Ooooh, forgot one thing. Just how awesome is this game? Within the first 10 minutes of playing, you'll come across like half a dozen enemy types.
WHAT? DAMN! I thought I could get this for free!!! Grrrr.... these devs really rob me. Paid games - that's sooooo anachronistic. I hope it has at least a ton of replayability for my buck. ;-P ... just kidding.
I only read the text where it says "compatible with iPad, iPhone" etc. where it doesn't use the word universal. Thats my mistake, of course - I was only commenting to say where I understood why the previous poster was asking. I wasn't being picky. And I certainly wasn't complaining, as Sivad was implying. It's not out in my region yet, and I was counting on and hoping it was universal, and was going to buy this game even if it was four times the price.
One thing that's worth checking before asking and getting twenty similar responses is the thread title on the main forum page - it'll have the little + symbol if it's Universal. Assuming I haven't made a mistake that is, which is not at all unheard of lol. You can also click the link and it'll open the Appstore page in your browser where it's very easy to check. Not aiming this at anyone in particular, it's just useful to know I guess. OT: I am dying to try this! The positive early impressions have me incredibly excited, as if just looking at the screenshots didn't do that in the first place!
Yeah i feel guilty that i already have this. Hope its a hit for the dev as that'll mean we'll get more levels or a sequel etc.
I really really love the colour palette! So fantastic! Looks like the game fell directly out of a SNES, just with much better resolution. This game simply looks like a love letter to the platformer genre. There seems to be a lot of heart blood in it. Nobody should be able to look at that and tell me that pixel art isn't an art form.
My gosh I haven't even heard if this one and it's become my most anticipated of the evening! All the positive reviews have me really counting the hours now!
I gotta admit this looks and sounds like an INSTA-BUY! For only $.99, that's got to be an early adopter price right? This is just screaming BUY ME YE OL' FOOL
Haha, I love you guys. I've already done the operation and have a follow-up tomorrow to check if everything's alright. Robocop, I am not. Alrighty... No more off-topic discussion folks. Finally finished off level 16 in the forest. Bloody hell, what a work-out. I love how the extra challenge makes you think about which relic and weapon combination is best for the level. It's very basic stuff, but it just makes the game THAT much better than the competition. Also, again... A dollar is too, too, too little for how great this is.
Hey M, How does it compare to Arcane Ghosts?? BTW finally beat this game a few days back really enjoyed the difficulty.".....just 24 minutes to go!
I'm waiting for this a must buy. But why the tiny price? I don't mind paying up for a good game with no IAP but 99cents is ridiculous. Devs like this must be supported.
Could not agree more. I s*uck at platform games, and I'm not the biggest fan of of pixel art. But the graphics here are so charming, cool and cute, that I will buy this game anyway. @Sanuku - Thanks for your great video.
There is no iAP in the Game. The Game has an Launch Price of 99 Cent and everyone that does like (Classic) Jump'n'Run Games and doesn`t buy the Game as soon as it does show up on their iTunes Store will regret it since the Game is really, really well done and I haven`t noticed so far any flaw in the Game that would make me regret buying it or advise someone to stay away from it.