Universal Gods Of Rome (by Gameloft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Anyfox, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. Den Den

    Den Den Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
    Wow, wouldn't that be considered fraud or something?
  2. doublezz

    doublezz Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
    The game is flood with fraud. I just saw another dude "Khoa D." showing leveled to 43 but only finished 1 quest with 3 fighters. Gameloft obviously coded this game with those false "PVP". They may consider renaming PVP to "survival" other than misleading.
  3. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    That or people hacked the game. It wouldn't be the first time. I find it interesting no responses back after factual info (proven with screenshots) and requests for reasonable solutions to a rigged game. I didn't bother responding back.....kinda gave up on this game. The ONLY reason it's still on my phone is because the Facebook sign-in is broken, so I can't back up my save at the moment.
  4. RSA586

    RSA586 Active Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    Funny that even the crappier free to play games will at least give SOME sort of compensation for server errors. Servers crapped out the other day causing the event to end prematurely, and then they restarted the event with no formal apology or compensation. Starting to lose hope on this one, Alejandro if you're still present here on the boards, are there any update plans in the near future to fix all of the issues and bugs that have been mentioned on the boards here?
  5. Alejandro_Gameloft

    Alejandro_Gameloft Active Member

    Sep 8, 2014
    I'll try to find out when is the 4-star character nectar going to be available. It will show up eventually.

    The wheel actually shows rewards you can get from that orb. It's not meant to fool you, at all. You can definitely win those items from those orbs. Otherwise, what would be the point of showing them? :)

    Well, as I said before in this thread, 3 and 4-star heroes aren't definitely meant to be easy/fast to come by. Sure, you may get lucky and get one now, but most players won't. However, having said that, the game (meaning, the full story campaign) is beatable with just 3-star characters. We've seen people doing it already, and that was the intention of the development team from the beginning, so, sure, it's nice to have a 4-star character, but you don't really need it to progress through the story. In any case, we're monitoring how players progress through the game and, if there's a sudden spike of difficulty that isn't intended, we'll definitely tweak it.

    Yeah, unfortunately we had some performance issues on Saturday on the game. They were fixed shortly after, but it definitely impacted the experience of quite a few players. The event is still available for a few more hours, though!

    As for the PVP mode, there are a few things I'd like to clarify. This is how it works: initially, we'll match you against opponents that we think are reasonably easy to beat for your team and skill. From there on, each victory will gradually increase the difficulty of your opposition. In other words, we look for opponents that will give your team a harder time. Eventually, especially at this stage when not that many people have super strong teams, the game may run out of opponents to pair you against. Rather than show you a message along the lines of "sorry pal, we couldn't find any opponents!", the game will create an opponent for you, so you can continue playing.

    This last bit is where the system doesn’t seem to be working as well as we’d like. For instance, you should not be matched against unplayable characters (such as Nero) and we have identified instances where the game will match you against opponents that will feel unfair (an all 4-star team when you can’t enter with 4-star characters, for instance). It's an issue the team is working on fixing, but I can't tell you exactly when it will be applied to the live game. As soon as we have more information about it, we’ll post it on our social media channels, and also here. In any case, the bottom line is that we definitely don’t want you to feel like the game is cheating to match you against unfair opposition. We’d rather make sure you have a fun time playing the game :)
  6. Special Nectar

    Jan 7, 2016

    Ok, at least you see my post.
    I'm satisfied with the answer, i wait for the special nectar event.
    Fighting with persons created by the game is hard sometimes, as you can see bellow, the event is only for 1 and 2 stars characters, but put me against 3 stars.
    I know, that was already explained, but just to show how hard is

    Attached Files:

  7. doublezz

    doublezz Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009

    ...and you can tap the information icon "i" on the right hand side conor to see this guy's statistic.
  8. kevin_park

    kevin_park Member

    Jan 12, 2016
    looks amazing !
  9. Alejandro_Gameloft

    Alejandro_Gameloft Active Member

    Sep 8, 2014
    Oh, the developers definitely know how hard it is. They were telling me that the challenge at times does look and feel unfair. For now I don't have more details on how are they going to fix it, but if there's anything I can share, I will.
  10. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    I understand the reasoning behind opponents who become progressively tougher for each consecutive win. That makes total sense, because if not, then people who started early and played the most would win the tournaments by default. Going back to what I've posted pages back, my issue lies in the AI's ability to break the rules.
    1) If the AI Character has all 3 bars of their special, it can choose to use a lvl 1 or 2 or 3 move....most often it will literally pull the lvl 1 attack back to back to back. As far as I know, human players don't get a choice as to what special they can use, other than if I have 3 bars I'll pull a lvl 3 special, 2 bars pulls a lvl 2, and 1 bar (obviously) pulls a lvl 1.
    2) I've had several instances where the AI stops me mid-combo (like after the 2nd or 3rd attack where there shouldn't be any pause in animations to allow anyone to counter) and goes through their attack, basically negating me. I've also noticed the AI has an uncanny ability to negate if I do counter their attack (if there's an actaul pause) and just pick up where it left off. So attack 1 hits, before attack 2 or 3 for instance, there's a pause long enough for me to counter and I connect, but then it just picks up in the combo where it left off, negating my counter combo.
    3) The AI always, I mean always, gets it's special off before I can. If I'm getting beat and just trying to pull a special to stop their barrage, if the AI is also trying to get the special, no matter if I've been tapping furiously on the special to pull it off, I lose 100% of the time. This one in particular is pretty infuriating because there must be a nanosecond response to trigger it before the AI.

