Universal Godus (by Mobage)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 16, 2014.

  1. yojimbo

    yojimbo Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    Yeah, but so far there's barely anyone to use them on, and more importantly, no one uses them on me. The game has a really nice waterfall / river dynamic. Imagine if they implemented a risk of flooding, so that you had to make sure your low lying plains had flood walls and drainage. (What game am i thinking of? Sim city?) I haven't encountered any challenge so far, that's the biggest issue with the game. I'll finally unlock that other tribe's land in about 24 hours (!) I'll keep you posted as to whether anything interesting happens.
  2. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Yeh, not holding my breath on that one! You may get the chance to use meteor, if you've unlocked it! That's the problem there, getting enough stickers to unlock new cards, it's ludicrous! According to the original video they fight. Let us know tho, I'll be interested to hear.
  3. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Hrm... Crashes at Facebook login every time.
  4. Lazer Kat

    Lazer Kat Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2013
    I think the negatives are a bit harsh
    The game has a lot of negative freemium aspects, sure.
    Kick starter debacles aside, it has hooked me in where every other game of this type has failed.
  5. Wiarumas

    Wiarumas Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    That's what I did. Not necessary or anything but it was just a goal of mine to utilize that land. I did wait to do the other, more reasonable land first before tackling those cliffs.

    I built along the coast, expanded the land out to the ocean (as long as you don't move deep ocean or high mountains, belief is cheap... The farther you go from sea level in either direction, the more expensive), built houses, made a settlement, assigned farmers to existing farms, rebuilt houses, consolidate those houses into the settlement, and repeat until that settlement can make all farms employed.

    I think it would be a mistake to try to build up the mountain, then down. Moving mountains are very expensive. I wouldn't bother major mountain changes other than small nudges until you have a lot of belief.

    I do think all games are the same map. I started a game on my phone just to check if it syncs and it is the same world as my ipad (does not sync... Made me do tutorial... But same world).

    Also, note my belief, wheat, etc with no IAP spending. Once you get an idea of the game works, build up a good foundation, it's absolutely possible to have a good income of resources EXCEPT gems. Note my happiness. Can't afford the 20 gem happiness fountain, but I have tens of thousands of belief when I wake up in the morning. Settlements seem to be the trick. All of them seem to generate thousands of belief.

    I can build pretty much endlessly near sea level but can blow through tens of thousands of belief on moving mountain terrain. So mostly I don't mess with land too much and stick to the natural curve to the land.

    Attached Files:

  6. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    #346 bigjack66, Aug 13, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
    I just used the meteor card on the Astari tribe. It wasn't bad. They're not happier than me anymore! Ha ha! Just blighted them with swamp too! Not so pretty now eh?
  7. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Have you tried The Settlers?
  8. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    If there was ever a question as to whether or not the App Store Editors Choice award is for sale, I think Godus puts that to bed.
  9. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Still un able to play this damn game. Deleted, reinstalled. Drops to home screen whether I go facebook route or login to their account system with users name password.

    Oh and I also own the pc early access version. Got a chuckle when I hit the gem stones introduction and the pc version says something to the line of "We understand that as this is a pc title and not a mobile one, you will be less enclined to buy gems especially having paid full price for the game! These are the ways you can earn gems in the pc version... etc"
  10. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2010
    I got it on PC too. Haven't got to that gem stone 'apology' yet since they updated the game and I had to start from the beginning.

    But I was hoping the iPad version would be the one for me. Now I have a problem...play the PC one and worsen my carpal tunnel syndrome, or play the easier-on-the-wrist iPad version and put up with the Timers/IAPs.

  11. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Solved my crashing problem. This is the third game I've encountered now that does not react well to large gamecenter friend list. I logged out of gamecenter, problem solved, no more crash during account login.
  12. yojimbo

    yojimbo Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    You can eventually mine gems in the ios version.
    You have to move mountains to uncover the gem seams, which takes 100k belief or so, so it ain't cheap! I have had 5 miners working two seams over the last 8 hours or so, they've yielded 8 gems so far, so you're not exactly printing money.
    The only thing you need to spend gems on is stickers. Don't bother with the gifts from God like the temple of happiness. Powers like beautify send your happiness skyrocketing. And of course, never, never spend gems on belief, wheat, ore etc. eventually you get to a stage where you're just stockpiling wheat. I have over a thousand bushels. In other games I'd be worried about my storehouses being hit by fire or something, but here there are no threats. Splash screen says "settlements keep followers safe". Safe from what? Divine rain can put out fires, it says. Where are these fires? The lightning strikes briefly set things on fire, but the fire goes out of its own accord straight away. There's more peril in a brown paper bag than in Godus.
  13. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    PC and ipad are identical. Timers are the same I believe. PC has absolutely NO Iap's tho. So the person above me, the whole " less inclined to buy gems " statement is false. You literally can't buy diddily squat on PC. They're a no purchase system. As for ipad / iphone, now that's a different story.
  14. Wiarumas

    Wiarumas Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    From what I've heard, PC version originally had IAP at release and was later removed.
  15. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Random thought : I wonder what ever happened to that guy who won the final tap of that square removing game thing. He was supposed to be allowed decision making regarding this game including pricing model.
  16. djstout

    djstout Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
    Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach
    Taiwan & Japan
    I really don't think that he can interact that much with the game, don't believe PM
  17. yojimbo

    yojimbo Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    So I finally expanded onto the Astari's continent, and something INCREDIBLE happened
    just kidding, it's just more of the same, no declaration of war, peace treaty, or anything like that.
    I think I have expanded as far as I can in the game for now
    as the final expansion beacon is under water. So until the game offers an aqualung, or a raise land function, I can't build it. However, I did unearth something else rather intriguing....
  18. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    I may of missed it in the tutorial or something, how do I rotate the camera? Tried two fingers spin, tried three. No luck.
  19. yojimbo

    yojimbo Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    I would love to be able to do this. I don't think it's possible. Sculpting the north face of mountains is impossible.
  20. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Bummer, q and e rotate on the PC. So far this and the first monument are the only differences I've noticed. In this the monument is big, white and useless. On the PC version it's a black pyramid that you can sacrifice followers in for gems.

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