" thing is very strange... it often takes 3-4 or even 10 times to get a builder to start repairing them... again wtf?

    Also, the amount of stickers to progress is a bit lame... I got about 30 repairing temples, and even focused on just a few target crds I didn't manage to complete anything... that's pretty lame...

    Still it's ok...

    Actually one other thing, I kept compiling builer settlements until I ended up with a very nifty tower... the only downside was it's so big it won't actually generate any belief for another 7101 weeks and 3 days. So that's only 136 years.
  14. cobriendubs

    cobriendubs Member

    Nov 10, 2012

    7101 weeks, 3 days
  15. Tikanderoga

    Tikanderoga Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    IT Sys Admin
    #435 Tikanderoga, Aug 28, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014
    That's not belief. That's when your next builder will be available.
    For belief, you need to tap the belief button bottom left.
    If you send out your builders to build something, that counter will go down as there are less people piled up inside.
  16. mosquito60

    mosquito60 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    After I repaired the last beacon which costed 300 metal, and recovering the temple with the gems, I can't find a new beacon to discover new land. There is nothing left to do than storing unused resources and belief or delete the game. any hints?
  17. cobriendubs

    cobriendubs Member

    Nov 10, 2012
    That's the end of the game as far as I can tell as well.
    Or at least the end for now...?
  18. mosquito60

    mosquito60 Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Quite frustrating, because there is still a lot of land to discover. A very stupid ending for a game which tries to tell you, that you are god.
  19. cobriendubs

    cobriendubs Member

    Nov 10, 2012

    Although, without being able to progress to more advanced ages/deal with other peoples, it's basically just a expand to make more resources to expand to make more resources to expand to... Well... You know yourself.
  20. Pheebers

    Pheebers Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    The bummer is that I thought it started strong. There was a bit of a story, there were challenges...then I sent a meteor onto the Astari, unlocked a few beacons, dug out a few temples, and there's nothing to do except those lemming voyages which I can't stand. I can SEE all of this land I can't sculpt, and have millions of belief to spend, but nothing really to do.

    Frustrated is the perfect word for how I felt when I couldn't find any more beacons, but now I'm just apathetic about the game. It could have been so much more. I vaguely check in most evenings, but will probably stop bothering soon. I was particularly annoyed by the recent update with the much-touted belief-collecting monument, which proved to be both expensive (in gems) and useless. What a disappointing game.

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