    These are the ones I'm recalling. To be fair, I don't start to see this until the end of chapters in single player, or until the 4th or 5th win in PvP. In PvP, I get that we're going to face incrementally tougher opponents, but if I'm up against a team that has twice my team's power PLUS the AI can pull off seemingly amazing stuff that the human player can't, well, now you understand why I won't play this game until some fixes are implemented. And I am also occassionally experiencing the lag people see in PvP. My tip is to just pause the game or double tap the home button to bring up the task manager, and then tap back on the game. Either will pause the game and that should get you back on track (like if your character gets stuck in the block stance).

    And also, the dev team has to fix the Facebook sync issue. Non of my other games have this issue and it's very frustrating to not be able to back my save up somewhere besides doing a manual sync to my laptop....which I won't do every time I play this game. Thanks, and I hope you'll see that these things I'm noticing are actually occuring, and it's going to impact peoples' motivation in continuing to play this game.
  11. Special Nectar

    Jan 7, 2016

    Just a gameplay tip when fighting AI opponents. Never finish your combos, just think that way, you have 4 low hits, 2 medium hits to make a combo, the maximum combo you can pull is 5 hits consecutively.
    Stop your combo whit 4 hits ( example low, low, low, medium), draw far back em press low hit, that will restart your combo animation and the AI will star his combo from afar.
    Just have patience and use your special to link combos.
    My highest combo was 51 hits.
  12. doublezz

    doublezz Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
    #192 doublezz, Jan 13, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
    I hope they can fix the AI that doing ultra attack while there is obviously no chance of hitting me.

    And also fix the bug that AI counter attack me while I am in the middle of combo (such as AI just recovered from stun)

    Also balance the fighters. Atlas's level 2 ultra and Belus's level 1 ultra leave too much time for opponent to attack after finish.

    Prometheus too strong, he easily the get his rage fully charged and recover health.

    Achilles too weak, his power is the lowest and his 2nd attack of combo usually miss.

    At the last, fix fighter upgrade issue. It shows +-120 HP what does it mean? Can we just have a stable number tells how much health increase will be.
  13. Alejandro_Gameloft

    Alejandro_Gameloft Active Member

    Sep 8, 2014
    Hey everyone, I thought I'd drop by to let you know that we've made a few changes to the story mode based on the feedback we've received and what we've seen in the game ourselves.

    In a nutshell, the story mode is turning out to be harder than we anticipated, so we have reduced the difficulty of most fights. Additionally, we've also added a new reward for completing Act 1. Before you'd only get a guaranteed 3-star character sphere if you completed Act 1 to 100%, now, you will also get one just for finishing the Act.

    If you're already past Act 1, you'll get a new message when you log into the game to allow you to receive your 3-star character!
  14. Special Nectar

    Jan 7, 2016
    Please, make a Special Nectar Event, know have 2 character that i cant rank up...in latest pvp event i fight a AI with 4700 points and my most powerfull char had only 1767 points.
  15. Special Nectar

    Jan 7, 2016
    Sorry, was 4200...
  16. Hend

    Hend Member

    Jan 4, 2016
    yeah i agree
    i also have 4 stars character and it's stuck at rank 2
  17. Winzzz

    Winzzz Member

    Jul 8, 2014
    that explains why i got free 3* sphere yesterday

    just finished act 2 that nero guy pretty awsome.would he will be available as a playable char in the future ?
  18. pals94

    pals94 Member

    Jul 13, 2012
    The difficulty reduction updates and the 3* sphere aren't made available in the windows version of the game yet. Is it working in iOS and android can anyone confirm?
  19. doublezz

    doublezz Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
    I have stopped playing this game and I'm playing another similar free to play game "Bleach"

    That is same concept that ask people to try luck with winning 5 star fighters and need energy to progress, but that one is generous to us and offers more things to do even running out of energy.

    Comparing with Bleach, this Gods of Rome is such a tight a$$, and you call it "keep us engaged"
  20. Winzzz

    Winzzz Member

    Jul 8, 2014
    cant confirm bout the difficulty reduction maybe it does or maybe i just dont notice the difference.but i can confirm the 3* sphere i got it a couple days ago.im on ios

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